Guilt (2016)

2.95K Views0 Comments

When Natalie’s sister Grace becomes the prime suspect in her roommate Molly’s murder and popular target for the press and in social media, Natalie leaves her life in Boston and heads to London to defend her. With the...

Murder in the First (2014)

8.16K Views0 Comments

Serialul „Crimă cu premeditare” urmărește povestea a doi detectivi, Terry English (Taye Diggs) și Hildy Mulligan (Kathleen Robertson), care trebuie să investigheze o serie de crime bizare care au fost comise în San F...

Ray Donovan (2013)

32.06K Views0 Comments

Serialul ne duce în Los Angeles, California, unde Ray Donovan (Liev Schreiber), originar din South Boston, este un consultant profesionist pentru puternica firmă de avocatură Goldman & Drexler, reprezentând bogaţi şi...

The Get Down (2016)

3.11K Views0 Comments

In 1977 New York City, the talented and soulful youth of the South Bronx chase dreams and breakneck beats to transform music history.

Power Monkeys (2016)

2.12K Views0 Comments

Following the success of their 2015 election comedy Ballot Monkeys, Andy Hamilton and Guy Jenkin (Ballot Monkeys, Outnumbered, Drop the Dead Donkey) return to Channel 4 with a six-part satire lampooning the fictional...

The Hollow Crown (2012)

6.48K Views1 Comments

O nouă adaptare a tetralogiei istorice a lui Shakespeare împărţită în 4 piese: King Richard II, King Henry IV – Part 1, King Henry IV – Part 2 şi King Henry V. Piesele ilustrează istoria britanică de la începutul sec...

Outcast (2016)

4.08K Views0 Comments

Kyle Barnes a fost afectat de posesie inca de cand era mic. Acum, ca adult, el porneste intr-o calatorie spirituala pentru a cauta raspunsuri, dar descopera ceea ce pare sa fie sfarsitul vietii pe Pamant, asa cum o c...

Barbarians Rising (2016)

5.98K Views0 Comments

Told from the perspective of the rebel leaders, the series chronicles a wave of rebellions against absolute power by those the Roman Empire called “barbarians” – tribes they viewed as beyond the fringe of civilizatio...

The Game (2014)

3.69K Views0 Comments

„The Game” is a 1970s Cold War spy thriller set in the world of espionage. It tells the story of the invisible war fought by MI5 as it battles to protect the nation from the threats of the Cold War.

Last Chance U (2016)

3.89K Views0 Comments

In a docuseries set at one of NCAA football’s most fertile recruiting grounds, guys with red flags seek to prove their worth on the field and in class.

Van Helsing (2016)

42.34K Views7 Comments

Vanessa Helsing, the daughter of famous vampire hunter and Dracula nemesis Abraham Van Helsing is resurrected five years in the future to find out that vampires have taken over the world and that she possesses unique...

Greenleaf (2016)

10.50K Views0 Comments

The unscrupulous world of the Greenleaf family and their sprawling Memphis megachurch, dark secrets and lies

Rush Hour (2016)

3.96K Views0 Comments

The series follows Detective Carter, a radical LAPD detective, and Detective Lee, a by-the-book detective from Hong Kong, as they are forced into forming an unlikely partnership

Animal Kingdom (2016)

12.79K Views3 Comments

Serialul se centreaza asupra lui Joshua "J" Cody care se muta cu rudele sale in California de Sud dupa ce mama sa moare in urma unei supradoze de heroina.

Star-Crossed (2014)

12.83K Views2 Comments

Star-Crossed is an upcoming American science fiction romance television series created by Meredith Averill that is expected to air on The CW during the 2013–14 American television season. The series follows a romance...

Damien (2016)

5.86K Views5 Comments

Regizată de Glen Mazzara, care a produs strălucitul serial polițist The Shield, precum și mai multe sezoane ale serialului The Walking Dead, emisiunea are loc la 25 de ani după evenimentele din originalul film The Om...

The L Word (2004)

70.27K Views0 Comments

Pe parcursul a 6 sezoane, 70 de episoade în total, "The L Word" urmărește viața și poveștile de dragoste dintr-un grup de prietene lesbiane ce trăiesc în Los Angeles. Întâmplările fiecărui personaj sunt aduse, rând p...

The Living and the Dead (2016)

4.08K Views0 Comments

Somerset 1894. When a pioneering Victorian psychologist brings his vivacious young wife to live on his family’s estate, he is confronted by one disturbing case after another. Are these strange events linked merely by...

Queen of the South (2016)

69.48K Views14 Comments

Teresa flees Mexico after her drug-runner boyfriend is murdered. Settling in Spain, she looks to become the country’s reigning drug smuggler and to avenge her lover’s murder. tags: Regina sudului

Dead of Summer (2016)

5.05K Views0 Comments

Set in the late 1980s, school is out for the summer, and a sun-drenched season of firsts beckons the counselors at Camp Clearwater, a seemingly idyllic Midwestern summer camp, including first loves, first kisses – an...

The Kettering Incident (2016)

2.62K Views0 Comments

Anna Macy left Kettering when she was just 14, shortly after her best friend, Gillian Baxter mysteriously disappeared. The two girls had been playing in the forbidden forests outside Kettering when they saw strange l...

American Gothic (2016)

2.99K Views0 Comments

A prominent Boston family attempts to redefine itself in the wake of a chilling discovery that links their recently deceased patriarch to a string of murders spanning decades — amid the mounting suspicion that one of...

The Night Of (2016)

4.69K Views0 Comments

Creată de Steven Zaillian și Richard Price, „În acea noapte/The Night Of” este o miniserie în opt părți despre un caz fictiv de crimă din New York. Povestea se axează pe Naz Khan, un student adorabil și cam tocilar i...

The Secret Agent (2016)

2.26K Views0 Comments

London, 1886. Unbeknown to his loyal wife Winnie, Soho shopkeeper Verloc works as a secret agent for the Russian government. Angry that Britain harbours violent anarchists, the Russians coerce Verloc into planting a ...

Vice Principals (2016)

3.59K Views0 Comments

Creat de Danny McBride și Jody Hill (co-creatori ai serialului HBO “Eastbound & Down”), acest serial de comedie neagră spune povestea unui liceu de suburbie sudistă și a celor doi oameni care aproape că îl conduc. Mc...

Barracuda (2016)

2.28K Views0 Comments

Melbourne 1996. The Golden Age of Australian swimming is beginning and a scholarship to an exclusive boys school brings 16-year-old Danny Kelly one step closer to his ultimate goal – winning Olympic gold. Initially, ...

Childhood’s End (2015)

5.94K Views0 Comments

După o invazie extraterestră pașnica, omenirea se transformă într-o societate ideală sub îndrumarea indirectă a extratereștrilor, dar acestă utopie va avea și un preț.

Ascension (2014)

7.53K Views0 Comments

Ideea scenariului este complexa. In jur de 70 de cercetatori sustinuti de o corporatie hotarasc sa faca in anii '50 un experiment extrem de interesant. Un grup de 600 de oameni aflati la ceea de a doua generatie "ca...

Terra Nova (2011)

18.28K Views0 Comments

Anul 2149, un timp in care toata viata de pe Pamant este amenintata cu extinctia. Intr-un efort disperat pentru a salva rasa umana, oamenii de stiinta au inventat un portal care permite calatoria in timp catre Pamant...

Wicked City (2015)

3.38K Views0 Comments

Wicked City urmeaza un caz unic situat intr-o era de remarcat a istoriei Los Angeles-ului, incepand cu un caz de crima in 1982 centrat pe rock'n'roll si cocaina din Sunset Strip. Se formeaza aliante pentru a rezolva ...

World Without End (2012)

16.08K Views0 Comments

World Without End este o miniserie de televiziune bazata pe romanul cu acelasi nume scrisa de Ken Follett. World Without End succede seria The Pillars of the Earth din 2010. Intamplarile din “World Without End” se pe...

The Shannara Chronicles (2016)

19.42K Views8 Comments

Povestea are loc la sute de ani de la distrugerea civilizaţiei actuale printr-un Mare Război care a făcut nelocuibilă mare parte a planetei şi a transformat ultimii supravieţuitori în oameni, elfi, pitici, gnomi sau ...