The Orville (2017)

19.17K Views9 Comments

Set 300 years in the future, the series follows the adventures of the Orville, a not-so-top-of-the-line exploratory ship in Earth's interstellar fleet. Facing cosmic challenges from without and within, this motley c...

Game of Thrones

232.51K Views39 Comments

Urzeala Tronurilor nu este un serial de umplutură, la care te uiţi când eşti plictisit, cu ochii în telefon pentru a vedea ce filmuleţe cu pisici au mai fost uploadate pe youtube sau câte selfiuri s-au postat pe Fac...

Narcos (2015)

99.00K Views2 Comments

A chronicled look at the criminal exploits of Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar.

Teen Wolf (2011)

150.69K Views29 Comments

Scott era un tânăr obişnuit până ce o muşcătură i-a schimbat fundamental viaţa. Acum se chinuie să înţeleagă cine e şi ce ar putea să devină. Este mai mult lup decât om? Să fie invers? A devenit el doar un prădător, ...

Pretty Little Liars (2010)

35.36K Views0 Comments

Pretty Little Liars este o producţie ABC Family bazată pe seria de romane cu acelaşi nume a Sarei Shepard. Serialul urmăreşte schimbările din vieţile a patru fete – Hanna, Aria, Spencer şi Emily – după ce „liderul” g...

The Vampire Diaries (2009)

382.76K Views3 Comments

In serialul The Vampire Diaries(TVD), Elena, una dintre cele mai populare eleve din liceul în care studiază, a avut parte în urmă cu 4 luni de o mare tragedie: părinţii ei au murit într-un accident de avion. Astfel, ...

Suits (2011)

113.23K Views2 Comments

„That’s the difference between you and me: you wanna lose small, I wanna win big.” – Harvey Specter Cu o notă chiar măricică pe IMDb, aproape 5 sezoane la activ și un al șaselea care deja face cu ochiul, Suits este ...

Grey’s Anatomy (2005)

1.02M Views102 Comments

Anatomia lui Grey: Toţi avem un serial de suflet. Sau mai multe, de ce nu? Trăim fiecare episod împreună cu personajele, plângem, râdem şi ne enervăm pe scenarişti, care au o plăcere diabolică de a se juca timp de an...

Strike (2017)

8.55K Views0 Comments

The show centers on Strike (Tom Burke), a war veteran turned private detective operating out of a tiny office in London's Denmark Street. Though he's wounded both physically and psychologically, Strike's unique insigh...

The Borgias (2011)

43.93K Views0 Comments

Sex. Putere. Crimă. Amin. Acest serial dramatic SHOWTIME® ce conține 9 episoade de câte o oră, e inspirat de infama familie renascentistă italiană Borgia, cea mai teribilă dinastie a lumii. Familia Borgia spune...

Borgia (2011)

29.93K Views9 Comments

Borgia este un serial TV din anul 2011, o coproducție internațională (franco-germano-ceho-austriacă), care a fost finanțată și de postul de televiziune german ZDF și cel austriac ORF. În centrul acțiunii filmului se ...

Greenhouse Academy (2017)

7.68K Views0 Comments

At a Southern California boarding school for future leaders, students in two rival houses will have to work together when an evil plot is uncovered.

Final Fantasy XIV: Dad of light (2017)

2.33K Views0 Comments

A father and son rekindle their bond through the online role-playing game Final Fantasy XIV in this live-action series based on a true story.

Skyward (2017)

4.09K Views0 Comments

Three friends host a secret underground podcast exploring paranormal sightings in their tiny town of Wildwood, Oregon. Together, Piper, Curtis and Ira try to prove the existence of aliens and can’t help but become pe...

Will vs. The Future (2017)

3.24K Views0 Comments

Middle-schooler Will Jin is visited by a time-traveling, rebel warrior named Athena. Athena shocks Will when she tells him that he grows up to destroy the world. With the help of his best friend, the less than reliab...

A Kid Called Mayonnaise (2017)

1.94K Views0 Comments

When small-town kid, Mayo Davis, moved to Los Angeles, he knew helping his mom run a motel would be exciting. What he didn’t know was how lonely he would be. So when a mysterious girl drives by on a parade float and ...

Elven (2017)

3.88K Views0 Comments

A young girl playing by "Djupelv" finds the remains of a body. The family doesn't want to get involved and calls in an anonymous tip, but the same day the girl runs away from home.

Naked SNCTM (2017)

36.19K Views0 Comments

SNCTM is the most exclusive, high-end erotic club ever. Its wealthy members enjoy black tie masquerades, private dinners, and erotic theater. Get to know SNCTM, its creator and its employees in this eye-opening series.

Valkyrien (2017)

3.57K Views0 Comments

Ravn, a respected physician, is desperately seeking a cure for his dying wife, Vilma. When the hospital stops her further treatment, Ravn continues working in secret. He is aided by the corrupt civil defence man Leif...

Disjointed (2017)

3.49K Views0 Comments

Netflix has made a 20-episode straight-to-series order for Disjointed, acquiring the pot-themed workplace comedy starring Kathy Bates from Warner Bros TV. CBS mainstay Chuck Lorre and former Daily Show head writer Dav...

The Tick (2017)

3.76K Views0 Comments

In a world where superheroes have been real for decades, an accountant with no superpowers comes to realize his city is owned by a super villain. As he struggles to uncover this conspiracy, he falls in league with a s...

The Deuce (2017)

37.36K Views0 Comments

A look at life in New York City during the 1970s and '80s when porn and prostitution were rampant in Manhattan.

Marvel’s The Defenders (2017)

5.26K Views0 Comments

An upcoming Marvel mini-series about a group of superheroes fighting together to save the world.

Marlon (2017)

3.30K Views0 Comments

Loosely inspired by the real life of star Marlon Waya, this update to the classic family comedy centers on a loving (but immature) father committed to co-parenting his two kids with his very-together ex-wife. While hi...

Gone (2017)

4.80K Views0 Comments

No shoes in the hall. No coffee in the pot. He was supposed to come in late, but when she woke that morning he was just Gone. As the day went on, her unanswered calls grew more frantic, and her unease became panic. S...

Atypical (2017)

10.41K Views0 Comments

Povestea il urmareste pe Sam (Keir Gilchrist), un pusti de 18 ani,autist, in cautare de iubire si independenta. Călătoria lui amuzantă și totuși dureroasă de auto-descoperire își înalță întreaga familie, forțându-i să...

Mr. Mercedes (2017)

9.22K Views2 Comments

Based on Stephen King's 2014 book, Mr. Mercedes follows a demented killer who taunts a retired police detective with a series of lurid letters and emails, forcing the ex-cop to undertake a private, and potentially fel...

Comrade Detective (2017)

3.30K Views0 Comments

O parodie a unui închipuit serial polițist a cărei protagonişti sunt doi milițieni din România comunistă a anilor '80. Acum 28 de ani, o relicvă a culturii pop s-a pierdut în analele timpului, acoperită de praful ...

Blue Murder: Killer Cop (2017)

1.98K Views0 Comments

A floating body, a drug deal gone wrong, and two former detectives the perpetrators. Life imprisonment is the end of Roger Rogerson’s story. The last Blue Murder ended with his expulsion in disgrace from the NSW Polic...

What Would Diplo Do? (2017)

1.90K Views0 Comments

Cannabis (2016)

3.19K Views0 Comments

Un transport uriaș de marijuana cade pradă hoților, iar consecințele sunt resimțite de traficanți de toate nivelurile, din Maroc și până în Europa.

The Guest Book (2017)

2.72K Views0 Comments

This series is based on fictitious stories Greg Garcia had been writing in the guest books of various rental cabins in an effort to freak out the next renters. Garcia will write all 10 episodes and will executive prod...