The Ripper (2020)

2.97K Views0 Comments

For five years, between 1975 to 1980, the Yorkshire Ripper murders cast a dark shadow over the lives of women in the North of England. 13 women were dead and the police seemed incapable of catching the killer. No one...

Please Don’t Date Him (2020)

6.59K Views0 Comments

“Please Don’t Meet Him” is about a woman named Seo Ji Sung who wants to fall in love but also avoid the wrong men. In order to create the perfect love life, she creates an artificial intelligence (AI) program called ...

Awaken (2020)

4.35K Views2 Comments

While unraveling an enigmatic murder mystery, a special force leader realizes this case is related to the incident that took 28 years ago in a small town.

The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants in Space (2020)

1.85K Views0 Comments

George și Harold, elevi de clasa a patra, adoră benzile desenate și să facă farse, dar și să-l transforme pe directorul școlii într-un supererou cu chiloți.

Mystery 101 (2019)

3.94K Views0 Comments

Amy, a college professor teaching "Whodunnit" fiction and amateur sleuth, helps the police and Detective Travis solve murder mysteries.

Tiny Pretty Things (2020)

2.76K Views0 Comments

O elevă eminentă de la o școală de balet de elită este scoasă din schemă, iar înlocuitoarea ei intră într-o lume a minciunilor, trădării și competiției nemiloase.

Alice in Borderland (2020)

6.85K Views2 Comments

With his two friends, a video-game-obsessed young man finds himself in a strange version of Tokyo where they must compete in dangerous games to win.

The Surgeon’s Cut (2020)

1.93K Views0 Comments

They're philosophers, storytellers and pioneers in their fields. Four surgeons reflect on their lives and professions in this inspiring docuseries.

The Expanding Universe of Ashley Garcia

1.65K Views0 Comments

15-year-old scientist Ashley Garcia explores the great unknown of modern teendom after moving across the country to pursue a career in robotics.

Naked Attraction (2016)

8.20K Views0 Comments

Naked Attraction is a daring new dating series that starts where some good dates might end: naked. Modern dating is business. Simple decisions are influenced by countless factors: what you wear, what you do and how ...

Happily Married (2020)

2.30K Views0 Comments

Huguette and Gaétan, Serge and Micheline send their kids off for three weeks of camp. Alone with their partners, things quickly turn awkward and the façades begin to crack. Who slept with whom, who is on whose consci...

Very Scary People (2019)

3.31K Views1 Comments

A chronicle of the twisted lives of some of the most frightening, diabolical characters in recent history. Each two-hour episode traces the heinous, criminal acts of these elusive miscreants and the eventual road to ...

The Uncanny Counter (2020)

11.25K Views3 Comments

A group of supernatural demon hunters known as "Counters," each with unique abilities, disguise themselves as employees of noodle restaurant, while tracking down evil spirits that terrorize the mortal world.

Bhaag Beanie Bhaag (2020)

1.60K Views0 Comments

Facing disapproving parents, a knotty love life and her own inner critic, an aspiring comic ditches her cushy but unsatisfying life to pursue stand-up.

Your Honor (2020)

7.53K Views1 Comments

Your Honor follows the son of a respected judge who is involved in a hit and run. Soon after they are both drawn into a high-stakes game of lies, deceit and impossible choices when it comes to light that the victim ...

Wizards: Tales of Arcadia (2020)

3.63K Views0 Comments

Merlin’s apprentice joins Arcadia’s heroes on a time-bending adventure in Camelot, where conflict is brewing between the human, troll and magical worlds.

Selena: The Series (2020)

2.89K Views0 Comments

Selena, legendara cântăreață mexicano-americană, ajunge pe culmi și își vede visul de-o viață realizat, însă nu fără sacrificii din partea ei și a familiei sale.

Kings of Jo’Burg (2020)

3.38K Views0 Comments

Frații Masire conduc lumea interlopă din Johannesburg, dar un blestem de familie ce ține de supranatural și o serie încâlcită de trădări amenință să îi distrugă.

The Hardy Boys (2020)

4.09K Views0 Comments

After a family tragedy strikes, Frank Hardy, 16, and his brother Joe, 12, are forced to move from the big city to their parents' hometown of Bridgeport for the summer. Staying with their Aunt Trudy, Frank and Joe's q...

BattleBots (2015)

2.83K Views0 Comments

BattleBots promises to wow viewers with next generation robots—bigger, faster and stronger than ever before. The show will focus on the design and build of each robot, the bot builder backstories, their intense pursu...

The Holiday Movies That Made Us (2020)

1.72K Views0 Comments

Unwrap the real stories behind these iconic Christmas blockbusters, thanks to insider interviews and behind-the-scenes peeks.

Alien Worlds (2020)

9.93K Views0 Comments

Applying the laws of life on Earth to the rest of the galaxy, this series blends science fact and fiction to imagine alien life on other planets.

Ethos (Bir Baskadir) (2020)

3.39K Views1 Comments

Un grup de persoane din Istanbul transcend barierele socioculturale și stabilesc legături, în timp ce temerile și dorințele lor se întrepătrund.

Witch Hunt (Heksejakt) (2020)

3.68K Views0 Comments

Ida Waage is a dynamic woman, working as the CFO at a prestigious law firm. One day, she spots a suspicious invoice and soon traces it back to a money laundering operation linked to the firm’s biggest client, Peer Eg...

30 Monedas (30 Coins) (2020)

13.55K Views1 Comments

Părintele Vergara fuge de propriul trecut, dar Diavolul îl urmărește pentru a recupera o comoară - una dintre cele 30 de monede pentru care Iuda l-a trădat pe Iisus Hristos. A venit vremea să-l confrunte din nou și, ...

Over Christmas (2020)

2.34K Views0 Comments

Down-and-out musician Bastian battles the blues as he returns home for Christmas and encounters a series of not-so-cheery surprises.

The Fall of Anne Boleyn (2020)

2.93K Views0 Comments

Tracy Borman tells the story of the downfall of Henry VIII's second wife, charting her arrest, trial and execution.

Was It Love? (2020)

2.30K Views0 Comments

După ce în viața ei apar patru bărbați diferiți, o mamă singură, care n-a ieșit la întâlnire de ani de zile, începe să redescopere dragostea... și pe sine însăși.

Saikojiman Gwaenchanha – It’s Okay to Not Be Okay (2020)

3.42K Views0 Comments

O scriitoare antisocială își intersectează destinul cu un îngrijitor la ospiciu altruist, împreună cu care parcurge un drum extraordinar către vindecarea emoțională. tag: E nebuna, dar e-a mea

Rookie Historian Goo Hae-Ryung (2019)

5.01K Views0 Comments

La curtea dinastiei Joseon se caută femei pentru funcția de istoric, iar ocazia este perfectă pentru nonconformista Goo Hae-ryung care își începe viața de cărturar.

Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth (2016)

5.86K Views0 Comments

Set during the Silla dynasty, Sam Maekjong is the son of the fallen king and present queen regent, Jiso, but he has been kept in hiding for protection ever since he was a young boy, when his father was murdered. Over...

Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior

8.56K Views0 Comments

Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior was a short-lived American police procedural drama that aired on CBS. The show debuted in 2011 as a spin-off from the successful Criminal Minds, which had premiered in 2005. This edit...