The Lawyer – Advokaten (2018)

4.05K Views1 Comments

The Lawyer follows the dangerous descent of Swedish defence lawyer Frank Nordling (Alexander Karim) into the Copenhagen underworld. When he discovers that the firm's most important client is responsible for the murde...

Giant Lobster Hunters (2020)

2.05K Views0 Comments

Giant Lobster Hunters follows the real life dramas of six lobster boat captains over the last ten weeks of the winter rock lobster hunting season as they risk it all in search of the world's most prized seafood delic...

Salt Fat Acid Heat (2018)

2.35K Views0 Comments

Samin Nosrat, chef și scriitoare culinară, străbate lumea pentru a explora patru principii de bază pentru gătit, servind ospețe și oferind sfaturi utile în același timp.

Crazy Delicious (2020)

2.03K Views0 Comments

În acest serial-concurs, bucătari amatori îndrăzneți îi tentează pe Zeii Bucatelor cu preparate clasice reinventate și ospețe fanteziste pentru a câștiga Mărul de Aur.

Craig of the Creek (2017)

2.96K Views0 Comments

Craig and his friends, Kelsey and JP, venture out into a kid-controlled wilderness in the creek.

Perry Mason (2020)

8.15K Views0 Comments

1931, Los Angeles. Când un copil este răpit, cazul ajunge la Perry Mason (Matthew Rhys), a cărui căutare continuă a adevărului dezvăluie un oraș fracturat și poate un drum spre izbăvire pentru el.

The Tom and Jerry Show (1975)

3.10K Views0 Comments

The New Tom & Jerry Show is an animated television series produced for Saturday mornings by Hanna-Barbera Productions in association with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Television in 1975 for ABC based on the theatrical shorts...

Over Water (2018)

2.63K Views0 Comments

'Over Water' follows John Beckers who gains one last chance from his wife Marjan and their two children to get his life back on track. After a visit to rehab, John starts his new job at the freight company of his fat...

Lost Girl – Renegata (2010)

18.15K Views0 Comments

Serialul ne-o prezintă pe superba și carismatica Bo, o creatură cunoscută în folclor sub numele de succubus, despre care se știe că se hrănește cu energia oamenilor din jur, adesea cu consecințe fatale. Refuzând să ...

The Story of Egypt (2016)

3.33K Views0 Comments

It spans over 5,000 years of history that have shaped the world. It is full of spectacular sites and epic stories and an evolving society of inventors, heroes, heroines, villains, artisans and pioneers. Professor Joan...

The Boondocks (2005)

13.42K Views0 Comments

Called the fall's edgiest new show by TV Guide, Cartoon Network has committed to 15 half-hour episodes of the animated comedy, which is based on the satiric Aaron McGruder comic strip of the same name.

Tales Of Nature (2011)

1.85K Views0 Comments

This wildlife series looks at Europe's typical ecosystems - Atlantic coast, forests, farmland, mountains and Mediterranean sea bottoms.

Summer Camp Island (2020)

2.56K Views0 Comments

Oscar and Hedgehog are dropped off at a strange summer camp, full of fantastical things ranging from magical camp counselors to sticky notes that are portals to other dimensions.

Taste the Nation with Padma Lakshmi (2020)

2.71K Views0 Comments

Host Padma Lakshmi takes audiences on a journey across America, exploring the rich and diverse food culture of various immigrant groups, seeking out the people who have so heavily shaped what American food is today.

The King: Eternal Monarch (2020)

9.22K Views1 Comments

Un împărat coreean modern trece printr-un portal misterios într-o lume paralelă, unde întâlnește o polițistă îndrăzneață.

Karma (2020)

3.78K Views0 Comments

Sixteen contestants, ranging in age from 12 to 15, are taken completely off the grid to solve puzzles and overcome physical challenges, with the laws of karma setting the rules.

Floor Is Lava (2020)

2.20K Views0 Comments

Echipele concurente fac curse cu obstacole în camere inundate de lavă, sărind de pe scaune, agățându-se de perdele și balansându-se pe candelabre. Da, e pe bune.

Rhyme Time Town (2020)

2.35K Views0 Comments

Daisy și Cole, doi prieteni jucăuși, apelează la muzică și la imaginație pentru a rezolva problemele dintr-un orășel plin de personaje ale cântecelor copilăriei.

Who Killed Little Gregory? (2020)

2.89K Views0 Comments

După ce cadavrul unui băiețel ucis este găsit într-un râu, poliția își concentrează cercetările asupra amenințărilor anonime, dar personale trimise părinților.

The Head (2020)

5.36K Views2 Comments

Winter has fallen on the South Pole. The sun will soon disappear for the next six months. A small team of scientists, known as the Winterers, will remain at the Polaris VI Antarctic Research Station to continue their...

Love, Victor (2020)

4.80K Views4 Comments

"Love, Victor" follows Victor, a new student at Creekwood High School on his own journey of self-discovery, facing challenges at home, adjusting to a new city, and struggling with his sexual orientation. When it al...

Flipped (2020)

3.13K Views0 Comments

Chronically underemployed couple Jann and Cricket Melfi are self-proclaimed home renovation "experts" who are more than confident they are television's next great home design celebrity duo. The clueless pair's dreams...

Nikki Fre$h (2020)

2.09K Views0 Comments

Nicole Richie unites her passions for Mother Earth and hip hop into her eponymous alter ego, Nikki Fre$h, as she interacts with real life seekers and consciousness experts to learn ways to better service our bodies a...

Chrissy’s Court (2020)

2.77K Views0 Comments

Chrissy Teigen reigns supreme as the "judge" over small claims cases. The plaintiffs, defendants, and disputes are real, as Chrissy's mom turned "bailiff," Pepper Thai, maintains order in the courtroom.

Itaewon Class (2020)

6.15K Views0 Comments

Într-un cartier plin de viață din Seul, un fost deținut și prietenii lui luptă cu un rival puternic pentru a-și realiza visurile ambițioase de a deschide un bar.

Possessed (Bing-ui) (2019)

5.15K Views0 Comments

O clarvăzătoare se alătură cu neîncredere unui detectiv de poliție dur, dar cu suflet mare, pentru a rezolva cazuri de crimă cu ajutorul abilităților ei de telepat.

The Salisbury Poisonings (2020)

2.70K Views0 Comments

The real-life mini tells the story of how ordinary people and public services reacted to the Novichok crisis as their city became the focus of an unprecedented national emergency when Sergei and Yulia Skripal were po...

The Miracle – Il Miracolo (2018)

3.43K Views0 Comments

During the incursion in a mob boss' hideout, Police finds a Virgin Mary plastic sculpture which weeps blood. There is no answer to the mystery, but the power of the enigma will make crazy the people who will get in t...

Whispers (2020)

4.67K Views0 Comments

Membrii unei familii bogate încep să descopere adevărul după moartea suspectă a capului familiei, iar secrete întunecate ies la lumină.

The Search (Historia de un crimen: La búsqueda) (2020)

3.09K Views0 Comments

O fetiță dispare dintr-o suburbie de lângă Ciudad de México, iar interesele personale ale unora dintre cei implicați îngreunează căutarea. Bazat pe fapte reale.

The Woods (2020)

4.30K Views0 Comments

Dovezile găsite pe corpul unei victime readuc în inima unui procuror speranța că sora sa dispărută acum 25 de ani ar putea fi încă în viață.

Guyane (2017)

6.63K Views1 Comments

Vincent Ogier, a twenty years old Parisian geology student, landed in Guyana for an internship at a gold mining company: Cayenor. An immoderate taste for danger will push Vincent to associate with the "godfather o...