Sezonul 2 Episodul 6
Ultimele Episoade Adaugate
Continuum (2012)
16.85K Views0 Comments
A policewoman from the year 2077 who travels back in time to track down convicted terrorists who were able to evade their execution by traveling back to the year 2012.
Bard of Blood (2019)
6.89K Views0 Comments
Revenind pentru o misiune neautorizată de salvare de ostatici, la ani după o acțiune dezastruoasă în Balochistan, un fost spion indian se confruntă cu propriul trecut.
Emergence (2019)
5.69K Views0 Comments
Emergence centers around a sheriff who takes in a young child that she finds near the site of a mysterious accident who has no memory of what has happened. The investigation draws her into a conspiracy larger than sh...
OZ – Închisoarea Federală (1997)
15.06K Views0 Comments
Oz este o inchisoare federala de maxima securitate care gazduieste o variata categorie de infractori. In cadrul acestei inchisori exista o incinta, denumita Emerald City in care prizonierii, condamnati pentru cele ma...
Deep Water (2019)
4.20K Views0 Comments
Deep Water focuses on the lives of three women, living in and around the beautiful surroundings of Windermere. It's a modern look at family and the pressures we put ourselves under as we juggle busy lives. In strivin...
Temple (2019)
5.72K Views0 Comments
În urma unei tragedii personale, Daniel, un chirurg talentat, se alătură unui tânăr singuratic, dar foarte plin de resurse, pe nume Lee, pentru a deschide o clinică subterană în vasta rețea de tuneluri de sub Londra....
Top Boy (2019)
13.04K Views0 Comments
Un serial dramatic și sumbru în care doi traficanți de droguri din Londra își desfășoară afacerile profitabile într-o locuință socială din nordul orașului.
Hemlock Grove (2013)
11.30K Views0 Comments
Povestea are loc în Hemlock Grove, un oras fictiv din Pennsylvania. Orasul este un amestec de bogatie extrema si saracie lucie, ca urmare a închiderii bruste a combinatului siderurgic. Principalele surse ale orașului...
The Wire (2002)
18.26K Views0 Comments
Acest serial extrem de realist se concentrează pe investigaţia poliţistă ce are loc la Baltimore într-un caz de trafic de droguri şi crimă. Set in Baltimore, this show centers around the city's inner-city drug scene...
The Capture (2019)
7.20K Views0 Comments
Set in London, The Capture begins with the unjust arrest of an innocent man and soon escalates into a multi-layered conspiracy of manipulated evidence. A spy show for the modern era, it asks - in an age where visual ...
Vis a Vis (2015)
168.78K Views3 Comments
O tânără naivă, păcălită de iubitul ei, ajunge la închisoare pentru delapidare. Ea trebuie să învețe rapid să supraviețuiască în lumea dură a deținutelor. A Spanish television drama, similar to Netflix's Orange is th...
Greyzone (2018)
7.47K Views0 Comments
When a brilliant drone engineer, Victoria, is taken hostage in her own home, a series of dangerous events are set into motion in this high octane thriller.
13 Commandments (13 Geboden)
5.05K Views0 Comments
În Belgia, un detectiv dur face echipă cu o polițistă cu probleme în goana după un justițiar inspirat de Decalog, cu înclinații spre tortura ostentativă. Inspired by the Ten Commandments, a perpetrator commits a seri...
The A List (2018)
4.34K Views1 Comments
Iubirea, rivalitatea și misterul se întâlnesc în această dramă supranaturală plină de suspans, când un grup de adolescenți participă la o tabără pe o insulă izolată. Set in what appears to be an idyllic summer camp, ...
Carnival Row (2019)
22.69K Views0 Comments
Carnival Row is a fantasy-noir set in a neo-Victorian city. Mythical creatures fleeing their war-torn homeland have gathered in the city, and tensions are simmering between citizens and the growing immigrant populati...
Whitechapel (2009)
6.48K Views1 Comments
"Spooks" actor Rupert Penry-Jones stars as Joseph Chandler, a detective hunting a modern-day serial killer.
La Zona (2017)
2.98K Views0 Comments
After a nuclear accident in the north of Spain, a vast exclusion zone was set up to contain the risk of radioactive propagation. Survivors have been rehoused in a new city 50 km away from the power plant. A series of...
Dark/Web (2019)
5.70K Views0 Comments
A genius programmer's mysterious disappearance leads to the reunion of old friends and the discovery that the strange stories she left behind may point to an impending technological crisis.
La peste (The Plague)
5.60K Views0 Comments
Seville, 16th century. During a terrible plague epidemic, the corpses of several murdered people are found, as an omen of the end of the world. Seville was one of the main cities of the Western world. Known as the Gr...
La victima numero 8 (Victim Number 8)
5.00K Views0 Comments
Nimeni nu mai prezintă încredere după ce un atac terorist la Bilbao ucide șapte persoane și distruge viața unui militant islamic și a celor din preajma lui.
Frontera Verde (Green Frontier)
3.63K Views0 Comments
O tânără detectivă din Bogotá merge în junglă pentru a investiga uciderea a patru femei. Acolo, ea își descoperă adevărata origine, pe lângă magie și un complot malefic.
The Rook (2019)
6.57K Views1 Comments
The Rook is based on O'Malley's genre novel which introduces a strong female protagonist named Myfanwy Thomas with extraordinary powers who is employed by a mysterious British government agency responsible for defend...
O Escolhido (The Chosen One)
4.07K Views1 Comments
Trei medici care vor să aducă vaccinul anti-Zika în îndepărtatul Pantanal intră în conflict cu un vraci și sunt atrași în mrejele cultului său. Three young doctors sent to a remote village in Pantanal to vaccinate re...
Jordskott (2014)
7.15K Views0 Comments
Swedish Twin peaks inspired television show. Several years have passed since the police commissioner Eva Thörnblads daughter Josefine disappeared at the forest lake in Silver Height. It was considered a tragic dro...
Yankee (2019)
8.90K Views0 Comments
Urmărit de poliție, un bărbat din Arizona trece granița în Mexic, unde este acaparat de traficul de droguri… prin intermediul tehnologiei moderne. EN: Yankee is the story of Malcolm Moriarty, a young entrepreneur fro...
Zone Blanche (Black Spot) (2017)
8.00K Views1 Comments
Villefranche is a small town with no phone reception on the edge of a mysterious forest. The number of inhabitants is dwindling but there's a sharp rise in crime. Police inspector Laurène, once the victim of a crime ...
Perpetual Grace, LTD (2019)
5.04K Views0 Comments
Follows James, a young grifter, as he attempts to prey upon Pastor Byron Brown (Kingsley), who turns out to be far more dangerous than he suspects.
NOS4A2 (2019)
6.68K Views5 Comments
NOS4A2 centers on Victoria "Vic" McQueen, a young woman with an uncanny talent for finding lost things... a gift that is gradually destroying her mind. Her search for help leads her to someone with powers not unlike ...
The Hot Zone (2019)
11.03K Views0 Comments
Based on the eponymous international bestseller by Richard Preston, The Hot Zone recounts the terrifying true story of the origins of the Ebola virus, a highly infectious, deadly virus from the central African rain f...
Summer of Rockets (2019)
3.64K Views0 Comments
Set in the UK during the Cold War period and tumultuous year of 1958, fear and excitement of the future permeates the lives of all. Samuel is a 40 something Russian Jewish émigré, inventor and designer of bespoke hea...
What/If (2019)
5.36K Views0 Comments
Social thriller What/If explores the ripple effects of what happens when acceptable people start doing unacceptable things. Each season will tackle a different morality tale inspired by culturally consequential sourc...
Chimerica (2019)
2.84K Views0 Comments
Chimerica is a powerful and timely thriller about a photojournalist who tries to salvage his career when he's accused of doctoring one of his award-winning photographs.