Birds of Prey (2002)

11.28K Views1 Comments

Legend tells of a caped crusader, Batman, guardian of New Gotham, and his one true love, Catwoman, the queen of the criminal underworld. Their passion left behind something extraordinary, a daughter, Huntress. Half m...

Dark Money (2019)

2.65K Views0 Comments

Dark Mon£y tells the story of an ordinary British family whose young boy has been abused by a famous filmmaker in Hollywood - and their decision to accept a substantial pay out in return for their silence.

Designated Survivor: 60 Days (2019)

7.34K Views2 Comments

În urma unui atac devastator asupra Adunării Naționale din Coreea, ministrul mediului, Park Mu-jin, este nevoit să găsească o cale de a scoate Coreea din haosul rezultat. After the nation's entire leadership is kill...

I Love You, Now Die: The Commonwealth vs. Michelle Carter

2.45K Views0 Comments

Acest documentar despre o infamă sinucidere provocată de o serie de SMS-uri pune întrebări dificile despre tehnologie, sănătate mintală și despre responsabilitatea pe care cineva o poate avea în suicidul altcuiva.

The Wire (2002)

18.25K Views0 Comments

Acest serial extrem de realist se concentrează pe investigaţia poliţistă ce are loc la Baltimore într-un caz de trafic de droguri şi crimă. Set in Baltimore, this show centers around the city's inner-city drug scene...

El Pionero (2019)

2.21K Views0 Comments

Documentarul urmărește viața lui Jesús Gil, un politician spaniol, mogul al fotbalului și magnat imobiliar. Controversat, excentric și profund ireverent, Gil este unul dintre cei mai fascinanți oameni publici din ult...

From the Earth to the Moon (1998)

4.70K Views0 Comments

This twelve part HBO mini-series tells the story of the United States' space program, from its beginnings in 1961 to the final moon mission in 1972. Tom Hanks served as Executive Producer and introduced each segment.

The Unsettling (2019)

7.87K Views0 Comments

Becca, a 16-year-old girl, arrives at her new foster home located in a remote area. Her foster siblings are less than welcoming but none more so than the 11-year-old biological son of their foster parents. Becca trie...

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (2012)

17.01K Views0 Comments

Phryne Fisher is a glamorous and thoroughly modern woman of the 1920s. She sashays through the back lanes and jazz clubs of Melbourne, fighting injustice with her pearl-handled pistol and her dagger sharp wit.

Ms Fisher’s Modern Murder Mysteries (2019)

3.50K Views0 Comments

Set in Melbourne in the 1960s, Ms Fisher's MODern Murder Mysteries revolves around the personal and professional life of Peregrine Fisher, who inherits a fortune when the famous aunt she never knew goes missing over ...

Big Mouth (2017)

6.71K Views0 Comments

O comedie tăioasă creată de Nick Kroll și Andrew Goldberg, prieteni în viața reală, despre doi puști care își văd viața dată peste cap de minunile și ororile pubertății

Given (2019)

10.50K Views2 Comments

The played chord made the rusty air and both our eardrums vibrate smoothly. From that moment - our music was born.

When Hope Calls (2019)

11.33K Views2 Comments

Hallmark's first-ever streaming series, spawned from Hallmark Channel's longest running, most-watched primetime series to date, "When Calls the Heart."

Hip Hop Evolution (2016)

3.80K Views0 Comments

HIP-HOP EVOLUTION travels back to 1970s Bronx and Harlem, unveiling how hip-hop evolved from its beginnings as a New York house-party experiment, to the global phenomenon it is today, and more importantly, how it cre...

The Spy (2019)

13.07K Views0 Comments

The Spy tells the story of legendary Israeli spy Eli Cohen. Eli Cohen lived in Damascus undercover in the beginning of the '60s, spying for Israel. He managed to embed himself into Syrian high society and rise throug...

Wu-Tang: An American Saga (2019)

8.43K Views0 Comments

Wu-Tang: An American Saga is inspired by The Wu-Tang Manual and Tao of Wu, and based on the true story of the Wu-Tang Clan. Set in early '90s New York at the height of the crack cocaine epidemic, the show tracks the ...

The Gulf (2019)

4.49K Views0 Comments

A detective recovering from amnesia caused by a shocking car accident begins to suspect not everything is as it seems, following the reappearance of a young boy.

The Capture (2019)

7.20K Views0 Comments

Set in London, The Capture begins with the unjust arrest of an innocent man and soon escalates into a multi-layered conspiracy of manipulated evidence. A spy show for the modern era, it asks - in an age where visual ...

A Confession (2019)

4.98K Views0 Comments

'A Confession' tells the story of how Detective Superintendent Steve Fulcher deliberately breached police procedure and protocol to catch a killer, a decision that ultimately cost him his career and reputation.

Confess (2017)

11.37K Views3 Comments

Auburn Reed has her entire life mapped out. Her goals are in sight and there's no room for mistakes. But when she walks into a Dallas art studio in search of a job, she doesn't expect to find a deep attraction to the...

Hellier (2019)

4.50K Views0 Comments

Driven by a plea for help from a man under supernatural assault, a small crew of paranormal researchers find themselves in a dying coal town, where a series of strange coincidences leads them to a decades-old mystery...

Vis a Vis (2015)

168.77K Views3 Comments

O tânără naivă, păcălită de iubitul ei, ajunge la închisoare pentru delapidare. Ea trebuie să învețe rapid să supraviețuiască în lumea dură a deținutelor. A Spanish television drama, similar to Netflix's Orange is th...

Greyzone (2018)

7.46K Views0 Comments

When a brilliant drone engineer, Victoria, is taken hostage in her own home, a series of dangerous events are set into motion in this high octane thriller.

13 Commandments (13 Geboden)

5.05K Views0 Comments

În Belgia, un detectiv dur face echipă cu o polițistă cu probleme în goana după un justițiar inspirat de Decalog, cu înclinații spre tortura ostentativă. Inspired by the Ten Commandments, a perpetrator commits a seri...

Var Tid Ar Nu (The Restaurant) (2017)

7.98K Views1 Comments

Stockholm, ziua păcii în Europa, 1945. Un sărut spontan între doi străini, în timpul sărbătorii de la Kungsgatan, va avea consecințe majore.

The A List (2018)

4.34K Views1 Comments

Iubirea, rivalitatea și misterul se întâlnesc în această dramă supranaturală plină de suspans, când un grup de adolescenți participă la o tabără pe o insulă izolată. Set in what appears to be an idyllic summer camp, ...

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (2019)

6.49K Views0 Comments

În timp ce stăpâni dornici de putere vor să lase fără viață planeta Thra, mai mulți gelflingi curajoși se unesc pentru a-și salva lumea de întuneric. The 10-episode fantasy adventure series is a prequel to the ground...

Carnival Row (2019)

22.68K Views0 Comments

Carnival Row is a fantasy-noir set in a neo-Victorian city. Mythical creatures fleeing their war-torn homeland have gathered in the city, and tensions are simmering between citizens and the growing immigrant populati...

This Way Up (2019)

3.37K Views0 Comments

A young woman puts her life back together after suffering from a nervous breakdown.

Sanditon (2019)

62.47K Views6 Comments

Written only months before Jane Austen's death in 1817, Sanditon tells the story of the impulsive, spirited and unconventional Charlotte Heywood, played by Williams, and her spiky relationship with the charming Sidne...

On Becoming a God in Central Florida (2019)

2.63K Views0 Comments

On Becoming a God in Central Florida is a darkly comedic story about the cult of free enterprise and one woman's relentless pursuit of the American Dream in the early '90s. Recently widowed and left with nothing, min...

Rust Valley Restorers (2019)

2.82K Views0 Comments

Mike Hall, colecționar auto de modă veche, amicul său, Avery Shoaf, și fiul, Connor Hall, fac tot posibilul să restaureze mașini retro… sperând să scoată și ceva profit. A crew of car lovers at a garage in the Rocky ...