The Passage (2019)
15 ianuarie 2019
22 ianuarie 2019
27 ianuarie 2019
5 februarie 2019
12 februarie 2019
19 februarie 2019
26 februarie 2019
5 martie 2019
12 martie 2019
12 martie 2019
Project NOAH is a a secret medical facility, where scientists are experimenting with a dangerous virus that could lead to the cure for all disease, but also carries the potential to wipe out the human race. When a young girl, Amy Bellafonte, is chosen to be a test subject, Federal Agent Brad Wolgast is the man who is tasked with bringing her to Project NOAH. Ultimately, however, Wolgast becomes her surrogate father, trying to protect her at any cost. Brad and Amys journey will force them to confront Project NOAHs lead scientists, Major Nichole Sykes and Dr. Jonas Lwar, as well as the hardened former Navy Operative Clark Richards, whom Brad trained. It likewise brings them face-to-face with a dangerous new race of beings confined within the walls of Project NOAH and death-row inmates. In seeking out any allies he can find, Brad also turns to his former wife for help. But as Project NOAHs scientists hone in on a cure that could save humanity, these new beings begin to test their own powers, inching one step closer to an escape that could lead to an unimaginable apocalypse.
Imi poate spune cineva informatii despre acest serial?
Ce fel de informatii draga mea?
Serial american, in derulare, gen: actiune, aventura, drama.fantastic, horror. Plot: un experiment esuat al guvernului american, transforma in vampiri infectiosi un grup de condamnati la moarte, o fetita orfana poate fi singura persoana capabila sa puna capat crizei ce a urmat. Actori principali: Mark-Paul Gosselaar ( Salvati de clopotel -serial 1989-1992/Zack Morris) si Saniyya Sidney. E ok Alexandra Alex Ioana? 😉
da. Multumesc! <3
Aveți idee când va fii publicat următorul episod? 🙁 chiar îmi atrage atenția ❤️
Intersant serialul, cand publicati urmatorul episod?
Cand e gata traducerea, probabil maine 😉
cand va aparea episodul 5?
A aparut astazi.
Veti pune tratucere la eoisodul 5 ??
Cand apare ep 9?
Asta asteptam cu totii,cred… scria pe un site ca pe 12 martie 2019
Va avea continuare sau ep 10 este ultimul?
Vad ca scrie serial in derulare? Pai si eisodul 11 cand apare, ca a trecut o luna..
Probabil vorbește despre sezonul 2
cand apare urmatorul sezon sau episod ?