Sezonul 2 Episodul 6
Ultimele Episoade Adaugate
Thieves of the Wood (2020)
14.40K Views0 Comments
Charismaticul tâlhar Jan de Lichte conduce proscrișii și nevoiașii într-o revoltă împotriva aristocraților corupți din Belgia secolului al XVIII-lea.
Le Bazar de la Charite (The Bonfire of Destiny)
7.46K Views0 Comments
După un incendiu devastator în Parisul anului 1897, trei femei își văd viețile date peste cap de trădări, falsitate și decepții în dragoste. Inspirat de evenimente reale.
Hernán (2019)
14.33K Views3 Comments
Pe 8 noiembrie 2019 s-au împlinit 500 de ani de la întâlnirea de la Tenochtitlan (azi, Ciudad de Mexico) dintre Hernán Cortés, conchistadorul spaniol care urma să supună Imperiul Aztec (Mexicul de azi) și Montezuma ...
Witches: A Century of Murder
8.22K Views0 Comments
Four hundred years ago, hundreds of innocent people were killed as an obsession to stamp out Satanism swept the British Isles. Dr Suzannah Lipscomb investigates the events of this dark period in our history.
Catherine the Great (2019)
9.21K Views0 Comments
Catherine the Great delves into the politically tumultuous and sexually charged court of the most powerful female monarch in history. Catherine wielded supreme power throughout Russia for nearly half of the 18th cent...
Murdoch Mysteries (2008)
94.20K Views5 Comments
Anii 1890: William Murdoch foloseşte tehnici criminalistice pe atunci radicale, între care prelevarea de amprente şi dovezi subtile, rezolvând unele dintre cele mai cumplite cazuri de crimă din oraş.
From the Earth to the Moon (1998)
4.69K Views0 Comments
This twelve part HBO mini-series tells the story of the United States' space program, from its beginnings in 1961 to the final moon mission in 1972. Tom Hanks served as Executive Producer and introduced each segment.
Hip Hop Evolution (2016)
3.79K Views0 Comments
HIP-HOP EVOLUTION travels back to 1970s Bronx and Harlem, unveiling how hip-hop evolved from its beginnings as a New York house-party experiment, to the global phenomenon it is today, and more importantly, how it cre...
The Spy (2019)
13.07K Views0 Comments
The Spy tells the story of legendary Israeli spy Eli Cohen. Eli Cohen lived in Damascus undercover in the beginning of the '60s, spying for Israel. He managed to embed himself into Syrian high society and rise throug...
Wu-Tang: An American Saga (2019)
8.42K Views0 Comments
Wu-Tang: An American Saga is inspired by The Wu-Tang Manual and Tao of Wu, and based on the true story of the Wu-Tang Clan. Set in early '90s New York at the height of the crack cocaine epidemic, the show tracks the ...
Charite (2017)
7.31K Views1 Comments
Descriere sezonul 1 : Angajații spitalului Charité din Berlin sunt martorii unor inovații istorice uimitoare: vaccinurile din anii 1880 și practicile eugenice din al Doilea Război Mondial. Descriere sezonul 2 : ...
Arthdal Chronicles (Aseudal Yeondaegi)
14.77K Views0 Comments
A gripping tale of love, ambition, and tragedy, with four characters whose destinies are intertwined fighting for what they want in the city of Arthdal.
Catch-22 (2019)
8.27K Views0 Comments
Set in Italy during World War II, this is the story of the incomparable, artful dodger, Yossarian, a bombardier for the U.S. Air Force, which keeps increasing the number of missions the men must fly to complete the...
The Spanish Princess (2019)
19.80K Views1 Comments
The Spanish Princess, the latest chapter in the dynastic saga of Tudor England, is a powerful, epic story that not only returns the audience to the world of royal court intrigue as seen uniquely through the perspec...
Valley of the Boom (2019)
4.75K Views0 Comments
The insanely true story of the epic browser wars told by the really smart people who were there. This mostly scripted series weaves in documentary elements that help tell the true inside story of the Internet's for...
Unspeakable (2019)
4.62K Views0 Comments
Unspeakable chronicles the emergence of HIV and Hepatitis C in Canada in the early 1980s and the tragedy that resulted after thousands of people were infected by tainted blood. One of the largest medical disasters ...
Sofiya (Sophia) (2016)
18.13K Views4 Comments
In 15th Century Russia, the last Byzantium Princess, Sophia Palaiologina, moves from Rome to distant Moscow to marry Czar Ivan III. Destined to become the first influential female figure of…
Les Miserables (2018)
12.88K Views1 Comments
Based on Victor Hugo's XIX century classic, Les Misérables will go back to the original novel and delve deep into the many layers of Hugo's story, revelling in Jean Valjean and Javert's cat-and-mouse relationship, ag...
The Long Song (2018)
4.45K Views0 Comments
Set during the final days of slavery in 19th century Jamaica, the story follows the strong-willed, young slave July on a plantation owned by her odious mistress Caroline Mortimer. When a charming new arrival to the is...
Mata Hari (2017)
11.47K Views0 Comments
Paris, 1917. Mata Hari are misiunea de a-l seduce pe tanarul locotenent Rosanov, pentru a intra in posesia documentelor secrete pe care le transporta acesta. Dar lucrurile se complica neasteptat cand faimoasa spioana...
Show Me a Hero (2015)
3.68K Views0 Comments
Un nou proiect marca HBO, miniserie politică în 6 părţi şi având la bază fapte reale, Show Me a Hero prezintă povestea lui Nick Wasickso care a devenit primar în Yonkers, în 1987, în timpul uneia din cele mai acute cr...
The Romanoffs (2018)
5.56K Views0 Comments
The series will center around the Romanov family. The Romanov family, for those unaware, were the last imperial dynasty to rule Russia. The family was killed after an attack by revolutionaries in 1918, but the remai...
Shogun (1980)
7.36K Views0 Comments
This legendary mini-series in based on the novel of James Clavell. It follows the journey of John Blackthorne from Britain who shipwrecked with his Dutch crew off the coast of feudal Japan. Initially, he is shocked ...
Churchill’s Secret Agents: The New Recruits (2018)
4.06K Views0 Comments
În acest serial înrădăcinat în istorie, 14 concurenți trec prin aceeași procedură riguroasă de selecție precum spionii Marii Britanii din cel de-al Doilea Război Mondial.
The Vietnam War (2017)
5.71K Views0 Comments
The Vietnam War was a decade of agony that took the lives of more than 58,000 Americans, and that Not since the Civil War have we as a country been so torn apart.
Nil Admirari no Tenbin (2018)
4.13K Views0 Comments
Era Taishou nu s-a sfârșit în 15 ani, dar a continuat pentru încă 25. Ca să-și protejeze familia aflată în descreștere, o fată decide să se mărite cu un bărbat căruia nu-i știe nici măcar numele. Totuși, chiar înaint...
Ancient Aliens
65.44K Views2 Comments
What if life on Earth began in outer space? Millions of people accept the theory that intelligent life forms visited Earth thousands of years ago and were worshiped as gods by primitive man.
7.03K Views0 Comments
Acţiunea are loc în anul 1614 d.Ch. Două clanuri ninja, fiecare susţinând câte unul dintre cei doi fii ai lui Hidetada Tokugawa pentru postul de shogun, trimit câte zece reprezentanţi, pentru a lupta într-o competiţi...
Golden Kamuy
3.98K Views0 Comments
În Hokkaido, în nordul extrem al Japoniei, Sugimoto a supraviețuit războiului Ruso-Japonez din era Meiji. Poreclit „Sugimoto nemuritorul” în timpul acelui război, acum așteaptă bogățiile promise de goana după aur în ...
Troy: Fall of a City (2018)
13.58K Views0 Comments
Troy: Fall of a City will be a limited series set around the events of the Trojan War and the love affair between Paris and Helen of Troy.
Britannia (2017)
22.21K Views0 Comments
The story is set in 43 A.D. and charts the Roman invasion of what would become Great Britain. The determined, yet terrified, Roman Imperial Army returns to crush the Celtic heart of Britannia, a mysterious land ruled ...
The Red Tent (2014)
5.78K Views0 Comments
A two part adaptation of the 1997 best-selling novel 'The Red Tent' follows Dina the biblical character from the old testament - the daughter of Leah and Jacob.