Sezonul 2 Episodul 6
Ultimele Episoade Adaugate
His Dark Materials (2019)
31.62K Views0 Comments
Serialul o are drept protagonistă pe Lyra, o fată curajoasă, dintr-o altă lume. Aflată în căutarea unui prieten răpit, ea descoperă un complot sinistru și încearcă să înțeleagă un fenomen misterios numit Praf. ...
Ghostwriter (2019)
5.13K Views2 Comments
When a ghost haunts a neighborhood bookstore and starts releasing fictional characters into the real world, four kids must team up to solve an exciting mystery surrounding the ghost's unfinished business.
Avatar: The Last Airbender
20.00K Views0 Comments
Dupa ce Natiunile Apei, Pamantului si Aerului sunt amenintate de dominatia ostila a Natiunii Focului, un baietel nonconformist si iresponsabil trebuie sa-si ia in maini destinul de a fi Avatar, Alesul, cel care poate...
Daybreak (2019)
4.97K Views0 Comments
Trăindu-și viața într-un Los Angeles post-apocaliptic, un pierde-vară se străduie să o găsească pe fata visurilor lui, în timp ce scapă de strigoi și diverse bande. Daybreak finds 17-year-old high school outcast...
Are You Afraid of the Dark? (2019)
6.21K Views0 Comments
This is a re-imagining of the anthology series "Are You Afraid of the Dark?". The limited series, which will consist of three hour-long episodes, will introduce a new Midnight Society group of kids who will tell t...
Nancy Drew (2019)
14.64K Views4 Comments
Set in the summer after her high school graduation, 18-year-old Nancy Drew thought she'd be leaving her hometown for college, but when a family tragedy holds her back another year, she finds herself embroiled in a gh...
Welcome to Demon-School, Iruma-kun (2019)
9.40K Views0 Comments
Suzuki Iruma a fost vândut unui demon de către părinții lui iresponsabili în schimbul unei sume de bani. Surprinzător, se trezește că locuiește cu acel demon și este transferat la o școală din Lumea Demonilor.
Undone (2019)
5.10K Views0 Comments
Undone explores the elastic nature of reality through its central character, Alma. After getting into a near fatal car accident, Alma discovers she has a new relationship with time and uses this ability to find out t...
Kimetsu no Yaiba / Demon Slayer
32.23K Views4 Comments
Din timpuri de demult, au tot existat zvonuri despre demoni mâncători de oameni, astfel că sătenii nu se aventurează niciodată în pădure pe timp de noapte. Tânărul Tanjirou nu crede însă în asemenea basme, dar curând...
The Unsettling (2019)
7.87K Views0 Comments
Becca, a 16-year-old girl, arrives at her new foster home located in a remote area. Her foster siblings are less than welcoming but none more so than the 11-year-old biological son of their foster parents. Becca trie...
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (2019)
6.49K Views0 Comments
În timp ce stăpâni dornici de putere vor să lase fără viață planeta Thra, mai mulți gelflingi curajoși se unesc pentru a-și salva lumea de întuneric. The 10-episode fantasy adventure series is a prequel to the ground...
Carnival Row (2019)
22.68K Views0 Comments
Carnival Row is a fantasy-noir set in a neo-Victorian city. Mythical creatures fleeing their war-torn homeland have gathered in the city, and tensions are simmering between citizens and the growing immigrant populati...
Beforeigners (2019)
11.53K Views0 Comments
Beforeigners follows a new phenomenon that starts happening all over the world. Powerful flashes of light occur in the ocean, and people from the past appear. They come from three separate time periods: The Stone Ag...
Cannon Busters (2019)
4.96K Views0 Comments
Renegatul nemuritor Philly Puștanul și Cadillacul său mutant se alătură unui robot-prieten cu un optimism incurabil și pornesc în căutarea unui prinț dispărut.
Typewriter (2019)
5.81K Views0 Comments
Three young friends in Goa plan to search an old villa for ghosts, but when a new family, accompanied by their attractive daughter moves in, the home's buried past resurfaces in chilling ways and the amateur ghost hu...
The Boys (2019)
87.01K Views8 Comments
Based on the graphic novel The Boys, which ran from 2008 to 2012, the show is set in a world where superheroes have run amok and get involved in reckless behavior, potentially jeopardizing the safety of the world. Th...
The Rook (2019)
6.56K Views1 Comments
The Rook is based on O'Malley's genre novel which introduces a strong female protagonist named Myfanwy Thomas with extraordinary powers who is employed by a mysterious British government agency responsible for defend...
Jinn (2019)
6.07K Views0 Comments
A group of teenagers' lives are disrupted when a spiritual figure appears in front of them in the ancient city of Petra. They must try and stop Jinn before he destroys the world.
Arthdal Chronicles (Aseudal Yeondaegi)
14.77K Views0 Comments
A gripping tale of love, ambition, and tragedy, with four characters whose destinies are intertwined fighting for what they want in the city of Arthdal.
Swamp Thing (2019)
8.01K Views1 Comments
Swamp Thing centers on CDC researcher Abby Arcane. When she returns to her childhood home of Houma, Louisiana, in order to investigate a deadly swamp-borne virus, she develops a surprising bond with scientist Alec Ho...
Good Omens (2019)
14.94K Views0 Comments
According to The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch (the world's only completely accurate book of prophecies), the world will end on a Saturday. Next Saturday, in fact. Just before dinner. So the ...
Si no t’hagués conegut (If I Hadn’t Met You) (2019)
6.54K Views0 Comments
Eduard, soț și tată care-și pierde familia într-un accident tragic, călătorește în universuri paralele și caută un destin mai fericit pentru iubita lui soție.
Yasamayanlar (Immortals) (2018)
8.60K Views0 Comments
Transformată în vampir și dornică de răzbunare, Mia vrea să-l distrugă pe Dmitry, un lider al vampirilor fără scrupule, care caută un artefact ce asigură nemurirea.
The Passage (2019)
14.93K Views16 Comments
Project NOAH is a a secret medical facility, where scientists are experimenting with a dangerous virus that could lead to the cure for all disease, but also carries the potential to wipe out the human race. When a ...
HEX: Vrajitoarea (2004)
18.01K Views0 Comments
Cassie is a shy college girl who wants to be accepted by others, but is only truly loved by her best friend Thelma. Cassie later discovers that she possesses dangerous powers, and is being drawn into a world thats fa...
3Below: Tales of Arcadia (2018)
5.62K Views0 Comments
A pair of teenage royals and their bodyguard escape from their home planet and try to blend in on Earth.
Diablero (2018)
6.15K Views4 Comments
Diablero, based on the book El Diablo me obligó by F. G. Haghenbeck, is a horror fantasy thriller centered around Father Ramiro Ventura, a fallen priest who finds himself seeking the aid of legendary "diablero" or dem...
The Protector (2018)
36.73K Views8 Comments
Given mystical powers by a talismanic keepsake, a young man embarks on a quest to fight shadowy forces and solve a mystery from his past.
The Frankenstein Chronicles (2015)
5.63K Views0 Comments
This is a re-imagining of the Frankenstein myth incorporating elements from the investigative and horror genre. The show is set in Regency London in 1827, and follows the investigations by Inspector John Marlott.
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018)
10.40K Views4 Comments
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power is the story of an orphan named Adora, who leaves behind her former life in the evil Horde when she discovers a magic sword that transforms her into the mythical warrior princess She...
Goblin Slayer
8.75K Views3 Comments
O tânără preoteasă și-a format primul său grup de aventură, dar imediat după se trezesc într-o situație periculoasă. Ucigașul de Goblini e cel care îi ajută... un bărbat care și-a dedicat viața exterminării tuturor g...
Charmed (2018)
47.67K Views10 Comments
Charmed is a reimagining of the original Aaron Spelling 1998 to 2006 series. The new show will be a fierce, funny, feminist reboot centered on three sisters in a college town who discover they are witches. Between v...