The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten (2023)

4.04K Views0 Comments

După ce a răcit pentru că și-a oferit singura umbrelă unei fete ce ședea în ploaie, Amane Fujimiya se așteaptă ca ea doar să i-o returneze. Cu toate acestea, Mahiru Shiina, „Îngerul” din școala lui Amane și din vecin...

Kubo Won’t Let Me Be Invisible (2023)

1.22K Views0 Comments

Liceanul Junta Shiraishi are un singur scop simplu: să trăiască o tinerețe frumoasă. Totuși, împlinirea acestuia pare să fie mai grea decât se aștepta, fiindcă nimeni nu-l observă în viața de zi cu zi. Singura căruia...

Ladies versus Butlers! (2010)

5.12K Views0 Comments

Hino Akiharu și-a pierdut părinții când era mic și a fost adoptat de unchiul său. Nu voia să fie o povară pentru acesta, așa că a decis să se înscrie la o școală pentru servitori, liceul Hakureiryou. Totuși, aspectul...

Crash Course In Romance (2023)

5.42K Views0 Comments

O mamă cu o inimă de aur intră în lumea nemiloasă a educației private pentru fiica ei, care își dorește să participe la cursurile unui profesor de matematică renumit.

The Secret Life Of Amy Bensen (2022)

2.04K Views0 Comments

After losing her entire family, Amy has spent several years on the run from unknown danger. When she meets Liam on a flight she has no idea her life is about to change, for his part Liam plans to help her whether she...

Poong The Joseon Psychiatrist (2022)

1.07K Views0 Comments

Yoo Se-poong (Kim Min-jae), a genius doctor, who gets caught up in a royal conspiracy and gets kicked out, meets an eccentric teacher, Gye Ji-han (Kim Sang-kyung) and a widow, Seo Eun-woo (Kim Hyang-gi) of the myster...

Love Is Blind: Brazil (2021)

973 Views0 Comments

Experimentul matrimonial ajunge în Brazilia, unde persoane singure încearcă să găsească iubirea adevărată și să se logodească, fără să se întâlnească față în față.

Blocco 181 (2022)

5.87K Views0 Comments

The three boys at the center of the story come from different realities, yet they are linked by something stronger: Bea is a Latin American girl, torn between loyalty to her family and her gang and the desire to chan...

The Fabulous (2022)

1.12K Views0 Comments

Patru prieteni își urmează visul în universul competitiv al modei, încercând să se împartă între slujbele solicitante, dilemele în dragoste și serile sălbatice în oraș.

Cheer Up (2022)

3.19K Views0 Comments

A renowned college cheerleading squad is about to go under. But love and mysteries occur within the team.

The Interest of Love (2022)

2.73K Views0 Comments

Four men and women working at the same bank get entangled in a complicated romance as they discover how far they’re willing to go for love.

Trolley (2022)

1.77K Views0 Comments

O tragedie neașteptată face ca soția unui deputat să renunțe la viața privată și să-și abordeze fățiș secretele de familie și propriul trecut tulburător.

Sex Diaries (2022)

12.05K Views0 Comments

Inspired by New York Magazine's column, Sex Diaries shares short stories of eight individuals as they navigate sex and dating in New York City.

Only for Love (2022)

6.04K Views0 Comments

Cariera solo a Deusei îi pune la încercare relația cu Tadeu. Eva își dorește ca un mare artist să-i cânte versurile. Curând, visurile lor muzicale se ciocnesc. tags: Só Se For Por Amor

The Forbidden Marriage (2022)

1.99K Views0 Comments

It's been 7 years since marriage has been banned! The young men and women of Joseon are prohibited from getting married! When the crown princess died, a law that bans marriage was proclaimed. And it's already been 7 ...

Goblin (2016)

2.99K Views0 Comments

Living forever can get old after a while. Kim Shin is a goblin who has immortal life as he watches over people's souls. He lives with Wang Yeo, the grim reaper who suffers from amnesia but nevertheless does his job t...

I Hate Christmas (Odio il Natale) (2022)

1.10K Views0 Comments

După ce-și minte familia că are iubit, o soră medicală singură începe să-și caute cu disperare un partener pentru Crăciun, care va sosi peste 24 de zile.

The Flatshare (2022)

1.11K Views0 Comments

Two twentysomethings try to get by - by sharing not only an apartment but a bed. Recovering from a controlling relationship, Tiffany spends her days earning minimum wage for minimum appreciation on a viral news websi...

Love Is for Suckers (2022)

1.28K Views0 Comments

A romantic comedy-drama depicting the sweet and salty reality romance between 20-year-old best friends in their 30s who have no romance or flirting.

Summer Strike (2022)

1.63K Views0 Comments

Ever since she decided to say no to her overly time-poor life, Lee Yeo-reum has been trying new things with her inactive lifestyle. Some call her naive for running away from reality, but others consider her a good so...

Blade Man (2014)

1.82K Views0 Comments

Despite his wealth, Joo Hong Bin (Lee Dong Wook) is a prickly man harboring a broken heart. But when his emotional pain physically manifests itself as a gruesome ability to sprout knives from his body, Hong Bin quick...

First Love (2022)

2.01K Views0 Comments

Young, free and madly in love. As teenagers, the world was their oyster—but, as adults, their lives seem dimmer, like a very important piece is missing.

Until Life Do Us Part (2021)

768 Views0 Comments

Three generations of a family living together in an idyllic villa juggle the demands of their wedding planning business and their own personal crises.

Devotion, a Story of Love and Desire (2022)

2.04K Views0 Comments

O căsnicie aparent fericită începe să se destrame când fidelitatea soțului devine suspectă și ambii parteneri au tentația altor dorințe. tags: Fedelta, Fidelity

Reborn Rich (2022)

3.72K Views0 Comments

After ten years, a loyal employee is framed for embezzlement, then murdered by his employers, only to be reborn as their youngest son, with a yearn for revenge guiding his hostile takeover. based on a hit novel

Fishbowl Wives (2022)

1.25K Views0 Comments

Într-un complex de apartamente de lux, șase femei prinse în căsnicii nefericite cad pradă infidelității. Bazat pe seria manga a lui Kurosawa R.

Lov3 (2022)

945 Views0 Comments

Siblings Ana, Sofia and Beto try to outrun conventional relationships, like their parents' 30-year-long marriage, which has just come to an abrupt end.

The Santa Clauses (2022)

1.66K Views1 Comments

On the brink of his 65th birthday, Scott Calvin realizes he can't be Santa forever. He's starting to lose a step in his Santa duties, and more importantly, he's got a family who could benefit from a life in the norma...

A La Carte (2022)

958 Views0 Comments

Mahogany Rose is a gorgeous, young go-getter and overachiever who has had high moral standards her entire life and a somewhat whimsical idea of how her love life would turn out. But when she meets Kaleb Myles, a char...

The K2 (2016)

13.42K Views0 Comments

A patriotic bodyguard who was abandoned by his country and colleagues, a hidden daughter of leading Presidential candidate who regards love as a tool for revenge, and the First Lady contender who hides her ambition a...

Kairos (2020)

1.99K Views0 Comments

Kim Seo-Jin is a man who is driven only to achieve success in his life. Thanks to his efforts, he is the youngest executive at his company. His life is perfect, with his beautiful violinist wife Kang Hyun-Chae and a ...

Unforgotten Night (2022)

1.62K Views0 Comments

Kim needed someone to embrace his body for just one night. It's the only night to know what your true needs are. And it was the only night that made the mafia "Kamol" not want to let Kim belong to anyone Kim, a 25...