The Fugitive (2020)

6.62K Views2 Comments

The Fugitive centers on blue collar worker Mike Russo, who just wants to make sure his wife, Allison, and 10-year-old daughter, Pearl, are safe, when a bomb rips through the Los Angeles subway train he's riding on. B...

Don’t Look Deeper (2020)

5.30K Views0 Comments

Don't Look Deeper follows a high school senior in Merced, CA, in a world fifteen minutes into the future, who can't seem to shake the feeling she's not human, with the revelation setting into motion events that puts ...

Speakerine (2018)

2.88K Views0 Comments

July 1962. Christine Beauval, star speaker of the RTF, is a fulfilled woman who leads her life as a wife and mother, as well as an ambitious professional career. But in the spotlight, when she should speak, her body ...

Hung (2009)

5.14K Views0 Comments

From the creators of The Riches comes an HBO comedy pilot about a middle-aged basketball coach who figures out how to put his exceptional physical endowments to use.

Doctor Prisoner (2019)

4.22K Views0 Comments

An ace doctor in a university hospital is wrongfully accused of a medical malpractice incident and gets ousted from the hospital. He then applies to work at a prison, where he plans to make personal connections with ...

Little Birds (2020)

3.08K Views0 Comments

Little Birds is set in Tangier in 1955, in the famous 'international zone' - one of the last outposts of colonial decadence, and a culture shock in more ways than one for troubled American debutante Lucy Savage. Thri...

Rome (2005)

13.18K Views0 Comments

A down-to-earth account of the lives of both illustrious and ordinary Romans set in the last days of the Roman Republic.

The Deceived (2020)

4.00K Views0 Comments

The Deceived is set in Cambridge in the UK and Donegal, the northernmost county in Ireland. It is a contemporary psychological thriller following a young English student called Ophelia, who falls in love with her mar...

Sloborn (2020)

5.97K Views0 Comments

A deadly virus hits a small community living on an island in the North Sea.

Get Even (2020)

2.97K Views0 Comments

Patru colege își unesc forțele și pun la cale în secret un plan abil de răzbunare pentru a denunța o serie de nedreptăți care au loc la școala lor privată.

The Singapore Grip (2020)

4.14K Views0 Comments

The Singapore Grip tells the story of a British family living in Singapore at the time of the Japanese invasion. It follows rubber merchant Walter Blackett, his wife Sylvia, ruthless daughter Joan and spoilt son M...

Between Two Worlds (2020)

3.35K Views0 Comments

Cate Walford's relationship with vicious, business tycoon husband, Phillip, is on the ropes and their tempestuous home life is trapped in a tangled web of lies and manipulation. Through a shocking twist of fate, this...

A Suitable Boy (2020)

2.72K Views0 Comments

Set during the 1950s, the six-part series tells the story of a young woman’s search for love and identity in a newly independent, post-Partition India defining its own future.

Boca a Boca (Kissing Game) (2020)

2.85K Views0 Comments

Adolescenții de la un liceu dintr-o comunitate rurală izolată contractează o misterioasă și contagioasă „boală a sărutului”, stârnind panică în familiile lor.

Red Band Society (2014)

3.26K Views0 Comments

A coming-of-age drama with humor set at a big-city hospital. Unlike most hospital series, it doesn't center on the doctors but on the patients. It explores with dark humor the daily life of a group of teenage kids li...

Auga Seca (2020)

4.03K Views0 Comments

'Auga seca' is a police drama set in the world of arms trafficking and its connections with the business world, where Teresa (played by the Portuguese actress Victoria Guerra) will be involved in a plot in which noth...

Mythomaniac (2019)

3.44K Views0 Comments

Epuizată la muncă și neapreciată acasă, o mamă bănuiește că partenerul o înșală, așa că, pentru a-i recâștiga atenția, susține că a primit un diagnostic medical grav.

Brave New World (2020)

9.50K Views0 Comments

Brave New World imagines a utopian society that has achieved peace and stability through the prohibition of monogamy, privacy, money, family, and history itself.

Dark Desire (Oscuro Deseo) (2020)

26.57K Views1 Comments

Alma petrece un weekend fatidic departe de casă. Începutul e marcat de pasiune, finalul, de tragedie, iar ea începe să pună la îndoială adevărul despre cei apropiați.

P-Valley (2020)

3.02K Views0 Comments

This is a scripted one-hour drama that takes an unflinching and unapologetic look at the lives of pole dancers working down in the Dirty Delta. Creator and writer Katori Hallwill executive produce "Pussy Valley" with...

Scams (2019)

2.85K Views0 Comments

Lovit de criza financiară generată de falimentul Lehman, un tânăr cu intenții bune se alătură unei operațiuni frauduloase și se afundă tot mai tare în lumea interlopă.

Little Voice (2020)

3.07K Views0 Comments

A love letter to the diverse musicality of New York and an exploration of the universal journey of finding your authentic voice in your early 20s.

The Twelve (De Twaalf)

3.72K Views0 Comments

Doisprezece jurați, oameni de rând cu propriile probleme, trebuie să decidă soarta unei femei acuzate de uciderea celei mai bune prietene, dar și a propriei fiice.

Japan Sinks: 2020 (2020)

3.79K Views0 Comments

După ce Japonia este devastată de cutremure catastrofale, o familie își vede tăria pusă la încercare într-o călătorie de supraviețuire prin arhipelagul care se scufundă.

Ghost Whisperer (2005)

49.13K Views0 Comments

De mică, Melinda Gordon (Jennifer Love Hewitt) are abilitatea de a vedea și de a intra în contact cu spiritele morților. Prin acest dar, moștenit de la bunica sa, Melinda ajută spiritele rămase prizoniere în lumea ce...

The Crimson Field (2014)

5.45K Views0 Comments

This series follows a team of doctors, nurses, and female volunteers working in a front-line tented field hospital during the First World War. It's a daily battle to keep the soldiers well enough to fight. Low staff...

New Worlds (2014)

7.14K Views0 Comments

Anul 1680 aduce un nou rege, restaurarea şi mai multă tiranie. În Massachusetts, fiul unui tâlhar se îndrăgosteşte de o antimonarhistă. În Anglia, o tânără se îndrăgosteşte de un om în afara legii.

Perdida (2020)

4.41K Views0 Comments

A policewoman, whose childhood friend disappeared in Patagonia years ago, starts a new search to find answers and soon finds her own life in danger.

Stargate Universe

29.74K Views4 Comments

Serialul urmărește încercările prin care trec mai mulți soldați, oameni de știință și civili rămași departe de pământ, pe o navă spațială veche, numită Destiny. Ei trăiesc într-un adevărat hățiș spațio-temporal, bloc...

Borgen (2010)

5.41K Views0 Comments

A drama series in 30 episodes on the political game for power in Denmark today - and about the personal costs and consequences that have played for the parties involved, both on and around it.

The Baby-Sitters Club (2020)

2.34K Views0 Comments

Îndrăgitele romane semnate de Ann M. Martin se bucură de o interpretare modernă în acest serial ce urmărește un grup de prietene care dezvoltă o afacere de babysitting.

Find Me in Paris (2018)

8.58K Views1 Comments

Când Lena Grisky, o prințesă și studentă la școala de balet a operei din Paris, călătorește accidental din 1905 în zilele noastre, ea trebuie să se adapteze rapid pentru a-și păstra secretul și a se ascunde de cei ca...