Bulgasal: Immortal Souls (2021)

1.78K Views0 Comments

Cursed since birth and exempt from death, a revenge-driven immortal sets out on a quest to reclaim his soul and end a 600-year-old vendetta.

Slow Horses (2022)

4.93K Views1 Comments

Această dramă de spionaj urmărește o echipă disfuncțională de agenți MI5 – și șeful lor detestabil, faimosul Jackson Lamb – în timp ce navighează printre trucurile lumii spionajului pentru a apăra Anglia de forțele r...

Odwilz (The Thaw) (2022)

1.28K Views0 Comments

Cadavrul unei tinere e descoperit în apa înghețată. Ancheta e condusă de Zawieja, o polițistă care nu renunță niciodată. În scurt timp, devine evident că femeia ucisă a născut cu puțin timp înainte de moarte. Dar und...

The Last Bus (2022)

1.05K Views0 Comments

După ce pornesc într-o excursie cu clasa care le va schimba viața, un grup de elevi inteligenți vor să salveze omenirea de o armată de drone violente.

The Invisible Pilot (2022)

1.02K Views0 Comments

Povestea nespusă a lui Gary Betzner, un tip liniștit, stâlp al comunității, care și-a înscenat moartea, și-a schimbat numele, a fost recrutat de CIA și a devenit informatorul care a dat în vileag scandalul lui Reagan...

Blockbuster (2022)

713 Views0 Comments

La ultimul Blockbuster rămas, un manager muncitor încearcă să-și țină deschis magazinul de videocasete și angajații mulțumiți, înfruntând concurența și trăirile complexe.

Mental Coach Jegal (2022)

1.08K Views0 Comments

Jegal Gil (Jung Woo) was a member of the national taekwondo team, but he caused an unprecedented trouble that led to his ban from the team. Now, Jegal Gil enters the athlete's village for the national team as a a men...

The Twelve (AU) (2022)

1.38K Views0 Comments

Behind the facade of their anonymity of jury duty twelve ordinary people bring with them their own histories. Lives that are as complex as the trial, full of fractured dreams, shameful secrets, hope, fears, personal ...

Summer Love (2022)

976 Views0 Comments

Summer Love is an anthology series which sees eight very different sets of people rent the same beachside holiday house. Eight different writing teams bring eight different stories to life, each connected through the...

It’s Fine, I’m Fine (2022)

738 Views0 Comments

Follows a suburban Australian psychologist and the ups and downs of her patients as they explore love, loss, anxiety, obsession and the uncertain future ahead. It celebrates the mess and melancholy of life with eleme...

May I Help You (2022)

1.90K Views0 Comments

Tells the story of Butler Kim, who runs errands that begin at a cost of 100 won per job, and funeral director Baek Dong Joo, who grants the wishes of the dead, as they operate an errand-running business called Ildang...

Killer Sally (2022)

774 Views0 Comments

Căsnicia dificilă a unui cuplu de culturiști și crima de Ziua Îndrăgostiților care i-a pus capăt, conturate prin interviuri cu prietenii, familia și Sally McNeil însăși.

The Final Score (2022)

1.80K Views0 Comments

The complicated relationship of several of the Colombian national team players with drug trafficking, one that culminated in the own goal and murder of one of the most beloved defenders in the world.

On the Job (2021)

968 Views0 Comments

Inspirat din evenimente reale din Filipine, acest serial thriller-de acțiune explorează organizațiile de asasini plătiți care recrutează pușcăriași pentru a comite asasinate în slubja celor de la putere.

Tokyo Vice (2022)

1.95K Views0 Comments

Inspirată de experiența lui Jake Adelstein, această dramă polițistă îl prezintă pe tânărul jurnalist american, pe măsură ce pătrunde în lumea subterană din Tokyo, de la sfârșitul anilor ’90, în care nimic nu este cee...

Agatha Christie’s Hjerson (2021)

917 Views0 Comments

Un serial inspirat de un personaj al Agathei Christie: Sven Hjerson, cândva celebru expert în psihologie criminalistă. O producătoare TV vrea să facă o serie polițistă cu el și cazuri reale de crimă.

Curtain Call (2022)

1.02K Views0 Comments

A drama about an elderly woman from North Korea who doesn’t have much time left to live and a theatre actor who acts as her grandson in order to fulfill her final wish.

Silence (Šutnja) (2021)

1.01K Views0 Comments

Un detectiv de poliție, un reporter și soția unui politician sunt duși în abisul teribil al traficului de minori care traversează granițele Europei de Est. Ei descoperă o rețea în jurul celor mai înalte eșaloane de ...

SAS: Rogue Heroes (2022)

4.84K Views1 Comments

The show will explore the thinking that led to the creation of a new form of combat in the deserts of North Africa during World War II. It will celebrate the glory, action and camaraderie at the heart of this story, ...

The Zone: Survival Mission (2022)

950 Views1 Comments

"THE ZONE: Survival Mission" establishes its three hosts as representatives of the human race before throwing them into eight unexpected situations where they will be challenged to survive for four hours and not give...

Adamas (2022)

1.19K Views0 Comments

Dorama will tell the story of twin brothers revealing the truth about an incident 22 years ago. Their biological father is accused of murdering their stepfather. To find the real criminal and justify the father, who ...

The Traitors AU (2022)

1.28K Views0 Comments

Trust No One. That's the theme of 10's riveting brand new series The Traitors, where deception, lies and betrayal are the name of the game, and who you trust might send you packing.

Under the Queen’s Umbrella (2022)

2.15K Views0 Comments

A spirited queen tries to rein in her rowdy sons in order to make one of them the next king of Joseon, while her competitors vie to snatch the throne.

Smother-In-Law (2022)

691 Views0 Comments

Locuind cu familia ei de la începutul pandemiei, băgăreața Isadir face tot ce-i stă în putință pentru a le perturba viața fiului ei nătăfleț și nurorii rivale.

The Garcias (2022)

757 Views0 Comments

After 15 years, the Garcia kids are grown up and now have children of their own. The new extended Garcia family travels to the beautiful Riviera Maya in Mexico, a place full of self-discovery, where they will all lea...

Bad Prosecutor (2022)

1.11K Views1 Comments

A story about a prosecutor named Jin Jung who is armed with bad manners and delinquency. He breaks down the sanctuaries created by wealth and power, and he even takes down the greedy people living in those sanctuarie...

Military Prosecutor Doberman (2022)

2.20K Views1 Comments

Do Bae-man became military prosecutor only to make more money and be successful. On the other hand, Cha Woo-in, recently joining Bae-man’s team, became one for her revenge. As these two different purposes shows, the ...

Repatriated (2022)

803 Views0 Comments

Leonel Reina is a young Latino boxer with dreams of becoming a champion. But Leonel’s dreams are derailed when he’s deported to Mexico and discovers that he was never naturalized as an American citizen. In a country ...

The Golden Spoon (2022)

1.63K Views0 Comments

Would you trade your poor but loving family for a life of riches? When Lee Seung-cheon gets his hands on a magical spoon that allows him to switch lives with his rich best friend, he thinks it's a no-brainer. But lif...

Big Mouth (2022)

2.81K Views0 Comments

The drama is about the battle faced by a lower-class lawyer who must become angrier to protect himself and his family and punish the bad guys in a world full of conspiracies and greed. Park Chang Ho works as a law...

Bargain (2022)

1.85K Views0 Comments

Based on the short film of the same name, ‘Bargain’ is a disaster thriller that unfolds when a great earthquake hits the building where ‘Ransom’ was negotiated for different reasons. The merciless struggle of human b...

Not My Fault: Mexico (2021)

936 Views1 Comments

Two years after her sister Liliana disappeared without a trace, Mariana receives painful closure when her body is finally discovered. Mariana’s pain empowers her to embark on a tireless mission to learn the truth abo...