Stephen King’s Rose Red (2002)

2.39K Views0 Comments

Dr. Joyce Reardon commissions a team of psychics to literally wake up a supposedly dormant haunted mansion—Rose Red.

Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness (2021)

6.34K Views0 Comments

Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness is based around the stories of the two popular characters, Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield. By adding suspense into dynamic action scenes, this series will reveal a Resident Evil ...

American Horror Stories (2021)

4.61K Views0 Comments

An anthology series of stand alone episodes delving into horror myths, legends and lore.

The Shining (1997)

2.36K Views0 Comments

The Shining is a three-part television miniseries based on Stephen King's novel of the same name. Directed by Mick Garris from King's teleplay, the series was first aired in 1997.

Lisey’s Story (2021)

3.50K Views0 Comments

Two years after the death of her husband, Lisey begins to face amazing realities about her husband that she had repressed and forgotten.

Dead Places (2021)

3.10K Views1 Comments

An author who has dedicated his career to solving paranormal cases, returns home to South Africa to investigate the biggest mystery of his life: His sister's death in a water canal 20 years ago.

Them (2021)

3.85K Views0 Comments

Horror anthology series. The first season titled "Them: Covenant" is set in 1953 and centers around Alfred and Lucky Emory, who decide to move their family from North Carolina to an all-white Los Angeles neighborhood...

Haunted: Latin America (2021)

3.59K Views0 Comments

Real people's terrifying tales of the chilling, unexplained and paranormal come to life with dramatic reenactments in this reality series.

V.C. Andrews Casteel Family (2019)

3.34K Views0 Comments

V.C. Andrews’ Casteel Family Movie Series Event follows Heaven Casteel and her siblings after their father devises a scheme that threatens to destroy their dreams and separate the family forever.

Calls (2021)

4.50K Views0 Comments

Told through a series of interconnected phone conversations, this groundbreaking series chronicles the mysterious story of a group of strangers whose lives are thrown into disarray in the lead-up to an apocalyptic ev...

Tokyo Vampire Hotel (2017)

3.98K Views1 Comments

Manni suddenly encounters mass murder at a pub on the 22nd birthday day. From the Izakaya, the people who ran away because of their lives, are targeted from K of the Dracula tribe and Yamada of the Neo Vampire tribe ...

Heirs of the Night (2019)

6.90K Views6 Comments

1889: the five remaining vampire clans in Europe are training to survive. In their midst is 14-year-old Alisa who has the power to choose between eternal life as a vampire or for all vampires to live as humans.

Soul City (2020)

2.46K Views0 Comments

The multicultural world of a select American city and its black population through the lens of psychological horror stories. New Orleans will be the debut city.

Dead Mountain: The Dyatlov Pass Incident (2020)

6.10K Views0 Comments

Russia, 1959. A KGB major investigates the mysterious deaths of a group of nine student hikers in the Ural Mountains. Troubled by his past as a WWII veteran, he has a sixth sense and death seems to follow him around ...

Sweet Home (2020)

5.10K Views0 Comments

Oamenii se transformă în monștri feroce, răspândind teroare. Un adolescent tulburat și colegii săi de apartament luptă să supraviețuiască și să-și păstreze umanitatea.

The Stand (2020)

9.56K Views0 Comments

In a world mostly wiped out by the plague and embroiled in an elemental struggle between good and evil, the fate of mankind rests on the frail shoulders of the 108-year-old Mother Abagail and a handful of survivors. ...

30 Monedas (30 Coins) (2020)

13.57K Views1 Comments

Părintele Vergara fuge de propriul trecut, dar Diavolul îl urmărește pentru a recupera o comoară - una dintre cele 30 de monede pentru care Iuda l-a trădat pe Iisus Hristos. A venit vremea să-l confrunte din nou și, ...

Wolf Creek (2016)

6.83K Views0 Comments

Eve, a 19-year-old American tourist is targeted by crazed serial killer Mick Taylor. She survives his attack and embarks on a mission of revenge.

Cryptid (2020)

4.73K Views2 Comments

As a chain of horrific and inexplicable events start to unfold in their small town on the northern hemisphere, an ensemble of high school students will be forced to face their darkest fears in order to overcome a sup...

The Expecting (2020)

5.54K Views0 Comments

A young woman, down on her luck and pregnant under mysterious circumstances, must deal with the increasingly disturbing effects of her pregnancy and the potential conspiracy surrounding it.

La Revolution (2020)

7.10K Views0 Comments

Într-o istorie alternativă, Franța secolului XVIII este pustiită de o boală enigmatică ce dă naștere unui conflict sângeros dintre rebeli și nobilime.

Welcome to the Blumhouse (2020)

3.22K Views0 Comments

Released through a partnership between Blumhouse Productions and Amazon Studios, this new horror anthology features eight films ranging from sci-fi horror to psychological terror, and showcases everything we've come ...

Monsterland (2020)

6.73K Views1 Comments

Monsterland - which is full of encounters with mermaids, fallen angels and other strange beasts - follows broken people driven to desperate acts in an attempt to repair their lives, ultimately showing there is a thin...

The Walking Dead: World Beyond (2020)

14.56K Views8 Comments

The series features two young female protagonists and focuses on the first generation to come-of-age in the apocalypse. Some become heroes. Some become villains. In the end, all of them are changed forever. Grown-up ...

Goedam (2020)

3.26K Views0 Comments

When night falls on the city, shadows and spirits come alive in this horror anthology series centered on urban legends.

Hungry Ghosts (2020)

3.53K Views0 Comments

Hungry Ghosts is a new four-part Australian drama series that takes elements of the Japanese and Korean "supernatural thriller" genre to explore the lives of three generations of Vietnamese Australian families dealin...

Believers (2020)

3.80K Views0 Comments

Paranormal tales are often dismissed as fiction, but for many who've faced the unknown, these tales are all too real to relive. Now, through actor portrayals, archival documentation and dramatic re-creations, the ter...

Lovecraft Country (2020)

9.47K Views0 Comments

Atticus e un veteran tânăr, de culoare, obsedat de cărțile S.F. După ce se întoarce din al Doilea Război Mondial, membrii familiei lui sunt atrași într-un mister alimentat de magie și culte secrete, care îi duce prin...

Ghost Whisperer (2005)

49.17K Views0 Comments

De mică, Melinda Gordon (Jennifer Love Hewitt) are abilitatea de a vedea și de a intra în contact cu spiritele morților. Prin acest dar, moștenit de la bunica sa, Melinda ajută spiritele rămase prizoniere în lumea ce...

JU-ON: Origins (2020)

3.38K Views0 Comments

Un cercetător al activității paranormale e obsedat să găsească o casă blestemată unde, cu mult timp în urmă, o mamă și copilul ei au pățit ceva îngrozitor.

Warrior Nun (2020)

11.40K Views2 Comments

Trezită la morgă, o adolescentă orfană descoperă că are puteri supranaturale, fiind Purtătoarea Nimbului pentru o sectă secretă de călugărițe vânătoare de demoni.

Possessed (Bing-ui) (2019)

5.17K Views0 Comments

O clarvăzătoare se alătură cu neîncredere unui detectiv de poliție dur, dar cu suflet mare, pentru a rezolva cazuri de crimă cu ajutorul abilităților ei de telepat.