Sezonul 2 Episodul 6
Ultimele Episoade Adaugate
Love Alarm (2019)
7.57K Views0 Comments
Într-o lume în care o aplicație anunță oamenii dacă cineva din zonă e atras de ei, Kim Jojo prinde aripile primei iubiri și încearcă să facă față problemelor personale. The drama revolves around an unknown developer ...
Diagnosis (2019)
3.21K Views0 Comments
Într-un serial documentar bazat pe articolele ei din ziarul New York Times, dr. Lisa Sanders caută diagnostice pentru boli rare și misterioase.
Hinterland (2013)
4.95K Views0 Comments
După ce a părăsit Londra pentru peisajele rustice galeze, un detectiv cu sufletul chinuit se regăsește într-un loc cu secrete la fel de întunecate ca ale sale. The lead character, DCI Tom Mathias (Richard Harrington)...
Whitechapel (2009)
6.47K Views1 Comments
"Spooks" actor Rupert Penry-Jones stars as Joseph Chandler, a detective hunting a modern-day serial killer.
Endeavour (2013)
36.19K Views5 Comments
"Endeavour" este un serial britanic de televiziune, un prequel al seriei "Inspector Morse" din (1987). Actiunea e plasata în principal în orașul și districtul Oxford, la fel ca seria din 1987. Shaun Evans îl interpre...
Broadchurch (2013)
8.42K Views0 Comments
Când trupul micului Danny Latimer este găsit pe plaja orășelului britanic Broadchurch, toți localnicii sunt șocați de tragedie. Detectivii Alec Hardy (David Tennant) și Ellie Miller (Olivia Colman) încep să cerceteze...
Beforeigners (2019)
11.53K Views0 Comments
Beforeigners follows a new phenomenon that starts happening all over the world. Powerful flashes of light occur in the ocean, and people from the past appear. They come from three separate time periods: The Stone Ag...
Cannon Busters (2019)
4.96K Views0 Comments
Renegatul nemuritor Philly Puștanul și Cadillacul său mutant se alătură unui robot-prieten cu un optimism incurabil și pornesc în căutarea unui prinț dispărut.
45 RPM (45 Revoluciones)
2.11K Views0 Comments
Madrid, anii ’60. Producătorul muzical Guillermo Rojas deschide o casă de discuri rock ajutat de Robert, un cântăreț aspirant, și de Maribel, o producătoare isteață.
La Zona (2017)
2.98K Views0 Comments
After a nuclear accident in the north of Spain, a vast exclusion zone was set up to contain the risk of radioactive propagation. Survivors have been rehoused in a new city 50 km away from the power plant. A series of...
The Righteous Gemstones (2019)
5.85K Views0 Comments
The televangelist family comedy has Jesse Gemstone and his father Eli teaming up to play the offspring heir apparent to Eli's world famous and acerbic preaching patriarch. As Jesse Gemstone arrogantly attempts to exp...
Typewriter (2019)
5.81K Views0 Comments
Three young friends in Goa plan to search an old villa for ghosts, but when a new family, accompanied by their attractive daughter moves in, the home's buried past resurfaces in chilling ways and the amateur ghost hu...
Who Killed Garrett Phillips? (2019)
2.92K Views0 Comments
On Oct. 24, 2011, 12-year-old Garrett Phillips was murdered in his home in Potsdam, a small town in upstate New York. Police quickly zeroed in on a suspect in this unthinkable crime: Oral "Nick" Hillary, a black man ...
Another Life (2019)
16.52K Views3 Comments
Another Life centers on astronaut Niko Breckinridge who is focused on searching for alien intelligence. She leads a crew on a mission to explore the genesis of an alien artifact. As Niko and her young crew investigat...
Dark/Web (2019)
5.69K Views0 Comments
A genius programmer's mysterious disappearance leads to the reunion of old friends and the discovery that the strange stories she left behind may point to an impending technological crisis.
Four Weddings and a Funeral (2019)
4.33K Views0 Comments
Four American friends reunite for a fabulous London wedding. But after a bombshell at the altar throws their lives into turmoil, they must weather a tumultuous year of romance and heartbreak. Relationships are forged...
Basketball or Nothing (2019)
2.64K Views0 Comments
A high school boys basketball team on one of the largest indigenous reservations in America strives for glory.
La peste (The Plague)
5.60K Views0 Comments
Seville, 16th century. During a terrible plague epidemic, the corpses of several murdered people are found, as an omen of the end of the world. Seville was one of the main cities of the Western world. Known as the Gr...
La victima numero 8 (Victim Number 8)
4.99K Views0 Comments
Nimeni nu mai prezintă încredere după ce un atac terorist la Bilbao ucide șapte persoane și distruge viața unui militant islamic și a celor din preajma lui.
Luchshe chem lyudi (Better Than Us)
5.64K Views0 Comments
O familie aflată în pragul destrămării achiziționează un robot de ultimă generație pe urmele căruia se află o corporație, anchetatori criminaliști și teroriștii.
Frontera Verde (Green Frontier)
3.62K Views0 Comments
O tânără detectivă din Bogotá merge în junglă pentru a investiga uciderea a patru femei. Acolo, ea își descoperă adevărata origine, pe lângă magie și un complot malefic.
Why Women Kill (2019)
14.62K Views2 Comments
Why Women Kill details the lives of three women living in three different decades: a housewife in the '60s, a socialite in the '80s and a lawyer in 2018, each dealing with infidelity in their marriages. The series wi...
The Boys (2019)
87.01K Views8 Comments
Based on the graphic novel The Boys, which ran from 2008 to 2012, the show is set in a world where superheroes have run amok and get involved in reckless behavior, potentially jeopardizing the safety of the world. Th...
Two Sentence Horror Stories (2019)
4.22K Views0 Comments
Inspired by the viral fan fiction of two sentence horror stories, these contemporary tales of horror and haunting tap into universal primal fears, filtered through the anxieties of the most connected and racially div...
Our Boys (2019)
4.89K Views0 Comments
In the summer of 2014, three Jewish teenagers are kidnapped and murdered by Hamas militants. Israel is shocked, shaken and furious. Two days later, the burned body of a Palestinian teenager from eastern Jerusalem is ...
Florida Girls (2019)
2.80K Views0 Comments
Four girls living in Small Town, Florida re-examine their lives after their only ambitious friend moves away to follow her dreams.
Wu Assassins (2019)
12.20K Views0 Comments
În San Francisco, un bucătar ca oricare altul este ales ca ultim asasin dintr-o lungă dinastie pentru a nu lăsa misticele puteri Wu pe mâini criminale. Wu Assassins follows Kai Jin, a young Chinatown chef in present...
The Naked Director (2019)
3.16K Views0 Comments
În Japonia anilor ’80, un bărbat perseverent a transformat fiecare pas înapoi într-un salt înainte. Numele său era Toru Muranishi și a fost un pionier în domeniul său.
Sintonia (2019)
3.18K Views0 Comments
Trei adolescenți care locuiesc în aceeași favelă din São Paulo își urmează visele și rămân prieteni într-o lume a muzicii, drogurilor și religiei.
The Family (2019)
4.26K Views0 Comments
An enigmatic conservative Christian group known as the Family wields enormous influence in Washington, D.C., in pursuit of its global ambitions.
Dollar (2019)
8.89K Views0 Comments
Fără prea multă tragere de inimă, frumoasa secretară Zeina i se alătură încrezătorului Tarek în goana după o banală bancnotă care valorează un milion de dolari.
BH90210 (2019)
8.95K Views0 Comments
Having gone their separate ways since the original series ended 19 years ago, the cast of Beverly Hills, 90210 reunites when one of them suggests it's time to get a Beverly Hills, 90210 reboot up and running. But get...