Aranyak (2021)

1.76K Views0 Comments

După o crimă incredibilă, doi polițiști foarte diferiți analizează o rețea de suspecți, scoțând la iveală jocuri politice, interese personale și mituri străvechi.

And Just Like That… (2021)

6.12K Views0 Comments

Serialul le prezintă pe Carrie, Miranda și Charlotte în timp ce se confruntă cu trecerea de la realitatea complicată a vieții și prieteniei de la vârsta de 30 de ani, până la realitatea și mai complicată a vieții și ...

Abbott Elementary (2021)

2.38K Views0 Comments

In this workplace comedy, a group of dedicated, passionate teachers — and a slightly tone-deaf principal — are brought together in a Philadelphia public school where, despite the odds stacked against them, they are d...

You Don’t Know Me (2021)

1.88K Views1 Comments

Accused of murder, Hero shouldn’t stand a chance in court. He swears he’s innocent. But in the end, all that matters is this: do you believe him?

VOIR (2021)

2.17K Views0 Comments

O colecție de eseuri vizuale în care iubitorii de film analizează evenimentele cinematografice care i-au înfiorat, uluit, provocat și schimbat pe viață.

Coming Out Colton (2021)

1.66K Views0 Comments

Former NFL player and "Bachelor" star Colton Underwood embarks on a journey to embrace his new life as an out member of the LGBTQ community.

Coyotes (2021)

2.07K Views0 Comments

Un grup unit dintr-o tabără de vară descoperă niște diamante în pădure, declanșând o serie de evenimente nebune care le testează prietenia și le pun viețile în pericol.

Harlem (2021)

1.70K Views0 Comments

Four stylish and ambitious best girlfriends in Harlem, New York City: a rising star professor struggling to make space for her love life; a savvy tech entrepreneur always dating someone new; a no-filter singer; and a...

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Tournament of Houses (2021)

2.23K Views0 Comments

Superfans of Harry Potter are tested using their knowledge to compete for the coveted House Cup. Including a few special guests.

Money Heist: From Tokyo to Berlin (2021)

2.41K Views0 Comments

The filmmakers and actors behind "Money Heist" characters like Tokyo and the Professor talk about the emotional and artistic process of filming Money Heist.

Elves (Nisser) (2021)

2.99K Views0 Comments

O vacanță de Crăciun se transformă în coșmar pentru o adolescentă și familia sa după ce ei descoperă o amenințare străveche asupra insulei alese ca destinație.

Chasing Ghislaine (2021)

1.79K Views0 Comments

Journalist Vicky Ward delves into a story of male power and a woman allegedly willing to do anything to keep her man. Jeffrey Epstein was a conman with a taste for young girls. Ghislaine Maxwell faces charges of find...

Snackmasters Australia (2021)

1.33K Views0 Comments

A cooking contest hosted by Scott Pickett and Poh Ling Yeow, where highly awarded chefs at the top of their game, go head-to-head to perfectly replicate famous Aussie snacks. Plus, Yvie Jones journeys deep into our fo...

The Beatles: Get Back (2021)

2.47K Views0 Comments

The three-part documentary series, compiled from over 60 hours of unseen footage, captures the warmth, camaraderie, and creative genius that defined the legacy of music’s most iconic foursome. The series also include...

Klutch Academy (2021)

1.68K Views0 Comments

Six college basketball prospects prepare for their professional careers, leading up to the NBA Draft, and showcase how Rich Paul's Klutch Sports Group is more than an agency.

Light the Night (2021)

2.53K Views0 Comments

În cartierul roșu din Taipeiul anilor ‘80, femeile dintr-un popular club de noapte japonez se confruntă cu gelozie, durere, prietenie și iubire.

Dig Deeper: The Disappearance of Birgit Meier (2021)

1.80K Views0 Comments

După dispariția lui Birgit Meier în 1989, poliția face erori care afectează soluționarea cazului ani de zile. Dar fratele ei este neobosit în căutarea adevărului.

Super Crooks (2021)

1.77K Views0 Comments

Johnny Bolt recrutează o echipă pestriță de ticăloși pentru un ultim jaf. Ținta lor: un șef mafiot nemilos, care are superputeri. Ce ar putea să nu meargă bine?

School 2021 (2021)

4.40K Views0 Comments

The story of students attending a specialized high school and pursuing their own dreams rather than go off to college. It will delve into how these students learn about love, friendship, the things they like versus ...

Adult Trainee (2021)

11.08K Views2 Comments

Practice is the only way! A youthful comedy about teenagers whose physical growth came first!

Let Me Be Your Knight (2021)

2.59K Views0 Comments

A story of romance and healing between one of the world’s greatest idols who is suffering from somnambulism and the doctor who is secretly treating him. Jun’s character Yoon Tae In is an untouchable idol star who is ...

Great Escapes with Morgan Freeman (2021)

4.68K Views1 Comments

Morgan Freeman explores real-life prison breaks that have captured the attention of the public, showcasing an up close and personal view of what the prisoners are faced with in executing their break outs.

True Story (2021)

2.44K Views0 Comments

Un comedian faimos în toată lumea caută disperat o scăpare, după ce o noapte în Philadelphia împreună cu fratele său amenință să-i saboteze mai mult decât succesul.

Hawkeye (2021)

11.93K Views0 Comments

Former Avenger Clint Barton has a seemingly simple mission: get back to his family for Christmas. Possible? Maybe with the help of Kate Bishop, a 22-year-old archer with dreams of becoming a superhero. The two are fo...

Reasonable Doubt: A Tale of Two Kidnappings (2021)

1.61K Views0 Comments

Un accident ușor care duce la o răpire îl motivează pe documentaristul Roberto Hernández să dea în vileag problemele grave ale sistemului de justiție din Mexic.

The Freak Brothers (2021)

1.55K Views0 Comments

In 1969, life in San Francisco consists of free love, communal living and political protest. Freewheelin' Franklin Freek (Harrelson), Fat Freddy Freekowtski (Goodman), Phineas T. Phreakers (Davidson) and their mischi...

Annika (2021)

2.75K Views0 Comments

Annika follows the sharp, witty and enigmatic DI Annika Strandhed as she heads up a new specialist Marine Homicide Unit (MHU) that is tasked with investigating the unexplained, brutal, and seemingly unfathomable murd...

Reflection of You (2021)

2.49K Views0 Comments

Viața fabuloasă a unei pictorițe de succes începe să se destrame când o fostă prietenă cu un viitor promițător revine în peisaj, însă e doar o umbră din ce a fost.

Hellbound (2021)

7.81K Views1 Comments

Unearthly beings deliver bloody condemnations, sending individuals to hell and giving rise to a religious group founded on the idea of divine justice. People hear predictions on when they will die. When that time com...

Cowboy Bebop (2021)

2.97K Views1 Comments

Stilați, dar mereu fără bani, vânătorii de recompense Spike, Jet și Faye străbat sistemul solar în căutare de misiuni. Vor putea trece peste trecutul lui Spike?

The Line (2021)

3.95K Views0 Comments

In covert modern warfare, the line between right and wrong has blurred. This docuseries examines the moral ambiguities of war as embodied by the 2018 case in which a U.S. Navy SEAL platoon accused its chief, Eddie Ga...

Harriet the Spy (2021)

1.56K Views0 Comments

Outspoken and perpetually curious. That’s 11-year-old Harriet in a nutshell. But if she’s going to be Harriet M. Welsch, future writer, she’ll need to know everything. And to know everything means she’ll need to spy…...