Sezonul 2 Episodul 8
Ultimele Episoade Adaugate
The Walking Dead: Dead City (2023)
5.34K Views0 Comments
The Walking Dead: Dead City extends The Walking Dead storytelling around two unforgettable characters fans have grown to love, hate or hate and then love in Maggie and Negan. It also explores a corner of this univers...
Dead Ringers (2023)
1.26K Views0 Comments
The Mantle twins are the most successful, brilliant and extraordinary people you've never met. Identical from head to toe, these two ob-gyns are on a mission to change the way women birth, starting with Manhattan. Th...
EZRA (2022)
1.73K Views0 Comments
After fleeing the dark and demonic chains of his shadowy old home, Ezra, a killer gay vampire, takes a leap of faith and enters the modern world.
Unseen (2023)
1.87K Views0 Comments
A house cleaner desperately searches for her husband as a dreaded criminal syndicate dredges up past tragedies and ultimately drives her to violence.
Wolf Pack (2023)
10.19K Views3 Comments
Based on the book series by Edo van Belkom, Wolf Pack follows a teenage boy and girl whose lives are changed forever when a California wildfire awakens a terrifying supernatural creature and drives it to attack a hig...
Berserk (1997)
6.28K Views0 Comments
În această poveste medievală epică, un mercenar rătăcitor i se alătură unui lider carismatic în goana sa după glorie și recunoaștere.
Junji Ito Maniac: Japanese Tales of the Macabre (2023)
1.32K Views0 Comments
Din mintea lui Junji Ito, maestrul horrorului manga, vine o selecție care-ți dă fiori, cu povești înfricoșătoare, șocante și bizare.
Oats Studios (2017)
4.91K Views0 Comments
Regizorul Neill Blomkamp produce o serie de scurtmetraje experimentale care imaginează lumi postapocaliptice și scenarii de coșmar.
The Last of Us (2023)
16.24K Views0 Comments
După ce o pandemie globală distruge civilizația, un supraviețuitor dur are grijă de o fată de 14 ani care ar putea fi ultima speranță a omenirii.
Monstrous (2022)
1.66K Views0 Comments
A giant Buddha statue is unearthed in a small rural town. The mayor believes that it will change the town into a major tourist attraction. However, a catastrophe starts to grow. A centuries-old curse is unleashed fro...
Anne Rice’s Mayfair Witches (2023)
4.22K Views0 Comments
An intuitive young neurosurgeon discovers that she is the unlikely heir to a family of witches. As she grapples with her newfound powers, she must contend with a sinister presence that has haunted her family for gene...
Gannibal (2022)
2.67K Views0 Comments
After causing a major incident, police officer Daigo Agawa takes his wife and daughter to live in the remote mountain village of Kuge. It seems the perfect place to recover from the ordeal, despite the mysterious dis...
Parasyte -the maxim- (2014)
2.57K Views0 Comments
A species of parasitic aliens descends on Earth and quickly infiltrates humanity by entering the brains of vulnerable targets; insatiable beings that gain total control of their host and are capable of transforming t...
1899 (2022)
3.68K Views3 Comments
În 1899, întâmplări misterioase schimbă cursul unui vas cu imigranți cu destinația New York, iar pasagerii săi derutați sunt înghițiți în labirintul enigmelor.
Folklore (2018)
1.86K Views0 Comments
Sezonul 1 : Antologia horror produsă de HBO Asia, FOLKLORE, are 6 episoade ce se desfășoară în șase țări asiatice. Fiecare episod se inspiră din miturile și folclorul țării respective și reinterpretează legende străv...
Insanity (Insânia) (2021)
1.66K Views0 Comments
A personal tragedy causes young forensics investigator Paula to have a breakdown, which results in her admittance to a psychiatric hospital. There, she is pulled into the darkest and most terrifying corners of her mi...
Shining Vale (2022)
2.62K Views0 Comments
A dysfunctional family moves from the city to a small town into a house in which terrible atrocities have taken place. But no one seems to notice except for Patricia “Pat” Phelps, who’s convinced she’s either depress...
The Calling (2022)
2.15K Views0 Comments
NYPD Detective Avraham Avraham's belief in mankind is his superpower when it comes to uncovering the truth. Guided by a deep sense of spirituality and religious principles, Avraham is left to question his own humanit...
Wreck (2022)
1.24K Views0 Comments
Aboard the mega cruise ship Sacramentum, 20-year-old new recruit, Jamie, infiltrates the 3000-strong crew in a desperate race to find his missing sister. She was working aboard the same vessel on a previous tour and ...
Cracow Monsters (2022)
2.63K Views0 Comments
O tânără femeie bântuită de trecut se alătură unui profesor misterios și grupului său de studenți înzestrați care investighează activități paranormale și luptă cu demoni.
Urban Legend (2022)
2.29K Views0 Comments
This nightmarish anthology series, under the creative guidance of master of horror Eli Roth, showcases classic urban legends as you've never seen them before. Featuring lurking psychopaths, murderous mysteries, creep...
The Bastard Son & the Devil Himself (2022)
1.57K Views0 Comments
Prins în lupta dintre două clanuri, fiul unui vrăjitor care a comis un groaznic masacru încearcă să-și afle locul în lume, dar și propriile puteri.
My Encounter with Evil (2022)
2.35K Views0 Comments
Oameni reali care cred că viața le-a fost afectată de posesii demonice își rememorează experiențele prin reconstituiri și relatări.
The 101 Scariest Horror Movie Moments of All Time (2022)
1.29K Views0 Comments
In this Shudder Original series, master filmmakers and genre experts celebrate and dissect the most terrifying moments of the greatest horror films ever made, exploring how these scenes were created and why they burn...
Eli Roth Presents: A Ghost Ruined My Life (2021)
1.30K Views0 Comments
Master of Horror Eli Roth presents true stories of hauntings that have shattered the lives of the people who have experienced them.
Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities (2022)
1.78K Views0 Comments
In this genre-defining anthology series, acclaimed Academy Award-winning filmmaker Guillermo del Toro will present a collection of personally curated stories, that are both equally sophisticated and horrific. On Guil...
Mr. Midnight: Beware the Monsters (2022)
1.29K Views0 Comments
Un adolescent nu prea strălucit și prietenii lui devin detectivi paranormali și își consemnează aventurile într-un blog online sub pseudonimul „Mr. Midnight”.
School Tales the Series (2022)
1.50K Views0 Comments
Based on hit comics, School Tales The Series is a new Thai horror anthology of eight terrifying ghost stories set in schools, crafted by six Thai directors skilled in the art of scaring audiences. The series takes a...
28 Days Haunted (2022)
1.46K Views0 Comments
Three teams each spend 28 days in some of America's most haunted locations for a paranormal experiment based on the theories of Ed and Lorraine Warren.
Let the Right One In (2022)
1.40K Views0 Comments
Inspired by the best-selling 2004 novel by John Ajvide Lindqvist and its 2008 Swedish film adaptation, the series revolves around Mark (Bichir) and his 12-year-old daughter, whose lives were changed forever 10 years ...
Beauty and the Beast (2012)
7.80K Views0 Comments
Detective Catherine Chandler is a smart, no-nonsense homicide detective. When she was a teenager, she witnessed the murder of her mother at the hands of two gunmen and herself was saved by someone – or something. Yea...
The Watcher (2022)
1.73K Views0 Comments
Scrisori amenințătoare, vecini ciudați și mesaje sinistre: o familie se mută în casa visurilor sale, însă visurile se transformă într-un coșmar înfiorător.