A Model Family (2022)

1.15K Views0 Comments

După ce a furat fără să vrea bani de la un cartel, un profesor sărac descoperă că singura cale de a-și salva familia distrusă este să devină curier de droguri.

Lies and Deceit (Mentiras) (2020)

969 Views0 Comments

O profesoară de literatură își caută dreptatea împotriva unui chirurg despre care susține că ar fi violat-o la o întâlnire, în timp ce el neagă vehement acuzațiile.

Rudra: The Edge Of Darkness (2022)

1.22K Views0 Comments

Set in the Special Crimes Unit of the Mumbai Police, Revolving around DCP Rudraveer Singh, who is under the system’s radar despite being one of its best minds at work.

The Ipcress File (2022)

905 Views0 Comments

As the Cold War rages, ex-smuggler turned reluctant spy Harry Palmer finds himself at the centre of a dangerous undercover mission, on which he must use his links to find a missing British nuclear scientist.

The Journalist (2022)

943 Views0 Comments

The Journalist is an adaptation of the hit movie of the same name, The Journalist, released theatrically in 2019 which was a huge hit with audiences garnering a great deal of attention by confronting Japanese politic...

Umbre (Shadows) (2014)

3.81K Views0 Comments

Serialul, o dramă cu influențe de comedie neagră, spune povestea lui Relu, un taximetrist care face bani ca recuperator pentru un mafiot local. După ce omoară un om, Relu vrea să iasă din lumea interlopă, dar nu mai ...

Lawless Lawyer (2018)

2.35K Views0 Comments

Driven by the desire to avenge his mother, a former gangster turned lawyer uses both his fists and the loopholes in law to fight against those with absolute power.

Kamikaze (2021)

798 Views0 Comments

Viața lui Julie e perfectă: are o familie iubitoare, prieteni grozavi și mulți bani, dar, la scurt timp după ce împlinește 18 ani, ea primește un mesaj care îi va schimba viața pentru totdeauna.

Blind (2022)

1.59K Views0 Comments

A homicide squad detective, suspected of serial murder, searches for the real culprit.

Scarlet Hill (2022)

1.36K Views0 Comments

The story begins when Luu, a businessman in the tourism business, brings Vy, his fiancée, and baby Bao, her stepson, to Camp Hoa Do to monitor the construction of the resort. nursing. However, since arriving here, Vy...

Black (2017)

1.62K Views0 Comments

The story of a grim reaper who gets erased from the memories of the world for breaking the rules of heaven and falling in love with a mortal woman after inhabiting a human body. Black is a detective possessed by the ...

Bangkok Breaking (2021)

1.08K Views0 Comments

The six-episode series is centered around the wild world of Bangkok's road rescue services and Wanchai who is newly arrived in Bangkok and must unravel a city-wide conspiracy alongside a young, upstart journalist. Ne...

Cracow Monsters (2022)

2.61K Views0 Comments

O tânără femeie bântuită de trecut se alătură unui profesor misterios și grupului său de studenți înzestrați care investighează activități paranormale și luptă cu demoni.

Our House (2022)

1.11K Views0 Comments

Our House tells the four-part story of Fi Lawson, who arrives home one day to find a family of strangers moving into her house and her husband, Bram, has disappeared. As the nightmare takes grip, both Bram and Fi try...

Halo (2022)

30.94K Views8 Comments

Un conflict epic din secolul al 26-lea între umanitate și o amenințare extraterestră cunoscută sub numele de Covenant, seria împletește povești personale cu acțiune, aventură și o viziune plină de imaginatie asupra v...

Sanctuary (Himmelsdalen) (2019)

1.27K Views0 Comments

What could be worse than being imprisoned in a locked-down clinic where nothing is what it seems, and nobody believes you are who you say you are? How about beginning to suspect that they're right? Sanctuary is a sus...

Bulgasal: Immortal Souls (2021)

1.79K Views0 Comments

Cursed since birth and exempt from death, a revenge-driven immortal sets out on a quest to reclaim his soul and end a 600-year-old vendetta.

Slow Horses (2022)

4.94K Views1 Comments

Această dramă de spionaj urmărește o echipă disfuncțională de agenți MI5 – și șeful lor detestabil, faimosul Jackson Lamb – în timp ce navighează printre trucurile lumii spionajului pentru a apăra Anglia de forțele r...

The Twelve (AU) (2022)

1.39K Views0 Comments

Behind the facade of their anonymity of jury duty twelve ordinary people bring with them their own histories. Lives that are as complex as the trial, full of fractured dreams, shameful secrets, hope, fears, personal ...

Tokyo Vice (2022)

1.96K Views0 Comments

Inspirată de experiența lui Jake Adelstein, această dramă polițistă îl prezintă pe tânărul jurnalist american, pe măsură ce pătrunde în lumea subterană din Tokyo, de la sfârșitul anilor ’90, în care nimic nu este cee...

SAS: Rogue Heroes (2022)

4.85K Views1 Comments

The show will explore the thinking that led to the creation of a new form of combat in the deserts of North Africa during World War II. It will celebrate the glory, action and camaraderie at the heart of this story, ...

Adamas (2022)

1.19K Views0 Comments

Dorama will tell the story of twin brothers revealing the truth about an incident 22 years ago. Their biological father is accused of murdering their stepfather. To find the real criminal and justify the father, who ...

The Golden Spoon (2022)

1.63K Views0 Comments

Would you trade your poor but loving family for a life of riches? When Lee Seung-cheon gets his hands on a magical spoon that allows him to switch lives with his rich best friend, he thinks it's a no-brainer. But lif...

Big Mouth (2022)

2.82K Views0 Comments

The drama is about the battle faced by a lower-class lawyer who must become angrier to protect himself and his family and punish the bad guys in a world full of conspiracies and greed. Park Chang Ho works as a law...

Bargain (2022)

1.86K Views0 Comments

Based on the short film of the same name, ‘Bargain’ is a disaster thriller that unfolds when a great earthquake hits the building where ‘Ransom’ was negotiated for different reasons. The merciless struggle of human b...

The Marked Heart (Pálpito) (2022)

2.11K Views0 Comments

Un bărbat hotărât să se răzbune pe traficanții de organe care i-au ucis soția începe o relație cu femeia care a primit inima ei.

Harry Wild (2022)

1.16K Views1 Comments

Harriet "Harry" Wild is a retiring university literature professor who is finding herself at one of life's crossroads. Jolted from a mugging, she reluctantly agrees to recover in the home of her son, Charlie, a senio...

Why Didn’t They Ask Evans? (2022)

744 Views0 Comments

Why Didn't They Ask Evans? follows the story of Bobby Jones and his socialite friend Lady Frances Derwent, who discover a dying man while hunting for a golf ball. Their curiosity led them both into becoming amateur i...

Vampire in the Garden (2022)

1.24K Views0 Comments

Împotriva sorților, o regină-vampir și o fată își unesc forțele în căutarea „paradisului”, un loc în care oamenii și vampirii coexistă în pace.

The Devil’s Hour (2022)

1.90K Views0 Comments

Lucy is woken every night by terrifying visions at exactly 3.33am: the devil’s hour. When Lucy’s name is inexplicably connected to a string of brutal murders in the area, the answers that have evaded her all these ye...

The House Across The Street (2022)

773 Views0 Comments

Claudia, a lonely single mother and school nurse, is longing for connection. Her opportunity to be a hero comes when a young child in her community – Emily Winter – goes missing. Claudia becomes embroiled in the case ...

May It Please The Court (2022)

950 Views0 Comments

It depicts the story of Noh Chak-hee, who has to defend a murderer, falling into the biggest dilemma of her life for 3 months.