Tidelands (2018)

6.85K Views1 Comments

Tidelands follows the story of a former criminal who returns home to the small fishing village of Orphelin Bay. When the body of a local fisherman washes ashore, she must uncover the town's secrets while investigating...

The Innocent Man (2018)

4.85K Views1 Comments

The Innocent Man chronicles two murders in Ada, Okla., in the 1980s and the controversial chain of events that unfolded in the wake of the crimes.

The Fix (2018)

3.77K Views0 Comments

The Fix, described as the first comedy show in the world with the stated ambition to solve the world's biggest problems through comedy. In each episode, host Jimmy Carr along with permanent team captains Katherine Rya...

Meet the Drug Lords: Inside the Real Narcos (2018)

4.78K Views0 Comments

Ex-Special Forces soldier Jason Fox used to hunt drug lords for a living. Now, he heads unarmed into the heart of Latin America's billion-dollar cartels.

Nox (2018)

4.33K Views0 Comments

When her daughter Julie disappears in the basements of Paris without leaving a trace, Catherine Suzini is convinced that she alone can find it. Former cop, retired as well as drifting, she will have to resolve to team...

Chefi la cutite (2016)

13.71K Views2 Comments

Sefi/Chefi la cuțite este un cooking show românesc, care a fost difuzat prima dată pe 7 martie 2016, de către canalul de televiziune Antena 1. Emisiunea este moderată de Gina Pistol. Juriul este format din Sorin Bonte...

No Easy Days (2018)

6.55K Views0 Comments

President Reynolds and his wife are blindsided in the middle of the night by shocking reports that their daughter has been kidnapped from a New York nightclub. The situation rapidly escalates when, following the bruta...

Dystopia (2018)

11.75K Views0 Comments

It is the year 2037. Our world is dying, slowly, from a virus that has rendered mankind infertile. Not a single child has been born in 25 years. Governments are now powerless puppets for the biggest corporations and B...

Hero Mask (2018)

5.48K Views0 Comments

Detective James Blood investigates a string of grisly crimes all involving a mysterious mask.

Dogs of Berlin (2018)

6.46K Views0 Comments

Doi polițiști anchetează uciderea unui celebru fotbalist turco-german, dar unul dintre ei are legături cu lumea interlopă, făcând din acest caz unul controversat.

The Ranch (2016)

10.97K Views0 Comments

Beau nu le dă niciun răspuns băieților în legătură cu ferma Peterson. Rooster iese la întâlnire cu Jen. Colt și Abby se ceartă pe viitorul lor.

The Hook Up Plan (2018)

6.57K Views0 Comments

Prietenele Elsei angajează în secret o escortă masculină pentru a o ajuta să-și revină după despărțirea de fostul ei iubit. Planul funcționează, și chiar prea bine.

On The Ropes (2018)

2.75K Views0 Comments

On The Ropes follows Iraqi-Australian Amirah Al Amir who has idolised her boxing world champion father Sami her entire life. Desperate to become an elite boxing trainer, Amirah must fight, not only the patriarchal bo...

Mata Hari (2017)

11.48K Views0 Comments

Paris, 1917. Mata Hari are misiunea de a-l seduce pe tanarul locotenent Rosanov, pentru a intra in posesia documentelor secrete pe care le transporta acesta. Dar lucrurile se complica neasteptat cand faimoasa spioana...

Ariana Grande: Dangerous Woman Diaries (2018)

3.88K Views0 Comments

Four-part documentary series following pop superstar Ariana Grande during her 2017 tour and through the creation of her studio album, „Sweetener.”

Death by Magic (2018)

3.40K Views0 Comments

Magicianul Drummond Money-Coutts călătorește pe tot globul, demonstrând o pasiune cu adevărat contagioasă pentru meșteșug și încercând isprăvi ce au ucis alți magicieni.

Super Drags (2018)

3.27K Views1 Comments

During the day, they work in a department store and deal with their uptight bitchy boss. By night, they tighten up their corsets and transform into the baddest SUPER DRAGS in town, ready to combat shade and rescue th...

Westside (2018)

3.90K Views0 Comments

Un serial emoționant de tip reality, având în prim-plan nouă muzicieni aspiranți care trec prin provocările și bucuriile îndeplinirii visurilor hollywoodiene.

Nightflyers (2018)

19.37K Views0 Comments

Nightflyers tells the story of the crew of The Nightflyer, the most highly advanced ship in the galaxy, that must track down and intercept an alien spacecraft before Earth and humanity as we know it is annihilated. T...

Chefi fără limite (2022)

773 Views0 Comments

Chefi fără limite, primul show TV din România care combină într-un mod spectaculos gătitul cu călătoriile și aventura, are premiera în primăvară, la Antena 1. Formatul original de adventure-cooking show ce îi aduce î...

Baby (2018)

14.04K Views2 Comments

Inspired by a true story, this series follows a group of Roman teenagers as they defy society in their search for identity and independence.

1983 (2018)

3.72K Views2 Comments

Decades after a 1983 terrorist attack, a law student and a cop uncover a conspiracy that's kept Poland as a police state and the Iron Curtain standing.

Death And Nightingales (2018)

4.19K Views0 Comments

Based on Eugene McCabe's modern Irish classic, Death and Nightingales is a riveting story of love, betrayal, deception and revenge, set in the beautiful haunting countryside of Fermanagh in 1885. A place where neighbo...

Mrs Wilson (2018)

5.44K Views4 Comments

The series will follow Alison Wilson, who believes she is happily married until her husband, Alec, dies and a woman shows up on her doorstep claiming to be the real Mrs Wilson. Alison is determined to prove the valid...

Cherif (2013)

7.93K Views1 Comments

The new eight-part series is a sequel set immediately after the events depicted in the best-selling novel by Lothar-Gunther Buchheim and Wolfgang Petersen's 1981 Oscar-nominated film. While the original exclusively fo...

Das Boot (2018)

23.50K Views5 Comments

The new eight-part series is a sequel set immediately after the events depicted in the best-selling novel by Lothar-Gunther Buchheim and Wolfgang Petersen's 1981 Oscar-nominated film. While the original exclusively fo...

Axios (2018)

3.72K Views0 Comments

Leading Axios journalists highlight the week ahead in politics, business and technology - and the big topics shaping the future. Each edition features coverage of a timely big issue, followed by documentary shorts, il...

Fugitiva (2018)

4.66K Views0 Comments

O supraviețuitoare a violenței conjugale pune la cale un plan elaborat pentru a-și apăra familia de soțul său puternic și bogat și de inamicii săi răzbunători.

Hackerville (2018)

46.01K Views37 Comments

Un atac cibernetic, ai cărui responsabili par a fi hackeri din România, afectează una dintre cele mai mari bănci din Germania. Lisa Metz (Anna Schumacher), expertă în criminalitate informatică în Frankfurt, preia anch...

How to Stay Married (2018)

2.87K Views0 Comments

Starring Pete Helliar and Lisa McCune, How to Stay Married goes behind the closed doors of a two-point four family who are stuck in a rut. Greg (Helliar) and Em (McCune) have been married for 12 years, but their relat...

Mirzapur (2018)

6.20K Views2 Comments

The iron-fisted Akhandanand Tripathi is a millionaire carpet exporter and the mafia don of Mirzapur. His son, Munna, is an unworthy, power hungry heir who will stop at nothing to inherit his father's legacy. An incide...

Pine Gap (2018)

4.00K Views0 Comments

Aussie and American employees juggle on-the-job tensions and personal relationships at a joint intelligence facility in remote Alice Springs, Northern Territory, Australia.