Sezonul 2 Episodul 6
Ultimele Episoade Adaugate
Moonhaven (2022)
4.72K Views0 Comments
Moonhaven focuses on Bella Sway, a lunar cargo pilot and smuggler 100 years in the future who finds herself accused of a crime and marooned on Moonhaven, a utopian community set on a 500 square mile Garden of Eden bu...
King of Stonks (2022)
885 Views0 Comments
Disperat să aibă faimă în afaceri, un geniu al finanțelor extrem de ambițios minte, înșală și complotează pentru a-și propulsa spre succes noua companie deloc originală.
Maggie (2022)
1.05K Views0 Comments
Based on the short film of the same name, by Tim Curcio, Maggie follows a young woman trying to cope with life as a psychic. Maggie regularly sees the fate of her friends, parents, clients, and random strangers on th...
Becoming Witch (2022)
1.59K Views0 Comments
Three female friends, who come from totally different backgrounds, encounter enemies that they want to kill.
Murder in the Alps (2022)
1.78K Views0 Comments
The true crime tale of the killing of a British family in the French Alps. Ten years on and still unsolved, was it a crime of passion, family feud or political hit? Will the truth ever come out?
Anna (2022)
2.27K Views0 Comments
Yoo Mi is the woman who tells a small lie and ends up living someone else’s life. Hyun Joo is a woman who lives her life holding herself above everyone, treating them with neither kindness nor malice. She has a subtl...
The Undeclared War (2022)
2.59K Views0 Comments
In the post-pandemic world of 2024 during an upcoming British general election involving the UK’s first Black Conservative prime minister, a leading team of analysts at the heart of the UK’s NSA-style spy agency GCHQ...
Pirate Gold of Adak Island (2022)
1.47K Views0 Comments
Va reuși această echipă de experți să descopere legendara comoară a piraților? Iată un serial documentar despre goana după aurul din sălbăticia vitregă a Alaskăi.
Rich & Shameless (2022)
1.14K Views0 Comments
The true stories of the successes, failures, thrills and miseries that accompany the kind of wealth that ordinary people can never understand. Using a combination of powerful interviews, unique archive and atmospheri...
Question Team (2021)
903 Views0 Comments
Question Team sets out to re-write the panel show rulebook by making its players set the questions. In every episode, Richard invites three comedians to join his Question Team. In a brazen act of indolence, Richar...
Doctor Lawyer (2022)
1.40K Views0 Comments
Han Yi Han was an elite surgeon. He graduated at the top of the best medical school in South Korea and he specialized in two departments: general surgery and cardiothoracic surgery. One surgery changed his life. Han ...
Why Her? (2022)
1.48K Views0 Comments
Oh Soo Jae is a lawyer, talented enough to become the youngest partner at TK Law Firm. The law firm is widely considered as the best in South Korea. Oh Soo Jae is driven by her desire to win cases and also her self-r...
Link: Eat, Love, Kill (2022)
2.07K Views0 Comments
A fantasy mystery drama about a man and woman who share the same emotional state. Eun Gye Hoon is a chef who sets up a restaurant in the town where his twin sister went missing 20 years ago. He finds himself rando...
Insider (2022)
2.84K Views1 Comments
An action-suspense drama in which a judicial trainee who enters an infiltration investigation, struggles to win a hand that will change his fate in the prison gambling scene after falling into abyss.
EVE (2022)
1.99K Views0 Comments
Deals with the inside story of a chaebol's 2 trillion won (approximately $1.7 billion) divorce lawsuit that shocks the entire nation. Lee Ra El, who was born between a genius father and a beautiful mother, goes th...
Finding Magic Mike (2022)
1.03K Views0 Comments
Ten regular guys who have "lost their magic" are put through the paces of a Magic Mike Live bootcamp, baring their souls - and more - as they learn to perform sexy and daring dance routines with one being crowned the...
Extraordinary Attorney Woo (2022)
2.56K Views0 Comments
Geniala avocată Woo Young-woo înfruntă provocările din sala de judecată și din afara ei ca începătoare la o firmă de avocatură de top și ca femeie afectată de autism.
Kiss Sixth Sense (2022)
1.69K Views0 Comments
Hong Ye-sul, a competent account executive at an advertising company, has one secret— she can see the future when her lips come into contact with another person. When Ye-sul accidentally kisses her stern team chief C...
Dear.M (2022)
1.05K Views0 Comments
“Dear.M” will tell the story of the campus-wide search for the mysterious “M,” an individual who is mentioned in an anonymous post on a Seoyeon University online community. The realistic romance drama will follow the...
Boundless (2022)
4.55K Views0 Comments
The First Circumvalation Around the World, tracking the 1519–22 voyage initiated by Ferdinand Magellan and culminated by Juan Sebastián Elcano.
Bastard!! -Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy- (2022)
3.01K Views0 Comments
Forțele răului amenință cu aducerea la viață a diabolicei Anthrasax, Zeița Distrugerii, iar regatul Meta-llicana cere ajutor de la un vrăjitor neobișnuit.
All Star Shore (2022)
1.37K Views0 Comments
14 of the world’s biggest reality superstars from some of television’s most iconic series – “Jersey Shore,” “Love Is Blind,” “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” “Geordie Shore,” “Acapulco Shore,” “Rio Shore,” and “Bachelor in Para...
Café Minamdang (2022)
1.31K Views0 Comments
O afacere suspectă, care oferă serviciile unui presupus șaman atotștiutor, atrage atenția unei inspectoare de poliție tenace.
The Terminal List (2022)
4.35K Views0 Comments
Locotenentul comandant James Reece vrea să se răzbune în timp ce investighează forțele misterioase care au avut de-a face cu asasinarea întregului său pluton. Eliberat de constrângerile statutului său de militar, Ree...
Baymax! (2022)
1.47K Views0 Comments
“Baymax!”, animația studiourilor Walt Disney se întoarce în orașul fantastic San Fransokyo, unde simpaticul robot gonflabil, extraordinarul asistent medical personal, Baymax, face ce știe el mai bine: îi ajută pe cei...
Snowflake Mountain (2022)
989 Views0 Comments
Sunt cazuri pierdute sau au nevoie doar de disciplină cu dragoste? Zece tineri răsfățați descoperă natura fără plasa de protecție a părinților în acest serial reality.
Queen (Królowa) (2022)
859 Views0 Comments
După zeci de ani de absență, un renumit croitor parizian travestit revine în orașul natal din Polonia pentru a încerca să îndrepte lucrurile în relația cu fiica sa.
The Hidden Lives of Pets (2022)
980 Views0 Comments
Cățeluși și pisicuțe drăgălașe! Fă cunoștință cu aceste creaturi fascinante și află noile descoperiri despre simțurile și abilitățile animalelor noastre de companie.
Loot (2022)
1.36K Views0 Comments
After divorcing her husband of 20 years, Molly Novak must figure out what to do with her $87 billion settlement. She decides to reengage with her charitable foundation and reconnect with the real world—finding hersel...
Money Heist: Korea – Joint Economic Area (2022)
2.19K Views0 Comments
Niște hoți ocupă monetăria din Coreea reunificată. Cum în interior există ostatici, poliția trebuie să oprească hoții, dar și pe misteriosul personaj din spatele jafului.
Man Vs Bee (2022)
1.87K Views0 Comments
Un serial de comedie în care nătăflețul tată Trevor se războiește cu o albină într-o vilă luxoasă pe care o are în grijă, dar nu reușește decât să complice totul.
Irina Rimes: On My Way (2022)
2.57K Views0 Comments
O călătorie in care Irina Rimes rememorează momente importante din viața ei, vorbește despre versurile pe care le scrie, despre oamenii care au ajutat-o în carieră. În paralel, sunt dezvăluite detalii despre sursele ...