Knightfall (2017)

13.43K Views10 Comments

Knightfall chronicles the mysterious but true accounts of the Knights Templar, the elite warriors of the Crusades. It delves into the great secrets protected by the Templars and tells the story of faith, loyalty and ...

Babylon Berlin (2017)

12.16K Views3 Comments

Berlin, anii ’20. O metropolă pentru cei cu talent și ambiție. Însă dincolo de suprafața strălucitoare, masele sărace se chinuie pentru o viață mai bună. Este timpul pentru crimă organizată și extremism politic.

The Borgias (2011)

43.96K Views0 Comments

Sex. Putere. Crimă. Amin. Acest serial dramatic SHOWTIME® ce conține 9 episoade de câte o oră, e inspirat de infama familie renascentistă italiană Borgia, cea mai teribilă dinastie a lumii. Familia Borgia spune...

Borgia (2011)

29.98K Views9 Comments

Borgia este un serial TV din anul 2011, o coproducție internațională (franco-germano-ceho-austriacă), care a fost finanțată și de postul de televiziune german ZDF și cel austriac ORF. În centrul acțiunii filmului se ...

Jamestown (2017)

14.64K Views13 Comments

Set in 1619, "Jamestown" follows the first English settlers as they establish a community in the New World. Among those landing onshore are a group of women destined to be married to the men of Jamestown, including t...

Genius (2017)

27.30K Views2 Comments

The series will explore how patent clerk Einstein could not get a teaching job or doctorate in his early life yet managed to go on to develop the theory of relativity.

Manhattan (2014)

4.46K Views1 Comments

The show is set against the backdrop of the clandestine mission to build the world's first atomic bomb in Los Alamos, New Mexico and follows the brilliant but flawed scientists and their families as they attempt to c...

When We Rise (2017)

2.69K Views0 Comments

The show chronicles the personal and political struggles, setbacks and triumphs of a diverse family of LGBT men and women who helped pioneer one of the last legs of the U.S. civil rights movement from its turbulent i...

X Company (2015)

21.41K Views4 Comments

A character-driven drama set in a world of espionage and covert operations. The show is set in WWII, following the stories of five highly skilled young recruits - Canadian, American and British, who are taken from th...

Mercy Street (2016)

6.59K Views0 Comments

This mini series follows the lives of two volunteer nurses on opposing sides of the Civil War - New England abolitionist Mary Phinney and Confederate supporter Emma Green. The Green family's luxury hotel in Alexandri...

Taboo (2017)

26.52K Views7 Comments

Set in 1813, this show follows Tom Hardy's James Keziah Delaney who returns from Africa with 14 ill-gotten diamonds and seeking to avenge his father's death. Refusing to sell the family business to the East India Com...

Medici: Masters of Florence (2016)

40.40K Views7 Comments

A political, family drama set in Florence in the early 15th century. Cosimo de' Medici finds himself at the helm of his supremely wealthy, banking dynasty family, when his father, Giovanni dies suddenly.

War & Peace (2016)

6.20K Views0 Comments

As the Russian conflict with Napoleon reaches its peak, five aristocratic families face the possibility of their lives being changed forever.

The Collection (2016)

7.32K Views4 Comments

A gripping family drama and entrepreneurial fable, set in a post-war Paris fashion house. It exposes the grit behind the glamour of a rising business, spearheaded by two clashing brothers.

Poldark (2015)

186.98K Views24 Comments

Ross Poldark returns home after American Revolutionary War and rebuilds his life with a new business venture, making new enemies and finding a new love where he least expects it.

The Last Kingdom (2015)

82.81K Views12 Comments

The Last Kingdom - Ultimul regat - este un spectacol de fapte eroice si batalii epice, cu o adancime tematica care cuprinde politica, religia, razboiul, dragostea, loialitatea si cautarea identitatii in univers. Comb...

Versailles (2015)

30.32K Views6 Comments

In 1667, 28-year-old all-powerful king of France, Louis XIV, decides to build the greatest palace in the world - Versailles. But drained budget, affairs and political intrigues complicate things.

Victoria (2016)

14.36K Views1 Comments

The early life of Queen Victoria, from her accession to the throne at the tender age of 18 through to her courtship and marriage to Prince Albert. Victoria went on to rule for 63 years, and was the longest-serving mo...

The Hollow Crown (2012)

6.51K Views1 Comments

O nouă adaptare a tetralogiei istorice a lui Shakespeare împărţită în 4 piese: King Richard II, King Henry IV – Part 1, King Henry IV – Part 2 şi King Henry V. Piesele ilustrează istoria britanică de la începutul sec...

Barbarians Rising (2016)

6.01K Views0 Comments

Told from the perspective of the rebel leaders, the series chronicles a wave of rebellions against absolute power by those the Roman Empire called “barbarians” – tribes they viewed as beyond the fringe of civilizatio...

World Without End (2012)

16.10K Views0 Comments

World Without End este o miniserie de televiziune bazata pe romanul cu acelasi nume scrisa de Ken Follett. World Without End succede seria The Pillars of the Earth din 2010. Intamplarile din “World Without End” se pe...

Roots (2016)

5.51K Views0 Comments

Miniserialul tv este o epopee in lanturi. O saga a negrilor, a napastuitilor istoriei americane, de la primii lor pasi, ca sclavi, pe noul continent, pana la Razboiul de Secesiune care le-a redat libertatea, fara a l...

Banished (2015)

6.42K Views0 Comments

Banished este o drama britanica aparuta in 5 Martie 2015, care este impartita in 7 parti (episoade). Este o poveste inspirata din evenimentele secolului al XVIII-lea, cand Marea Britania a infiintat o colonie in Aust...

Tut (2015)

15.70K Views0 Comments

Explores the drama of power, political back-stabbing, war and murder and chronicles King Tut’s rise to glory, his efforts to rule a chaotic empire and the enigma surrounding his death.

Wolf Hall (2015)

7.74K Views0 Comments

England in the 1520s is a heartbeat from disaster. If the King dies without a male heir, the country could be destroyed by civil war. Henry VIII wants to annul his marriage of twenty years and marry Anne Boleyn. The ...

Sons of Liberty (2015)

3.93K Views0 Comments

„Sons of Liberty” este povestea barbatilor care au luptat in coloniile americane pentru libertate, si felul cum au schimabt viitorul Statelor Unite ale Americii. Serialul este bazat pe fapte reale.

Marco Polo (2014)

22.39K Views0 Comments

Marco Polo este primul serial pe care îl termin în 2015, o călătorie exotică pe Drumul Mătăsii, pe tărâmuri misterioase şi nevăzute de majoritatea europenilor, unde puterea nu se află întodeauna în mâinile bărbaţilor...

Vikings (2013)

195.13K Views28 Comments

Vikingii urmărește ascensiunea la putere a lui Ragnar Lothbrok (Travis Fimmel), un fost fermier, ajuns un mare războinic, respectat și temut de oamenii săi, căsătorit cu Lagertha (Katheryn Winnick), a shieldmaiden (...

Hatfields & McCoys (2012)

6.98K Views0 Comments

Mini-seria înfăţişază rivalitatea dintre două familii, Hatfield şi McCoy, în primii ani de după Războiul Civil din SUA, un conflict care a durat mai mult de un secol, cu crime, intrigi şi poveşti de dragoste. Filmul...

Band of Brothers (2001)

31.55K Views1 Comments

Această terifiantă saga despre cel de-al Doilea Război Mondial urmăreşte îndeaproape drumul parcurs de cei 147 de membrii ai trupelor paramilitare ale unităţii Easy Company, încă de la primele antrenamente, până în ...