Hache (2019)

5.43K Views0 Comments

Helena câștigă inima și încrederea unui periculos lider de cartel al heroinei din Barcelona anilor ’60 și își perfecționează abilitățile necesare urcării în ierarhie.

The Devil Next Door (2019)

6.34K Views0 Comments

A Cleveland grandfather is brought to trial in Israel, accused of being the infamous Nazi death camp guard known as Ivan the Terrible.

For All Mankind (2019)

14.38K Views0 Comments

Explore an aspirational world where NASA and the space program remained a priority and a focal point of our hopes and dreams as told through the lives of NASA astronauts, engineers, and their families.

His Dark Materials (2019)

31.62K Views0 Comments

Serialul o are drept protagonistă pe Lyra, o fată curajoasă, dintr-o altă lume. Aflată în căutarea unui prieten răpit, ea descoperă un complot sinistru și încearcă să înțeleagă un fenomen misterios numit Praf. ...

The Morning Show (2019)

16.73K Views2 Comments

The Morning Show has been described as "an inside look at the lives of the people who help America wake up in the morning, exploring the unique challenges faced by the women (and men) who carry out this daily televis...

Dickinson (2019)

11.28K Views0 Comments

A 19th century period drama, which explores the world of writer Emily Dickinson as she begins her career.

Ghostwriter (2019)

5.14K Views2 Comments

When a ghost haunts a neighborhood bookstore and starts releasing fictional characters into the real world, four kids must team up to solve an exciting mystery surrounding the ghost's unfinished business.

See (2019)

248.63K Views27 Comments

See is an epic, world-building drama set in the future, when the human race has lost the sense of sight, and society has had to find new ways to interact, to build, to hunt, to survive. All of that is challenged when...

Nowhere Man (2019)

4.08K Views0 Comments

Două planuri infame care se derulează la 10 ani distanță îl au ca punct central pe un membru neînfricat al Triadei. El trebuie să evadeze pentru a salva o persoană dragă.

The Inmate (El Recluso)

16.66K Views3 Comments

Sub masca unui deținut într-o închisoare mexicană, un fost pușcaș marin se infiltrează într-o bandă suspectată de răpirea fiicei adolescente a unui judecător din SUA.

Killer Siblings (2019)

4.69K Views1 Comments

Killer Siblings tells the twisted stories of some of the most maniacal siblings in history. Through exclusive interviews and firsthand accounts, the series will delve into the evil minds of siblings who partnered tog...

Mrs. Fletcher (2019)

7.78K Views1 Comments

Eve Fletcher is a divorced woman who drops her only child off at college and returns home to a very empty nest. Hoping to jump-start her love life, she adopts a sexy new persona and discovers that her world is full o...

Seven Worlds, One Planet (2019)

4.97K Views0 Comments

Narrated by Emmy®-winner Sir David Attenborough, One Planet, Seven Worlds (w/t) is a brand new ambitious seven-part landmark nature docu-series. Each one-hour episode will transport viewers to a single continent and ...

Nailed it! Spain (2019)

3.13K Views0 Comments

"Nailed It!" cruises to Spain, where novices try to avoid a fiasco while baking stunners. La Terremoto de Alcorcón hosts alongside chef Christian Escribá.

Destination Fear (2019)

8.01K Views0 Comments

Maverick paranormal explorer Dakota Laden takes his sister, Chelsea, and best friend, Tanner, across the country in an RV to spend the night in the most haunted locations in America, testing the limits of human fear.

Boston Legal (2004)

9.49K Views0 Comments

Avocatul Alan Shore, fost angajat al Young, Berluti & Frutt, se muta la unul dintre cele mai puternice barouri de pe piata, specializat in cazuri civile. Cu putin ajutor din partea prietenului si, in acelasi timp, a ...

Brotherhood (Irmandade)

4.51K Views0 Comments

Acțiunea din „Organizația Frăției” se desfășoară la jumătatea perioadei anilor 1990 și urmărește povestea Cristinei, o avocată dedicată, care descoperă că fratele de care se îndepărtase se află în închisoare și este ...

Leavenworth (2019)

2.37K Views0 Comments

"Leavenworth" is centered on Clint Lorance, who's serving a 19-year sentence for murder at The United States Penitentiary, Leavenworth. While deployed in Afghanistan in July 2012, the former lieutenant ordered fire o...

Teen Mom: Young and Pregnant: UK

3.20K Views0 Comments

Ashley, Brianna, Jade, Kayla, and Lexi are five young women navigating the complexity of pregnancy and becoming young mothers.

The Oval (2019)

8.60K Views0 Comments

The series introduces viewers to the new first family moving into the White House. This picture-perfect couple has it all! Money, status, and pure bliss flank the Mr. & Mrs. However, behind closed doors, they are any...

Guilt (2019)

3.33K Views0 Comments

Two brothers accidentally run over and kill an old man. Despite covering their tracks, their lives start to fall apart when neighbors and relatives of the dead man begin to have doubts about the way he died.

Will & Grace

6.81K Views0 Comments

Will & Grace is a hilarious series about two best friends. The twist is that Will is gay Grace is a straight interior designer. More than friends, but less than lovers, the two share a special bond and their personal...

Drug Squad: Costa del Sol (2019)

4.15K Views0 Comments

În zona Costa del Sol a Spaniei anilor ’70, patru polițiști îndrăzneți și impulsivi formează o brigadă antidrog specială, care va combate traficul incipient de droguri.

Prank Encounters (2019)

2.54K Views0 Comments

Într-un show cu farse și camere ascunse, persoane reale trag sperieturi monumentale și ajung vedetele propriului horror cu final comic.

BoJack Horseman (2014)

3.11K Views0 Comments

Iată-l pe cel mai îndrăgit cal din sitcomurile anilor ’90, 20 de ani mai târziu. E un morocănos cu o inimă… nu de aur, dar pe aproape. Poate de aramă?

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner (2019)

2.20K Views0 Comments

Chef David Chang pornește la drum cu insațiabila sa curiozitate despre gastronomie, cultură și identitate, în compania convivială și amuzantă a celebrilor săi invitați.

Avatar: The Last Airbender

20.00K Views0 Comments

Dupa ce Natiunile Apei, Pamantului si Aerului sunt amenintate de dominatia ostila a Natiunii Focului, un baietel nonconformist si iresponsabil trebuie sa-si ia in maini destinul de a fi Avatar, Alesul, cel care poate...

Daybreak (2019)

4.97K Views0 Comments

Trăindu-și viața într-un Los Angeles post-apocaliptic, un pierde-vară se străduie să o găsească pe fata visurilor lui, în timp ce scapă de strigoi și diverse bande. Daybreak finds 17-year-old high school outcast...

House M.D. (2004)

193.26K Views3 Comments

Cine nu-l cunoaște pe dr. Gregory House, medic specializat în diagnosticări și în boli rare? E arogant, cinic, mizantrop, e un om dificil, plin de păcate, care merge greu, din cauza unei probleme la un picior, dar......

Shark Tank

8.09K Views0 Comments

Sony Pictures TV and executive producer Mark Burnett bring another business-themed reality show in which contestants pitch business ideas to major investors, aka "sharks". The show is based on the Japanese reality sh...

Watchmen (2019)

14.75K Views0 Comments

Based on the DC Comic graphic novel, Watchmen is an alternative history series following a group of costumed crimefighters investigating the murder of one of their own.

Heartland (CA)

4.36K Views0 Comments

A family deals with the ups and downs of running a ranch for abused horses that's now so deep in debt that they're one payment away from losing it all. Adapted from Lauren Brooke's best-selling novels.