Accused (2023)

1.91K Views0 Comments

In this crime anthology series, viewers discover how an ordinary person got caught up in an extraordinary situation, ultimately revealing how one wrong turn leads to another, until it’s too late to turn back. Told fr...

Zootopia+ (2022)

2.56K Views0 Comments

Head back to the fast-paced mammal metropolis of Zootopia in this short-form series that dives deeper into the lives of some of the film’s most intriguing characters, including Fru Fru, the newly married arctic shrew...

This Is Luna (No Mundo da Luna) (2022)

745 Views0 Comments

After landing a job as a horoscope columnist, aspiring journalist Luna discovers an unlikely connection to her tarot deck that only further complicates her love life, friendships, and professional dreams.

Shanty Town (2023)

1.23K Views0 Comments

Un grup de curtezane încearcă să scape de un celebru traficant, dar corupția politică și legăturile de sânge fac libertatea aproape imposibilă.

Buddy Daddies (2023)

2.60K Views0 Comments

Asasinii Kazuki Kurusu și Rei Suwa o întâlnesc pe Miri, o fată care își caută tatăl în ziua de Crăciun. În mod neașteptat, Kazuki, Rei și Miri ajung să locuiască împreună. Kazuki Kurusu, un antreprenor/coordonator ...

The Chemistry of Death (2023)

2.53K Views0 Comments

It follows forensic pathologist David Hunter, who gave up his work to settle down as a doctor in the rural village of Manham. When a woman is found dead, David struggles to stay out of the investigation.

L’Ora: Ink Over Bullets (2022)

981 Views0 Comments

In October 1958, the Sicilian newspaper L’ORA coins the term “MAFIA” for the very first time to denounce the endemic organized crime in the region. Shortly thereafter, a bomb detonates in front of the editorial offic...

The Legend of Vox Machina (2022)

2.09K Views0 Comments

Sunt zurbagii, sunt rebeli, sunt niște paria deveniți mercenari. Vox Machina sunt mai interesați de bani și bere ieftină decât de protejarea regatului. Dar, când regatul e amenințat de forțe malefice, trupa de scanda...

Represent (En Place) (2023)

726 Views0 Comments

Liderul unui centru de tineret din suburbiile Parisului devine candidat la alegerile prezidențiale. Va fi Franța pregătită pentru un președinte de culoare?

Shahmaran (Şahmeran) (2023)

1.80K Views0 Comments

Ajunsă la Adana pentru o conferință, Şahsu profită de ocazie pentru a-și înfrunta bunicul înstrăinat, dar se trezește în mijlocul unei legende.

The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten (2023)

4.02K Views0 Comments

După ce a răcit pentru că și-a oferit singura umbrelă unei fete ce ședea în ploaie, Amane Fujimiya se așteaptă ca ea doar să i-o returneze. Cu toate acestea, Mahiru Shiina, „Îngerul” din școala lui Amane și din vecin...

Revenger (2023)

1.50K Views0 Comments

As master assassin Usui Yuen looks into a series of assassinations made on the grand samurai clan, the Satsuma, he encounters Kurima Raizo, member and survivor of one of the attacks. Together, they discover the true ...

That ’90s Show (2023)

990 Views0 Comments

Kitty și Red Forman întâmpină o nouă generație de adolescenți la subsol atunci când nepoata lor Leia decide să-și petreacă vara în Wisconsin.

Wong & Winchester (2023)

836 Views0 Comments

A police procedural built around a bitter ex-cop turned private investigator and a naive but ambitious newcomer.

The Family Pile (2023)

649 Views0 Comments

It is a comedic exploration of one of life's big milestones, via four sisters who have lost their parents and are packing up the family home to sell. But even in grief their messy lives go on.

Women at War (Las combatientes) (2022)

1.63K Views0 Comments

Franța, 1914. Trupele germane avansează și bărbații pleacă pe front. Patru femei au de înfruntat acasă urmările devastatoare ale războiului.

Seis Manos (2019)

1.40K Views0 Comments

Trei orfani crescuți de un maestru de arte marțiale se trezesc în miezul unui mister cu puteri demonice, carteluri de droguri, ritualuri străvechi și jertfe de sânge.

Junji Ito Maniac: Japanese Tales of the Macabre (2023)

1.30K Views0 Comments

Din mintea lui Junji Ito, maestrul horrorului manga, vine o selecție care-ți dă fiori, cu povești înfricoșătoare, șocante și bizare.

The Responder (2022)

1.68K Views0 Comments

The Responder features cop Chris, who works night shifts with his new rookie partner, Rachel. Each episode centers on a different shift, and the series is described as "wildly funny and painfully tragic." Chris is de...


8.70K Views0 Comments

Vash Fulgerătorul este un pistolar pacifist plin de viaţă, dar de ce are o recompensă de 6 milioane de dolari pe capul său? Aceasta este o enigmă pentru reporterul debutant Meryl Stryfe şi partenerul său veteran când...

Strangers Again (2023)

1.69K Views0 Comments

It follows an ex-married couple who are both lawyers that specialize in divorce. They find themselves working together as colleagues dealing with cases related to divorce and relationships. tags: Can we be strangers

Oats Studios (2017)

4.89K Views0 Comments

Regizorul Neill Blomkamp produce o serie de scurtmetraje experimentale care imaginează lumi postapocaliptice și scenarii de coșmar.

Stonehouse (2023)

761 Views0 Comments

The three-part drama follows the life and times of disgraced Labour politician John Stonehouse, a high-flying minister of Prime Minister Harold Wilson’s government vanished from the beach of a large luxury hotel in F...

Three-Body (2023)

4.12K Views0 Comments

Nanotechnology researcher Wang Miao is taken to the Joint Operations Center by police officer Shi Qiang, who's investigating the mysterious suicide of several scientists, and recruited to sneak into an organization c...

Night Court (2023)

952 Views0 Comments

Unapologetically optimistic judge Abby Stone, the daughter of the late Harry Stone, follows in her father's footsteps as she presides over the night shift of a Manhattan arraignment court and tries to bring order to ...

The Fire Hunter (Hikari no Ou) (2023)

1.18K Views0 Comments

The world after the last war of humanity. The earth is covered with black forest, and the people have been infected with a human pyrogenic pathogen that causes their bodies to burn when they approach a natural fire. ...

Between the World and Us (2022)

1.04K Views1 Comments

Tells what happened with a game that İlkin set up to test Tolga's love for her. İlkin and Sinem, who will play games with Tolga, will put him to a test. It is curious how Tolga, who will be torn between the two women...

The Way Home (2023)

2.22K Views0 Comments

When three generations of women reunite after being estranged for more than two decades, they embark on an enlightening – and surprising – journey toward healing none of them could have imagined as they learn how to ...

The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady (2023)

1.27K Views0 Comments

În ciuda presupusei incompetențe cu magia obișnuită, prințesa Anisphia sfidează așteptările aristocraților inventând „magicologia”, o teoria magică unică bazată pe amintirile din viața sa anterioară. Într-o zi, e mar...

ONIMAI: I’m Now Your Sister! (2023)

1.84K Views0 Comments

Mahiro Oyama era doar un tip normal, iubitor de jocuri erotice... până când s-a trezit într-o dimineață fiind fată! Aparent, sora sa mai mică, Mihari, o cercetătoare nebună, a încercat unul dintre noile ei experiment...

MILF Manor (2023)

3.71K Views0 Comments

From cities all across the country, eight confident and strong-minded women leave home for the chance to find love at a paradise destination.

Out Loud (A Grito Herido) (2022)

774 Views0 Comments

Five close childhood friends try to leave behind the problems that separated them for 7 years and resume an old musical dream while together they search for love, their calling and a very elusive happiness.