Jungle (2022)

876 Views0 Comments

Cultura rap din Marea Britanie vă aduce o dramă cum nu ați mai văzut până acum. În Londra din viitorul apropiat, doi tineri încearcă să devină mai buni, dar sunt nevoiți să se confrunte cu consecințele acțiunilor lor...

Take 1 (2022)

852 Views0 Comments

Renowned musicians pull out all the stops to give a song of their choice the greatest live performance they can muster — and all in a single take.

Monarch (2022)

871 Views0 Comments

The Romans, America’s first family of country music, are fiercely talented, but while their name is synonymous with honesty, the very foundation of their success is a lie. When their reign as country royalty is put i...

Rap Sh!t (2022)

1.24K Views0 Comments

Rap Sh!t follows two estranged high school friends from Miami, Shawna and Mia, who reunite to form a rap group.

Miracle (2022)

1.30K Views0 Comments

Sorin an aspiring idol whose dreams were dashed after a traffic accident. She works at COA Entertainment, global star Luice’ management company. Due to a scandal, Luice’s career goes up in smoke and commiserates with...

Irina Rimes: On My Way (2022)

2.59K Views0 Comments

O călătorie in care Irina Rimes rememorează momente importante din viața ei, vorbește despre versurile pe care le scrie, despre oamenii care au ajutat-o în carieră. În paralel, sunt dezvăluite detalii despre sursele ...

It Was Always Me (2022)

2.06K Views0 Comments

When Lupe is 22 years old, her life suddenly changes after she learns that her father, a famous Colombian singer-songwriter, has died. Upon arriving in Colombia, Lupe meets Noah, a mysterious character who turns out ...

Pistol (2022)

1.10K Views0 Comments

The story of a band of spotty, noisy, working-class kids with “no future,” who shook the boring, corrupt Establishment to its core, threatened to bring down the government and changed music and culture forever.

One True Singer (2022)

4.21K Views0 Comments

One True Singer este show-ul muzical care promite să lanseze următorul mare artist din România. Este show-ul care te ia în culisele industriei muzicale și îți arată ce abilități sunt necesare pentru ajunge în top.

The Sound of Magic (2022)

1.69K Views0 Comments

Un magician care trăiește într-un parc de distracții abandonat face să dispară necazurile unei adolescente deziluzionate și greu încercate și îi readuce speranța.

The Family That Sings Together: The Camargos (2021)

1.47K Views0 Comments

În acest reality-show exclusiv, Zezé Di Camargo și Wanessa, fiica sa, sunt înconjurați de prieteni, petrec timp împreună și colaborează din punct de vedere creativ.

The Beatles: Get Back (2021)

2.49K Views0 Comments

The three-part documentary series, compiled from over 60 hours of unseen footage, captures the warmth, camaraderie, and creative genius that defined the legacy of music’s most iconic foursome. The series also include...

Let Me Be Your Knight (2021)

2.61K Views0 Comments

A story of romance and healing between one of the world’s greatest idols who is suffering from somnambulism and the doctor who is secretly treating him. Jun’s character Yoon Tae In is an untouchable idol star who is ...

Christmas Flow (2021)

1.82K Views0 Comments

O surprinzătoare poveste de iubire se înfiripă de Crăciun între un rapper faimos și o ziaristă tenace. Vor reuși să rămână împreună în ciuda divergențelor dintre ei?

IDOL: The Coup (2021)

6.43K Views0 Comments

Portrays the last story of “doomed idols” who need a single “success” in order to “disband.” The story of young people who confidently let go of their dreams as they grow through their failures and take courageous st...

Queens (2021)

1.56K Views0 Comments

Estranged and out-of-touch, four women in their 40s reunite for a chance to recapture their fame and regain the swagger they had as the Nasty Bitches—their ‘90s group that made them legends in the hip-hop world.

Music Box (2021)

1.92K Views0 Comments

Music Box is a collection of documentary films exploring pivotal moments in the music world.

Centaurworld (2021)

1.95K Views0 Comments

Centaurworld follows a war horse who is transported from her embattled world to a strange land inhabited by silly, singing centaurs of all species, shapes, and sizes. Desperate to return home, she befriends a group o...

Ultra City Smiths (2021)

1.97K Views0 Comments

Two detectives must contend with dangerous corruption as they investigate the mysterious disappearance of the last honest politician in their dark city. A group of unlikely suspects emerges - each with the last name o...

Schmigadoon! (2021)

2.13K Views0 Comments

In this parody of 1940s musicals, backpacking couple Melissa and Josh get trapped in Schmigadoon, a magical town filled with singing and dancing townspeople, and learn they can't leave without finding true love—which...

Country Comfort (2021)

2.06K Views0 Comments

When her career and personal life get derailed, an aspiring young country singer named Bailey takes a job as a nanny for a rugged cowboy named Beau and his five children. With a never-give-up attitude and loads of So...

Anitta: Made in Honório (2020)

2.37K Views0 Comments

In this intimate documentary, Brazilian pop queen Anitta opens up about fame, family and her fierce work ethic, revealing the woman behind the hits.

Selena: The Series (2020)

2.92K Views0 Comments

Selena, legendara cântăreață mexicano-americană, ajunge pe culmi și își vede visul de-o viață realizat, însă nu fără sacrificii din partea ei și a familiei sale.

Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior

8.58K Views0 Comments

Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior was a short-lived American police procedural drama that aired on CBS. The show debuted in 2011 as a spin-off from the successful Criminal Minds, which had premiered in 2005. This edit...

Royalties (2020)

2.49K Views0 Comments

Royalties is a satirical take on the oft-untold story of songwriters behind the world's biggest hits. It follows the ascent of a ragtag songwriting duo - Sara and Pierce (Criss) - as they navigate the strange and hil...

Blood Machines (2020)

7.95K Views2 Comments

Inspired by the spirit of the 80's films and music, BLOOD MACHINES is a 50-minutes science-fiction film written and directed by Seth Ickerman, scored by the synthwave artist Carpenter Brut. BLOOD MACHINES is the seq...

The Eddy (2020)

2.53K Views0 Comments

Proprietarul unui club de jazz din Paris se încurcă cu niște infractori periculoși în timp ce luptă să își protejeze afacerea, trupa și fiica adolescentă.

The Baker and the Beauty (2020)

4.44K Views0 Comments

Daniel Garcia is working in the family bakery and doing everything that his loving Cuban parents and siblings expect him to do. But on a wild Miami night he meets Noa Hamilton, an international superstar and fashion ...

Arashi’s Diary: Voyage (2019)

2.33K Views0 Comments

La douăzeci de ani de la debutul trupei Arashi, alătură-te muzicienilor într-o nouă călătorie și descoperă-le viața, talentul și darurile către lume.

Utopia Falls (2020)

7.54K Views0 Comments

Utopia Falls follows a group of teens chosen to compete in the prestigious Exemplar performing arts competition in the seemingly idyllic colony of New Babyl. When they stumble upon a hidden archive of musical and cul...

Beat Shazam (2017)

2.73K Views0 Comments

Grammy-, Golden Globe- and Academy Award-winning actor and musician Jamie Foxx ("Ray," "Django Unchained") hosts Beat Shazam, a unique and interactive game show in which teams of two race against the clock and each o...

Soundtrack (2019)

4.67K Views0 Comments

Sunetul Iubirii - Iubirea, pierderea și șansa la ceva nou se întâlnesc în această dramă muzicală despre doi artiști cu probleme care își trăiesc viața din plin la Los Angeles.