Sezonul 2 Episodul 8
Ultimele Episoade Adaugate
Tierra Incognita (2022)
2.26K Views0 Comments
After his parents mysteriously disappeared eight years ago, young Eric Dalaras embarks on a search for the truth and enters a frightening world. He and his sister Uma grew up with their maternal grandparents. Eric de...
Red Rose (2022)
1.25K Views0 Comments
When one of a group of friends downloads the mysterious Red Rose app, plans change. What starts innocently as a game of admiration rapidly descends into something much darker.
exception (2022)
2.24K Views0 Comments
Space horror anime series based on a new story by Hirotaka Adachi.In the distant future, human beings have been forced to leave earth and migrate to another galaxy. An advanced team of spacecraft arrives at a planet ...
Interview with the Vampire (2022)
2.31K Views1 Comments
Louis de Pointe’s epic story of love, blood, and the perils of immortality, as told to the journalist Daniel Molloy. Chafing at the limitations of life as a black man in 1900s New Orleans, Louis finds it impossible t...
The Midnight Club (2022)
1.01K Views0 Comments
La un azil pentru tineri în fază terminală, membrii unui club exclusiv fac un pact înfiorător: cine moare primul trebuie să dea grupului un semn din lumea de dincolo.
Reginald the Vampire (2022)
1.03K Views0 Comments
Imagine a world populated by beautiful, fit and vain vampires. Reginald Andres tumbles headlong into it as an unlikely hero who will have to navigate every kind of obstacle – the girl he loves but can’t be with, a bu...
Devil in Ohio (2022)
1.97K Views0 Comments
Hotărâtă să protejeze o tânără care a scăpat dintr-un cult misterios, o psihiatră îi oferă adăpost fetei, punându-și viața și familia în pericol.
Little Demon (2022)
1.32K Views0 Comments
13 years after being impregnated by the Devil, a reluctant mother and her Antichrist daughter attempt to live an ordinary life in Delaware, but are constantly thwarted by monstrous forces, including Satan, who yearns...
The Girl in the Mirror (Alma) (2022)
2.36K Views0 Comments
Suferind de amnezie după un accident bizar de autobuz în care au murit majoritatea colegilor ei, Alma vrea să afle ce s-a petrecut în ziua aceea și să-și recâștige viața.
Tales of the Walking Dead (2022)
2.56K Views5 Comments
Six original one-hour standalone episodes focused on both new and established characters within the walker apocalypse. Each episode has its own distinct tone and point of view — but the stakes are high in each story,...
The Sandman (2022)
6.27K Views0 Comments
După ce a fost prizonier ani de zile, Morfeu, Regele Viselor, pornește într-o călătorie printre lumi pentru a găsi ceea ce i-a fost furat și a-și recăpăta puterea.
Hausen (2020)
1.80K Views0 Comments
After the death of his mother, 16-year-old Juri and his father Jaschek move into a rundown housing complex on the city outskirts. While Jaschek tries to establish a new life for himself and his son, as caretaker of t...
Resident Evil: Biohazard (2022)
4.90K Views0 Comments
După ani buni de la o epidemie virală, ce a dus o apocalipsă globală, Jade Wesker jură să-i distrugă pe cei responsabili și luptă să supraviețuiască în fața Infectaților.
First Kill (2022)
2.35K Views0 Comments
Pentru tinerele Juliette și Calliope, dragostea e o mare problemă: una e vampir, iar cealaltă, ucigașă de vampiri. Au însă un punct comun: ambele vor să ucidă.
The Baby (2022)
1.52K Views0 Comments
Serialul prezintă o examinare crudă și cu umor negru a maternității, din perspectiva unei femei care nu-și dorește să fie mamă.
From (2022)
10.50K Views2 Comments
Unravel the mystery of a nightmarish town in middle America that traps all those who enter. As the unwilling residents fight to keep a sense of normalcy and search for a way out, they must also survive the threats of...
Archive 81 (2022)
3.71K Views0 Comments
Un arhivist care acceptă să restaureze niște casete deteriorate este atras în vârtejul unui mister în care sunt implicate o regizoare dispărută și o sectă demonică.
The Silent Sea (2021)
7.34K Views0 Comments
Într-o misiune periculoasă de 24 de ore pe Lună, niște exploratori ai spațiului vor să recupereze mostre de la o stație de cercetare abandonată și plină de secrete.
Elves (Nisser) (2021)
3.00K Views0 Comments
O vacanță de Crăciun se transformă în coșmar pentru o adolescentă și familia sa după ce ei descoperă o amenințare străveche asupra insulei alese ca destinație.
Hellbound (2021)
7.83K Views1 Comments
Unearthly beings deliver bloody condemnations, sending individuals to hell and giving rise to a religious group founded on the idea of divine justice. People hear predictions on when they will die. When that time com...
Anna (2021)
4.93K Views0 Comments
A 13-year-old Sicilian girl must contend with a viral contagion that has killed off all adults on the island as she sets out in search of her kidnapped brother.
Yellowjackets (2021)
6.62K Views6 Comments
Yellowjackets follows a girls' high school soccer team. In 1975, the Dearborn High Yellowjackets became the first team in state history to qualify for the Girls' U.S. Soccer Championship Series in Manchester, NH. The...
The Haunted Museum (2021)
2.65K Views0 Comments
Follow the frightening and hellish tales behind the spooky relics on display in Zak Bagans' Las Vegas museum, by way of scripted shorts produced by Roth and his accredited team, and with featured commentary from Baga...
Midnight Mass (2021)
2.94K Views0 Comments
Venirea unui tânăr preot carismatic aduce miracole glorioase, mistere sinistre și o nouă fervoare religioasă unui oraș muribund, ce dorește cu disperare să creadă.
The Girl in the Woods (2021)
2.07K Views0 Comments
Carrie is a mysterious warrior who escaped from a cult-like colony that guards the world from monsters hidden behind a secret door in the woods.
Chucky (2021)
5.17K Views0 Comments
After a vintage Chucky doll turns up at a suburban yard sale, an idyllic American town is thrown into chaos as a series of horrifying murders begin to expose the town’s hypocrisies and secrets. Meanwhile, the arrival...
I Know What You Did Last Summer (2021)
1.78K Views0 Comments
In a sun-soaked Hawaiian town with a mysterious past, a group of friends is left with a dark secret after a tragic accident. One year later, a member of the group receives a threatening message, and the friends now k...
Day of the Dead (2021)
3.34K Views1 Comments
A group of strangers try to survive the first 24 hours of an undead invasion. This ode to George A. Romero’s famous flesh-eaters reminds us that sometimes all it takes to bring people together is a horde of hungry zo...
Brand New Cherry Flavor (2021)
3.25K Views0 Comments
Lisa Nova, an aspiring film director in the sun-drenched but seamy world of 1990 Los Angeles, embarks on a mind-altering journey from the streets of Beverly Hills to the forests of Brazil - of supernatural revenge.
S.O.Z: Soldiers or Zombies (2021)
7.71K Views0 Comments
Drug lord Alonso Marroquín escapes from a Mexican prison in an attempt to go into hiding. A US military secret experiment goes wrong and the elite unit from the Mexican Police that is after Marroquín gets infected, c...
SurrealEstate (2021)
6.71K Views0 Comments
SurrealEstate revolves around real estate agent Nick Roman and an elite team of specialists who handle the cases that no one else can: haunted and possessed houses that literally scare would-be buyers away. Researchi...
Deadhouse Dark (2021)
2.52K Views0 Comments
In six interconnected short tales of terror, a woman receives a ‘mystery box’ from the dark web. Each item within will gradually reveal a dark and troubling truth.