Another Life (2019)

16.51K Views3 Comments

Another Life centers on astronaut Niko Breckinridge who is focused on searching for alien intelligence. She leads a crew on a mission to explore the genesis of an alien artifact. As Niko and her young crew investigat...

La peste (The Plague)

5.59K Views0 Comments

Seville, 16th century. During a terrible plague epidemic, the corpses of several murdered people are found, as an omen of the end of the world. Seville was one of the main cities of the Western world. Known as the Gr...

La victima numero 8 (Victim Number 8)

4.98K Views0 Comments

Nimeni nu mai prezintă încredere după ce un atac terorist la Bilbao ucide șapte persoane și distruge viața unui militant islamic și a celor din preajma lui.

Luchshe chem lyudi (Better Than Us)

5.64K Views0 Comments

O familie aflată în pragul destrămării achiziționează un robot de ultimă generație pe urmele căruia se află o corporație, anchetatori criminaliști și teroriștii.

Why Women Kill (2019)

14.61K Views2 Comments

Why Women Kill details the lives of three women living in three different decades: a housewife in the '60s, a socialite in the '80s and a lawyer in 2018, each dealing with infidelity in their marriages. The series wi...

The Boys (2019)

87.00K Views8 Comments

Based on the graphic novel The Boys, which ran from 2008 to 2012, the show is set in a world where superheroes have run amok and get involved in reckless behavior, potentially jeopardizing the safety of the world. Th...

Our Boys (2019)

4.88K Views0 Comments

In the summer of 2014, three Jewish teenagers are kidnapped and murdered by Hamas militants. Israel is shocked, shaken and furious. Two days later, the burned body of a Palestinian teenager from eastern Jerusalem is ...

Wu Assassins (2019)

12.20K Views0 Comments

În San Francisco, un bucătar ca oricare altul este ales ca ultim asasin dintr-o lungă dinastie pentru a nu lăsa misticele puteri Wu pe mâini criminale. Wu Assassins follows Kai Jin, a young Chinatown chef in present...

The Naked Director (2019)

3.16K Views0 Comments

În Japonia anilor ’80, un bărbat perseverent a transformat fiecare pas înapoi într-un salt înainte. Numele său era Toru Muranishi și a fost un pionier în domeniul său.

Sintonia (2019)

3.18K Views0 Comments

Trei adolescenți care locuiesc în aceeași favelă din São Paulo își urmează visele și rămân prieteni într-o lume a muzicii, drogurilor și religiei.

Dollar (2019)

8.88K Views0 Comments

Fără prea multă tragere de inimă, frumoasa secretară Zeina i se alătură încrezătorului Tarek în goana după o banală bancnotă care valorează un milion de dolari.

Pico Da Neblina (2019)

2.83K Views0 Comments

Biriba, un dealer tânăr din São Paulo, decide să renunțe la viața în afara legii și să-și folosească cunoștințele pentru a vinde marijuana legal, împreună cu partenerul și investitorul său neexperimentat, Vini.

Les Norton (2019)

3.08K Views0 Comments

Set in 1985, the series will follow the exploits of a country bloke from outback Queensland. On the run from a troubled past, he blows into Sydney where he lands a job as a bouncer at an illegal casino. A classic fis...

The Hunting (2019)

2.75K Views0 Comments

The Hunting is about two high school teachers who discover students are sharing nude photos of their underage friends and peers, and the consequence this has on the teens and their families.

Lambs of God (2019)

4.27K Views0 Comments

Three Catholic nuns, the last sisters of the Order of St. Agnes, live alone and forgotten in a rundown monastery on a remote island. When a young and ambitious priest appears, determined to sell the estate, the three...

Pearson (2019)

5.39K Views0 Comments

Pearson is centered on powerhouse lawyer Jessica Pearson (Gina Torres) as she adjusts to the dirty world of Chicago politics. Powerhouse lawyer Jessica Pearson adjusts to the dirty world of Chicago politics. A spin o...

Pandora (2019)

16.84K Views0 Comments

Set in the year 2199, a young woman who has lost everything finds a new life at Earth's Space Training Academy where she learns to defend the galaxy from intergalactic threats.

Pennyworth (2019)

7.85K Views0 Comments

Pennyworth follows (BAtman's) Bruce Wayne's legendary butler, Alfred Pennyworth, a former British SAS soldier who forms a security company and goes to work with Thomas Wayne, Bruce's billionaire father, in 1960's Lon...

Gösta (2019)

2.61K Views0 Comments

Gösta (Vilhelm Blomgren) is a 28-year old child psychologist from Stockholm who gets his first job in a small rural town. He wants to be the kindest person in the world and help everyone he meets. Sometimes it goes w...

Loudest Voice in the Room (2019)

4.37K Views1 Comments

În peisajul mediatic de astăzi, un peisaj încărcat politic, nicio figură nu domină așa de tare, chiar și după moarte, ca Roger Ailes, cel ce a transformat Fox News într-o forță ce a schimbat în mod irevocabil convers...

The Rook (2019)

6.56K Views1 Comments

The Rook is based on O'Malley's genre novel which introduces a strong female protagonist named Myfanwy Thomas with extraordinary powers who is employed by a mysterious British government agency responsible for defend...

7 Seeds (2019)

7.00K Views0 Comments

When a giant meteorite strikes Earth, the 7 Seeds program activates. Five groups of seven people are now the last survivors of humanity.

Jordskott (2014)

7.13K Views0 Comments

Swedish Twin peaks inspired television show. Several years have passed since the police commissioner Eva Thörnblads daughter Josefine disappeared at the forest lake in Silver Height. It was considered a tragic dro...

Beecham House (2019)

6.33K Views2 Comments

The story begins as handsome and soulful former soldier, John Beecham, has acquired the house to start a new life for his family and a business as a trader. Wealthy and distinguished, John has witnessed profiteering ...

Reef Break (2019)

4.85K Views0 Comments

Reef Break follows Cat Chambers, a former thief turned fixer for the governor of a Pacific island paradise. The "impulsive, reckless and irresistible" Cat has an instinctive gift for understanding criminals, thanks t...

Grand Hotel (2019)

30.39K Views3 Comments

Eva Longoria executive produces this bold, provocative drama set at the last family-owned hotel in multicultural Miami Beach. Charismatic Santiago Mendoza owns the hotel, while his glamorous second wife, Gigi, and th...

Euphoria (2019)

26.52K Views2 Comments

Based on the 2012 Israeli series of the same name, Euphoria is a look at the brutality and pleasures of teen existence today. It follows a group of high school students as they attempt to cope through drugs, sex and ...

Too Old to Die Young (2019)

4.47K Views0 Comments

Too Old to Die Young explores the criminal underbelly of Los Angeles. It explores various characters' existential journeys from being killers to becoming samurai's in the city of angels.

Charite (2017)

7.31K Views1 Comments

Descriere sezonul 1 : Angajații spitalului Charité din Berlin sunt martorii unor inovații istorice uimitoare: vaccinurile din anii 1880 și practicile eugenice din al Doilea Război Mondial. Descriere sezonul 2 : ...

Yankee (2019)

8.89K Views0 Comments

Urmărit de poliție, un bărbat din Arizona trece granița în Mexic, unde este acaparat de traficul de droguri… prin intermediul tehnologiei moderne. EN: Yankee is the story of Malcolm Moriarty, a young entrepreneur fro...

Jett (2019)

10.51K Views0 Comments

Carla Gugino e Daisy ”Jett” Kowalski, o hoață cunoscută la nivel mondial. Proaspăt ieșită din închisoare, este forțată să revină la ce se pricepe mai bine de către infractori periculoși hotărâți să-i exploateze abili...

Trinkets (2019)

4.13K Views0 Comments

O adolescentă îndoliată formează o legătură neașteptată cu două colege de la noul ei liceu, după ce toate ajung în același cerc de reabilitare al hoților din magazine.