Sezonul 2 Episodul 6
Ultimele Episoade Adaugate
Wireless (2020)
4.26K Views0 Comments
A 21 year old finds himself stranded off a snow covered Colorado road on New Years Eve armed with his quickly dying phone.
Special Ops (2020)
4.70K Views0 Comments
The series follows Himmat Singh of Research and Analysis Wing who draws similar patterns in terrorist attacks and is convinced a single person is behind all the attacks. His task force team of five agents living in v...
No Man’s Land (2020)
6.63K Views1 Comments
Dive into the depths of the Syrian civil war through the eyes of Antoine, a young French man, in search for his estranged, presumed to be dead sister. While unraveling the mystery, piece by piece, Antoine’s journey c...
Roadkill (2020)
3.75K Views0 Comments
Roadkill is about self-made, forceful and charismatic politician Peter Laurence. Peter's public and private life seems to be falling apart - or rather is being picked apart by his enemies. As the personal revelations...
Someone Has to Die – Alguien tiene que morir (2020)
3.77K Views1 Comments
In 1950s Spain, a couple summon their son home from Mexico to introduce him to his fiancée, but are shocked when he returns with a ballerino.
To the Lake – Epidemiya (2019)
6.78K Views0 Comments
După izbucnirea unei epidemii terifiante care poate distruge civilizația, un grup își riscă viața, iubirea, dar și umanitatea într-o luptă brutală pentru supraviețuire.
Oktoberfest: Beer & Blood (2020)
3.61K Views0 Comments
A young girl falls in love with a poor brewer's son. Their relationship is opposed by the girl's father, a rich mobster who has come to town to try to bully his way into the inner circle of Munich's brewery dynasties.
Good Morning, Verônica (2020)
3.30K Views0 Comments
Vrând să prindă un agresor care activează pe un site de matrimoniale, o polițistă descoperă secretul terifiant al unui cuplu și rețeaua de conspirații din spatele lui.
Tehran (2020)
8.57K Views1 Comments
A Mossad agent embarks on her first mission as a computer hacker in her home town of Tehran.
Utopia (2020)
6.14K Views0 Comments
A conspiracy thriller about a group of people who come into possession of a manuscript sequel to a graphic novel called, "The Utopia Experiments." The novel has made accurate predictions about some of the world's gre...
La Unidad (2020)
4.94K Views0 Comments
Melilla. Tangiers. Toulouse. In the dark of night, officers from the Spanish, Moroccan and French police forces carry out a synchronized anti-jihadist strike but retaliation looms.
Cold Courage (2020)
4.68K Views2 Comments
Two young Finnish women in London are drawn inexorably together via the Studio - a clandestine group dedicated to bringing justice to those beyond the law. But, as their battle against exploitation, violence and corp...
The Sounds (2020)
4.01K Views0 Comments
Set against the backdrop of the stunning Marlborough Sounds in New Zealand, Maggie and Tom arrive to escape his oppressive family and start a business. When Tom disappears, buried secrets and family plots make paradi...
Hungry Ghosts (2020)
3.51K Views0 Comments
Hungry Ghosts is a new four-part Australian drama series that takes elements of the Japanese and Korean "supernatural thriller" genre to explore the lives of three generations of Vietnamese Australian families dealin...
Partisan (2020)
3.46K Views0 Comments
Set in the idyllic surroundings of Jordnära, a gated community that runs a very successful organic farm. A man takes a job offer, soon learning about their unorthodox rules and routines.
Biohackers (2020)
4.01K Views2 Comments
Biohackers is a thriller about a medical student who must decide where she stands when new technology ends up in the wrong hands.
The Great Heist (El robo del siglo) (2020)
3.67K Views0 Comments
În 1994, o echipă de spărgători pun la cale un jaf ambițios să fure milioane de la Banca Republicii din Columbia. Inspirat din evenimente reale.
The Fugitive (2020)
6.64K Views2 Comments
The Fugitive centers on blue collar worker Mike Russo, who just wants to make sure his wife, Allison, and 10-year-old daughter, Pearl, are safe, when a bomb rips through the Los Angeles subway train he's riding on. B...
The Deceived (2020)
4.02K Views0 Comments
The Deceived is set in Cambridge in the UK and Donegal, the northernmost county in Ireland. It is a contemporary psychological thriller following a young English student called Ophelia, who falls in love with her mar...
Sloborn (2020)
5.99K Views0 Comments
A deadly virus hits a small community living on an island in the North Sea.
Get Even (2020)
2.98K Views0 Comments
Patru colege își unesc forțele și pun la cale în secret un plan abil de răzbunare pentru a denunța o serie de nedreptăți care au loc la școala lor privată.
Big Dogs (2020)
6.21K Views0 Comments
In a violent, alternate reality of New York City besieged by race riots, financial collapse, and a surging crime wave , an underworld economy of illegal nightclubs is thriving. Detective Santiago is tasked to crack d...
Boca a Boca (Kissing Game) (2020)
2.86K Views0 Comments
Adolescenții de la un liceu dintr-o comunitate rurală izolată contractează o misterioasă și contagioasă „boală a sărutului”, stârnind panică în familiile lor.
El Candidato (2020)
3.80K Views0 Comments
Rookie CIA field operative Isabel Alfaro works alongside infamous CIA legend Wayne Addison to bring down Rafael Bautista, Mexico's most vicious and brilliant narco. Her mission brings her into conflict with Eduardo Y...
Auga Seca (2020)
4.04K Views0 Comments
'Auga seca' is a police drama set in the world of arms trafficking and its connections with the business world, where Teresa (played by the Portuguese actress Victoria Guerra) will be involved in a plot in which noth...
Dark Desire (Oscuro Deseo) (2020)
26.58K Views1 Comments
Alma petrece un weekend fatidic departe de casă. Începutul e marcat de pasiune, finalul, de tragedie, iar ea începe să pună la îndoială adevărul despre cei apropiați.
The Twelve (De Twaalf)
3.73K Views0 Comments
Doisprezece jurați, oameni de rând cu propriile probleme, trebuie să decidă soarta unei femei acuzate de uciderea celei mai bune prietene, dar și a propriei fiice.
Signs (Znaki) (2018)
4.15K Views0 Comments
Cazul unei tinere ucise seamănă cu o crimă veche de un deceniu, iar noul comandant de poliție se vede nevoit să rupă tăcerea care învăluie un orășel din Munții Bufniței.
The Lawyer – Advokaten (2018)
4.06K Views1 Comments
The Lawyer follows the dangerous descent of Swedish defence lawyer Frank Nordling (Alexander Karim) into the Copenhagen underworld. When he discovers that the firm's most important client is responsible for the murde...
The Head (2020)
5.37K Views2 Comments
Winter has fallen on the South Pole. The sun will soon disappear for the next six months. A small team of scientists, known as the Winterers, will remain at the Polaris VI Antarctic Research Station to continue their...
Possessed (Bing-ui) (2019)
5.16K Views0 Comments
O clarvăzătoare se alătură cu neîncredere unui detectiv de poliție dur, dar cu suflet mare, pentru a rezolva cazuri de crimă cu ajutorul abilităților ei de telepat.
Whispers (2020)
4.67K Views0 Comments
Membrii unei familii bogate încep să descopere adevărul după moartea suspectă a capului familiei, iar secrete întunecate ies la lumină.