Sezonul 2 Episodul 6
Ultimele Episoade Adaugate
The Last of Us (2023)
16.22K Views0 Comments
După ce o pandemie globală distruge civilizația, un supraviețuitor dur are grijă de o fată de 14 ani care ar putea fi ultima speranță a omenirii.
America Express
3.74K Views0 Comments
Show-ul cuprinde un grup de vedete și persoane normale împărțite în cupluri de doi concurenți care se luptă pe un traseu lung de aproape 4.000 km pentru a ajunge la o anume destinație într-o călătorie împărțită pe ma...
Souls (2022)
1.87K Views0 Comments
In Stockholm, pregnant pathologist Allie tries everything to prevent her beloved husband and pilot Leo from flying. In Berlin, 25-year-old Linn joins a cult whose members, for a variety of reasons, desperately want t...
Below (Nede) (2022)
875 Views0 Comments
A young woman whose life is turned upside down by a traffic accident that kills her best friend and leaves her paralyzed from the waist down.
Kubo Won’t Let Me Be Invisible (2023)
1.20K Views0 Comments
Liceanul Junta Shiraishi are un singur scop simplu: să trăiască o tinerețe frumoasă. Totuși, împlinirea acestuia pare să fie mai grea decât se aștepta, fiindcă nimeni nu-l observă în viața de zi cu zi. Singura căruia...
Spy Classroom / Spy Kyoushitsu (2023)
1.23K Views0 Comments
Following a devastating military conflict, countries fight their wars in the shadows. One unusual spy, Klaus, has never failed on the job despite his quirks, and he is building a team to take on an Impossible Mission...
Ladies versus Butlers! (2010)
5.10K Views0 Comments
Hino Akiharu și-a pierdut părinții când era mic și a fost adoptat de unchiul său. Nu voia să fie o povară pentru acesta, așa că a decis să se înscrie la o școală pentru servitori, liceul Hakureiryou. Totuși, aspectul...
Crash Course In Romance (2023)
5.40K Views0 Comments
O mamă cu o inimă de aur intră în lumea nemiloasă a educației private pentru fiica ei, care își dorește să participe la cursurile unui profesor de matematică renumit.
María Marta: The Country Club Crime (2022)
852 Views0 Comments
Bazat pe povestea reală a uneia dintre cele mai notorii crime din Argentina, serialul îi urmărește pe toți cei implicați în caz și pe cei care încă mai caută un răspuns la întrebarea: cine a ucis-o pe María Marta?
How I Caught My Killer (2023)
1.65K Views0 Comments
„Cum mi-am prins ucigașul” este un serial despre crime reale, care scoate în evidență poveștile adevărate ale acestor cazuri unice prin intermediul unor interviuri detaliate, a materialelor de arhivă autentice și a r...
Velma (2023)
1.84K Views0 Comments
Jinkies! This raucous reimagining of the Scooby-Doo franchise unravels the mysterious origins of Mystery, Inc. – as seen through the eyes of the gang’s beloved bespectacled detective Velma.
Trial By Fire (2023)
1.41K Views0 Comments
După incendiul de la cinematograful Uphaar, doi părinți îndurerați trebuie să facă față pierderii copiilor lor și să lupte pentru dreptate. Bazat pe evenimente reale.
I Don’t Like Driving (2022)
742 Views0 Comments
Profesorul morocănos Pablo Lopetegui învață să conducă pentru prima oară la vârsta de 40 de ani și găsește un ajutor nesperat de la una dintre studentele sale, dar și de la un instructor auto excentric. tags: No m...
The Secret Life Of Amy Bensen (2022)
2.02K Views0 Comments
After losing her entire family, Amy has spent several years on the run from unknown danger. When she meets Liam on a flight she has no idea her life is about to change, for his part Liam plans to help her whether she...
Lia – Soția Soțului Meu (2023)
3.93K Views1 Comments
Încă din primele episoade, telespectatorii i-au fost alături Liei (Ana Bodea), o tânără de doar 20 de ani, fiică de profesor, care în urma pierderii tatălui său se vede nevoită să renunţe la cel mai mare vis al ei, a...
Poong The Joseon Psychiatrist (2022)
1.06K Views0 Comments
Yoo Se-poong (Kim Min-jae), a genius doctor, who gets caught up in a royal conspiracy and gets kicked out, meets an eccentric teacher, Gye Ji-han (Kim Sang-kyung) and a widow, Seo Eun-woo (Kim Hyang-gi) of the myster...
A Superior Day (2022)
933 Views0 Comments
There is a notorious serial killer who only kills rich women called 'Rich Girl Killer.' The 4th victim was found last night, and in the morning next day, Ho-chul's daughter Soo-ah gets kidnapped. Then, the kidnapper ...
The Traitors USA (2023)
1.31K Views0 Comments
Hosted by Alan Cumming, this unscripted competition series is a nail-biting psychological adventure in which treachery and deceit are the name of the game. Twenty contestants (including reality A-listers) come togeth...
Chasing Waves (2023)
892 Views0 Comments
An docu-series exploring the unique and wonderful surf culture in Japan, highlighting the dramatic push and pull between convention and innovation. By chronicling the lives of both the trendsetters and the traditiona...
Natural Born Narco (2022)
2.03K Views0 Comments
Chronicles the origins of notorious real-life drug lord Amado Carrillo Fuentes, inspired in the acclaimed telenovela.
Son of a Critch (2022)
865 Views0 Comments
Based on the award-winning, best-selling memoir from Mark Critch. This new original comedy is the hilarious and very real story of 11-year-old Mark coming of age in St. John's, Newfoundland in the 80s. It's a heartfe...
Monstrous (2022)
1.64K Views0 Comments
A giant Buddha statue is unearthed in a small rural town. The mayor believes that it will change the town into a major tourist attraction. However, a catastrophe starts to grow. A centuries-old curse is unleashed fro...
The Ultimatum: France (2022)
1.18K Views0 Comments
Șase cupluri nehotărâte primesc un ultimatum: fie se logodesc, fie se despart. Dar înainte de a decide, vor face schimb de parteneri timp de trei săptămâni.
Boys in Blue (2023)
960 Views0 Comments
Documentary series spotlighting the North Polars high school football team - who are coached and mentored by members of the Minneapolis Police Department - as the players come of age in the aftermath of the police ki...
Koala Man (2023)
827 Views0 Comments
Koala Man follows a family patriarch who lives a not-so-secret identity as the titular hero who possesses a burning passion to snuff out petty crime and bring order the community.
Peacemaker (Rauhantekija) (2020)
985 Views0 Comments
Finnish peace negotiator Ann-Mari Sundell has recently retired from her post as a crisis response adviser in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Suddenly, she is invited by the UN mandate to lead an international confl...
Payback: Money and Power (2023)
1.59K Views0 Comments
Follows the revenge story of a group of people — including Eun-yong, a money trader — who refuse to remain silent in the face of unjust authorities and fight against a cartel conspiring with the law.
Alert: Missing Persons Unit (2023)
1.15K Views0 Comments
When police officer Nikki Parker’s son goes missing, she joins the LAPD’s Missing Person’s Unit (LAMPU) to help other people find their loved ones, even as she searches for her own. Six years later, her world is turn...
Anne Rice’s Mayfair Witches (2023)
4.21K Views0 Comments
An intuitive young neurosurgeon discovers that she is the unlikely heir to a family of witches. As she grapples with her newfound powers, she must contend with a sinister presence that has haunted her family for gene...
Woman of the Dead (2022)
1.43K Views0 Comments
Dorind să se răzbune pe cel care i-a ucis soțul, o femeie ajunge să dezvăluie cele mai urâte și mai ascunse secrete ale micii ei comunități.
Copenhagen Cowboy (2023)
914 Views0 Comments
O femeie cu abilități supranaturale misterioase e vândută pe post de talisman uman de când se știe. Acum, ea vrea să se răzbune pe cei care i-au făcut rău.
The Rig (2023)
1.79K Views0 Comments
When the crew of the Kishorn Bravo oil rig, stationed off the Scottish coast, is due to return to the mainland, a mysterious and all-enveloping fog rolls through and they find themselves cut off from all communicatio...