Afflicted (2018)

3.33K Views0 Comments

 Baffling symptoms. Controversial diagnoses. Costly treatments. Seven people with chronic illnesses search for answers - and relief.

Million Pound Menu (2018)

2.72K Views0 Comments

 Million Pound Menu neatly mixes two non-scripted TV staples: food and business. A cross between Dragons' Den and MasterChef, it gives aspiring restaurant owners the chance to pitch their food and business plans to ...

Disenchantment (2018)

40.42K Views6 Comments

 In Disenchantment, viewers will be whisked away to the crumbling medieval kingdom of Dreamland, where they will follow the misadventures of hard-drinking young princess Bean, her feisty elf companion Elfo, and her ...

Hang Ups (2018)

2.29K Views0 Comments

 Hang Ups is a dark comedy about Richard Pitt, a therapist at a crossroads who starts treating patients via webcam. After his regular practice collapses, Pitt's few clients present a catalog of neuroses, phobias, is...

Ponysitters Club (2018)

2.83K Views0 Comments

 O tânără pasionată de cai face echipă cu prietenii pentru a salva și reabilita animale la îndrăgita fermă a familiei sale.

Bite Club (2018)

3.52K Views0 Comments

Two detectives who survive a shark attack, join forces to hunt a serial killer that is also hunting them.

All About The Washingtons (2018)

2.49K Views0 Comments

 An autobiographical scripted family sitcom that follows Joey Washington (Rev Run aka Joseph Simmons) and his wife Justine Washington (Justine Simmons), playing fictionalized versions of themselves raising a family ...

The House of Flowers (La casa de las flores) (2018)

5.24K Views0 Comments

 A southern lawyer takes on a bullied teenage girl as his next, big client, as she enters the world of beauty pageants to exact revenge on her tormentors. O comedie neagră în care o matroană înstărită încearcă să ț...

Lodge 49 (2018)

2.47K Views0 Comments

 Lodge 49 is a modern fable set in Long Beach. It centers on Dud, a deadbeat but charming ex-surfer who joins a fraternal order hoping to reclaim the simple, happy lifestyle he lost when his father died. Through the...

Wellington Paranormal (2018)

3.64K Views0 Comments

 Wellington Paranormal follows What We Do in the Shadows' police unit members Mike Minogue and Karen O'Leary, as they hunt out ghosts, werewolves and demonic possessions.

Sideswiped (2018)

4.66K Views0 Comments

 In Sideswiped from YouTube Originals, a lifetime of saying no has left a workaholic single and miserable on her 35th birthday, causing her to plunge into the hellish world of Tinder by dating all 252 of her matches...

Farina (Cocaine Coast) (2018)

6.09K Views0 Comments

 The reconversion of fishing has left a part of the Galician(Spain) fleet on land and hundreds of owners in debt. No work. In the many fishing villages that cross the Galician(Spain) coast, the lack of income and da...

Laipeu (Life) (2018)

3.34K Views0 Comments

 La un spital universitar de top din Coreea, mocnește un conflict de idei și interese între un doctor de la Urgențe dedicat pacienților și noul manager al spitalului.

I Am a Killer (2018)

5.29K Views2 Comments

Un serial documentar în care condamnații la pedeapsa capitală pentru crimă ne relatează firul evenimentelor direct de la sursă.

Marching Orders (2018)

2.37K Views0 Comments

A top-ranked college marching band's members fight to keep their spots, memorize routines, tend to their social lives - and slay the competition.

Switched (2018)

3.22K Views0 Comments

Lumea perfectă a liceenei Ayumi se spulberă după ce Zenko, invidioasa ei colegă de clasă, reușește să-i fure trupul, iubitul și viața.

Age Before Beauty (2018)

2.11K Views0 Comments

Married to Wesley for 25 years, Bel has spent the last 18 years as a homemaker and mum to their twins, but having just waved them off to university, now has a void in her life. Enter Teddy , brother-in-law and long-ti...

(Benvinguts a la família) Welcome to the Family (2018)

2.36K Views0 Comments

Tatăl înstrăinat al unei mame singure și fără adăpost moare, așa că aceasta și a doua lui soție încearcă să-i ascundă moartea după ce află că le-a scos din testament.

Liza on Demand (2018)

4.85K Views0 Comments

The misadventures of a woman named Liza on her quest to become an "elite tasker."

The Bletchley Circle: San Francisco (2018)

3.20K Views0 Comments

Set during the thrilling social change of the mid-1950s, The Bletchley Circle: San Francisco captures the lives of four remarkable women gifted with extraordinary intelligence, breathtaking capacity for pattern recog...

Furze World Wonders (2017)

2.72K Views0 Comments

In this YouTube Red Original Series, brilliant inventor and all-around mad genius, Colin Furze, lends his creative influence to some super fans. From helping a struggling indie band achieve rock god status to getting...

In Search of (2018)

3.06K Views2 Comments

Inspired by the iconic 1970s series, In Search of will examine unexplained phenomena from all over the world. Each episode will follow Quinto as he investigates a different subject within a dynamic theme - such as al...

Pink Collar Crimes (2018)

2.56K Views0 Comments

Pink Collar Crimes is an outrageous true-crime series inspired by a growing crime wave in the country: felonious females. These are the impossible-to-believe, often absurd, true stories about the most unexpected wome...

Witches of East End (2013)

17.76K Views2 Comments

Based on Melissa de la Cruz's best-selling novel, Witches of East End centers on the adventures of a mother and her two adult daughters - both of whom unknowingly are their family's next generation of witches -- who l...

Castle Rock (2018)

8.83K Views2 Comments

Castle Rock is an anthology series that brings together the characters and themes of King's works that involve Castle Rock. If multiple seasons are made, the show centers on different groups of characters each season ...

In Defense of (2018)

2.64K Views0 Comments

The series will explore the complex relationships between controversial defendants and the attorneys who represented them-and E! News has your exclusive first look. In each hour-long standalone episode, viewers wi...

Amazing Interiors (2018)

2.57K Views0 Comments

Să-i cunoaștem pe acești proprietari excentrici ale căror locuințe aparent normale sunt pline de suprize: de la un montagnes russes în curte până la un acvariu interior.

Dark Tourist (2018)

3.06K Views0 Comments

Jurnalistul David Farrier vizitează locurile turistice neobișnuite, adesea sinistre, de pe planetă, printre care și un lac radioactiv și o pădure bântuită.

Daughters of Destiny (2017)

2.27K Views0 Comments

Cinci fete din India provenind din familii nevoiașe se înscriu la un internat care le oferă oportunități în crearea unui viitor mai bun.

Jimmy: The True Story of a True Idiot (2018)

2.17K Views1 Comments

În anii ’80, un smintit pe nume Hideaki îl întâlnește pe legendarul comic Sanma, își schimbă numele în Jimmy și devine un superstar al comediei.

Back Street Girls: Gokudolls

4.06K Views2 Comments

Un grup de 3 yakuza și-a dezamăgit șeful pentru ultima data. După ce au dat-o în bară cu o sarcină importantă, șeful lor le-a dat două opțiuni: să moară sau să plece în Thailanda pentru a-și face o intervenție de sch...

Grand Hustle (2018)

2.60K Views0 Comments

From the streets to the boardroom, T.I. wrote the book on hustling and now he's looking for the nation's next big hustler to see who will come out on top. Set in the streets of Atlanta, these contestants use the city...