Recipe for Farewell (2022)

876 Views0 Comments

Changwook learns to prepare a dish that he has never cooked before and decides to make it himself for his wife, who rarely eats.

Kindred (2022)

954 Views0 Comments

A young aspiring writer discovers secrets about her family's past when she finds herself mysteriously being pulled back and forth in time to a 19th century plantation.

Gudetama: An Eggcellent Adventure (2022)

921 Views0 Comments

Gudetama, oul cel leneș, pleacă fără chef în aventura vieții lui alături de Shakipiyo, un puișor proaspăt ieșit din ou, care e hotărât să-și găsească mama.

CAT (2022)

1.06K Views0 Comments

Gurnaam Singh acceptă să colaboreze cu poliția după ce fratele său este arestat într-o operațiune antidrog. Se țese un complot fatal în apropierea alegerilor.

The Forbidden Marriage (2022)

1.97K Views0 Comments

It's been 7 years since marriage has been banned! The young men and women of Joseon are prohibited from getting married! When the crown princess died, a law that bans marriage was proclaimed. And it's already been 7 ...

Dragon Age: Absolution (2022)

1.55K Views0 Comments

Într-o luptă cu miză mare, un grup de magi și hoți rebeli înfruntă o forță sinistră care este în posesia unui artefact periculos.

Goblin (2016)

2.97K Views0 Comments

Living forever can get old after a while. Kim Shin is a goblin who has immortal life as he watches over people's souls. He lives with Wang Yeo, the grim reaper who suffers from amnesia but nevertheless does his job t...

A Spy Among Friends (2022)

2.15K Views0 Comments

A Spy Among Friends follows the defection of notorious British intelligence officer and KGB double agent, Kim Philby (West), through the lens of his complex relationship with MI6 colleague and close friend, Nicholas ...

Harry & Meghan (2022)

1.55K Views0 Comments

De la începuturile relației lor la renunțarea la viața regală, Harry și Meghan își împărtășesc parcursul complicat cu propriile cuvinte în acest serial documentar.

Lookism (2022)

2.54K Views0 Comments

Într-o societate în care aspectul fizic contează, un licean proscris duce o viață dublă între cele două trupuri ale sale, aparent contrastante.

The Bad Guy (2022)

1.44K Views0 Comments

The story of Nino Scotellaro, a Sicilian public prosecutor who devoted his entire life to fighting against the mafia and is suddenly accused of being one of the very men he has always fought against. After being cond...

Unlock My Boss (2022)

1.68K Views0 Comments

At the brink of his death, the CEO and founder of an IT company's spirit gets stuck inside a smartphone and enlists the help of a young man to do favors on his behalf in exchange for 10 billion won.

Granite Harbour (2022)

1.01K Views0 Comments

Granite Harbour centres on the story of Lance Corporal Davis Lindo who arrives in Aberdeen as a new recruit to Police Scotland. Having completed his final tour with the Royal Military Police, Lindo dreams of being a ...

Big Hero 6 The Series (2017)

1.94K Views0 Comments

Picking up immediately following the events in the feature film, these are the continuing adventures and friendship of 14-year-old tech genius Hiro and his compassionate, cutting-edge robot Baymax. As the new prodigy...

Smiley (2022)

800 Views0 Comments

Doi bărbați și prietenii lor din Barcelona au parte de ezitări, obstacole și legături ratate în căutarea iubirii adevărate care le lipsește.

Connect (2022)

2.23K Views0 Comments

Dongsoo leads a solitary life, spending his time uploading music to the internet. His ordinary life is upended when he is kidnapped by an organ hunter, who takes out one of his eyes. Soon, Dongsoo is sharing the visi...

I Hate Christmas (Odio il Natale) (2022)

1.08K Views0 Comments

După ce-și minte familia că are iubit, o soră medicală singură începe să-și caute cu disperare un partener pentru Crăciun, care va sosi peste 24 de zile.

The Most Beautiful Flower (2022)

669 Views0 Comments

Sexoasa, creața și încrezătoarea Mich știe că este fabuloasă. Acum, trebuie doar să-i convingă și pe cei din liceul ei, Xochimilco.

Blackout: Tomorrow is Too Late (2021)

1.88K Views0 Comments

On a cold November evening, a fatal chain reaction is triggered in the European power grid: Power plants shut down everywhere, elevators get stuck, trains stop - an entire continent disappears into the darkness. As t...

Who Killed Jenni Rivera? (2022)

808 Views0 Comments

A celebration of the life and an exploration of the mysterious death of award-winning Latin superstar Jenni Rivera. Through intimate footage and interviews delving into the still undetermined causes of the horrific 2...

The Brave Ones (2022)

1.14K Views0 Comments

O zeiță atotputernică, reîncarnată ca tânără femeie trebuie să-și folosească puterile divine pentru a răzbuna moartea surorii sale și pentru a-și proteja familia.

The Ex-Wife (2022)

2.79K Views0 Comments

Tasha is living the dream, she has the perfect house, a loving husband and a beautiful little girl. But there's one large blot on Tasha's marital landscape: her husbands's ex-wife won't leave them alone and seems int...

The Villains of Valley View (2022)

3.30K Views1 Comments

The series centers on teenage Havoc, who stands up against the leader of all villains, forcing her entire family to change their identities and relocate to a Texas suburb where she now goes by the name Amy. With the ...

Parasyte -the maxim- (2014)

2.55K Views0 Comments

A species of parasitic aliens descends on Earth and quickly infiltrates humanity by entering the brains of vulnerable targets; insatiable beings that gain total control of their host and are capable of transforming t...

The Creature Cases (2022)

934 Views0 Comments

Agenții speciali Sam și Kit călătoresc în jurul lumii și rezolvă mistere folosindu-și calitățile de detectivi, cunoștințele științifice și gadgeturile sofisticate.

Romesh Ranganathan: The Cynic (2022)

605 Views0 Comments

Revenind acasă la Crawley, în Anglia, Romesh Ranganathan glumește despre veganism și copii, explicând și procesul de producție al programului său special de comedie.

George & Tammy (2022)

1.44K Views0 Comments

A chronicle of the country music power couple George Jones and Tammy Wynette, whose complicated-but-enduring relationship inspired some of the most iconic music of all time.

Crime Scene: The Texas Killing Fields (2022)

1.24K Views0 Comments

Un câmp năpădit și o bucată de autostradă fac legătura între mai multe crime înfiorătoare care se întind pe zeci de ani, iar familiile îndurerate caută răspunsuri.

Weak Hero Class 1 (2022)

6.42K Views0 Comments

A model student makes friends for the first time. Their friendship grows while confronting school violence. tags: Yakanyeongung

Three Pines (2022)

1.47K Views0 Comments

Chief Inspector Armand Gamache and his team investigate a series of perplexing murders, in the seemingly idyllic village of Three Pines and uncover the buried secrets of its eccentric residents. In the process, Gamac...

Hush (2022)

866 Views0 Comments

Dr. Logan has built a successful practice discreetly catering to the between-the-sheets lives of her rich and famous clientele and publishing the definitive works on modern relationships and sexuality. With an A-list...

Wicked City (2022)

1.73K Views0 Comments

Wicked City follows five urban witches who push their supernatural powers to new heights after uncovering dark secrets and accidentally entering the world of the forbidden. While living their best life in Atlanta, fo...