The American West (2016)

5.24K Views0 Comments

The series featuring exclusive interviews with notable names from classic Western films, chronicles the personal, little-known stories of Western legends such as Jesse James, Billy the Kid, Wyatt Earp, Crazy Horse an...

The Thorn Birds (1983)

5.03K Views0 Comments

Set primarily on Drogheda, a fictional sheep station in the Australian outback, the story focuses on three generations of the Cleary Family and spans the years 1920 to 1962.

Almost Family (2019)

3.53K Views0 Comments

An only child finds her life turned upside down when her father reveals that, over the course of his prize-winning career as a pioneering fertility doctor, he used his own sperm to conceive upwards of a hundred child...

Random Acts of Flyness (2018)

8.58K Views0 Comments

Noul serial al cineastului/artistului/muzicianului Terence Nance prezintă o privire subversivă asupra vieții americane contemporane sub forma unor scurte scene în care joacă actori tineri și consacrați.

MasterChef Romania

3.92K Views0 Comments

MasterChef România este versiunea română a competiției de gătit MasterChef. Acest show este destinat tuturor amatorilor în arta gătitului. Primul sezon a debutat pe data de 20 martie 2012 și este difuzat pe canalul P...

Vlad (2019)

27.90K Views10 Comments

Serialul Vlad spune povestea lui Adrian (Anghel Damian), tânărul care a fost închis pe nedrept în urma înscenării unui jaf. Cei care l-au trădat sunt chiar prietenii lui, Ștefan Dragomir (Andrei Araditz) și Leonard C...

World on Fire (2019)

11.05K Views0 Comments

World on Fire is a heart-stopping, multi-stranded drama telling the story of World War Two through the lives of ordinary people from all sides of this global conflict. The first series of seven episodes tells the sto...

Godfather of Harlem (2019)

24.42K Views1 Comments

Godfather of Harlem tells the true story of infamous crime boss Bumpy Johnson, who in the early 1960s returned from ten years in prison to find the neighborhood he once ruled in shambles. With the streets controlled ...

Continuum (2012)

16.85K Views0 Comments

A policewoman from the year 2077 who travels back in time to track down convicted terrorists who were able to evade their execution by traveling back to the year 2012.

Black Jesus (2014)

2.79K Views0 Comments

Black Jesus is the live-action Adult Swim series from The Boondocks creator Aaron McGruder which follows the adventures of Black Jesus.

Bard of Blood (2019)

6.89K Views0 Comments

Revenind pentru o misiune neautorizată de salvare de ostatici, la ani după o acțiune dezastruoasă în Balochistan, un fost spion indian se confruntă cu propriul trecut.

Dragons: Rescue Riders (2019)

4.06K Views0 Comments

Alături de prietenii lor dragoni, gemenii Dak și Leyla trăiesc viața din plin, salvându-i pe ceilalți, apărându-și satul Huttsgalor și distrându-se cu fiecare peripeție.

Skylines (2019)

3.30K Views0 Comments

Un producător de muzică hip-hop este aruncat în lumea violentă a crimei organizate după ce casa de discuri cu care semnează devine miezul unei afaceri letale cu droguri.

The Politician (2019)

2.89K Views0 Comments

Fiu de bani gata, Payton a știut dintotdeauna că va fi președinte. Însă, mai întâi, trebuie să supraviețuiască în cea mai periculoasă arenă politică: liceul.

Carol’s Second Act (2019)

3.03K Views0 Comments

A woman embarks on a unique second act after raising her children, getting divorced, and retiring from teaching: pursuing her dream of becoming a doctor. At age 50, Carol is a medical intern and must sink or swim wit...

Creepshow (2019)

6.19K Views0 Comments

Each episode of the anthology series will tell original fun and scary stories, and will be helmed by a different director.

Sunnyside (2019)

1.99K Views0 Comments

Former New York City Councilman Garrett Shah finds his calling when faced with six recent immigrants in need of his help and in search of the American Dream.

Perfect Harmony (2019)

2.08K Views0 Comments

When former Princeton music professor Arthur Cochran unexpectedly stumbles into choir practice at a small-town church, he finds a group of singers that are out of tune in more ways than one. Despite the ultimate clas...

Evil (2019)

15.26K Views3 Comments

Evil follows a skeptical female clinical psychologist who joins a priest-in-training and a blue-collar contractor as they investigate supposed miracles, demonic possessions, and other extraordinary occurrences. Toget...

Stumptown (2019)

5.80K Views0 Comments

Stumptown follows Dex Parios, a strong, assertive, and unapologetically sharp-witted Army veteran working as a P.I. in Portland, OR. With a complicated personal history and only herself to rely on, she solves other p...

Emergence (2019)

5.68K Views0 Comments

Emergence centers around a sheriff who takes in a young child that she finds near the site of a mysterious accident who has no memory of what has happened. The investigation draws her into a conspiracy larger than sh...

mixed-ish (2019)

3.37K Views0 Comments

In "mixed-ish," Rainbow Johnson recounts her experience growing up in a mixed-race family in the '80s and the constant dilemmas they had to face over whether to assimilate or stay true to themselves. Bow's parents Pa...

Bob Hearts Abishola (2019)

4.29K Views0 Comments

Bob Hearts Abishola is a love story about a middle-aged compression sock businessman from Detroit who unexpectedly falls for his cardiac nurse, a Nigerian immigrant, while recovering from a heart attack and sets his ...

Bluff City Law (2019)

2.62K Views0 Comments

Set up in Memphis, "the series follows the lawyers of an elite Memphis law firm that specializes in the most controversial landmark civil rights cases, led by legendary lawyer Elijah Strait and his brilliant daughter...

All Rise (2019)

5.55K Views1 Comments

A new courthouse drama that follows the chaotic, hopeful and sometimes absurd lives of its judges, prosecutors and public defenders, as they work with bailiffs, clerks and cops to get justice for the people of Los An...

Prodigal Son (2019)

12.48K Views4 Comments

"Prodigal Son," from executive producers Greg Berlanti and Sarah Schechter, follows the character of Malcolm Bright, who gift gives him the ability to know how killers think, how their minds work. Why? Back in the '9...

Vagabond (Baegabondeu)

16.41K Views7 Comments

Când nepotul îi moare într-un accident aviatic, cascadorul Cha Dal-geon vrea să afle adevărul despre ce s-a întâmplat cu ajutorul agentei secrete Go Hae-ri.

OZ – Închisoarea Federală (1997)

15.05K Views0 Comments

Oz este o inchisoare federala de maxima securitate care gazduieste o variata categorie de infractori. In cadrul acestei inchisori exista o incinta, denumita Emerald City in care prizonierii, condamnati pentru cele ma...

The Last Kids on Earth (2019)

3.63K Views1 Comments

Atunci când zombii și monștrii îi invadează orașul, un orfan descurcăreț de 13 ani face echipă cu prietenii săi pentru a putea supraviețui împreună haosului iscat.

Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress The Battle of Unato

5.48K Views2 Comments

Ikoma și Fortăreața de Fier își duc lupta pe pământurile din Unato, alăturându-se alianței pentru a-și recupera ținutul din mâna hoardei kabane.

The Unicorn (2019)

5.95K Views0 Comments

A tight-knit group of best friends and family helps Wade embrace his "new normal" in the wake of the loss of his wife one year ago. As a sometimes ill-equipped but always devoted single parent to his two adolescent d...

Criminal (2019)

7.01K Views0 Comments

În camera de interogatorii, detectivii confruntă cu suspecții și încearcă să afle adevărul, chiar dacă uneori încalcă regulile și riscă totul.