Sezonul 2 Episodul 6
Ultimele Episoade Adaugate
Tokyo Vice (2022)
1.95K Views0 Comments
Inspirată de experiența lui Jake Adelstein, această dramă polițistă îl prezintă pe tânărul jurnalist american, pe măsură ce pătrunde în lumea subterană din Tokyo, de la sfârșitul anilor ’90, în care nimic nu este cee...
Agatha Christie’s Hjerson (2021)
912 Views0 Comments
Un serial inspirat de un personaj al Agathei Christie: Sven Hjerson, cândva celebru expert în psihologie criminalistă. O producătoare TV vrea să facă o serie polițistă cu el și cazuri reale de crimă.
Curtain Call (2022)
1.01K Views0 Comments
A drama about an elderly woman from North Korea who doesn’t have much time left to live and a theatre actor who acts as her grandson in order to fulfill her final wish.
Silence (Šutnja) (2021)
1.00K Views0 Comments
Un detectiv de poliție, un reporter și soția unui politician sunt duși în abisul teribil al traficului de minori care traversează granițele Europei de Est. Ei descoperă o rețea în jurul celor mai înalte eșaloane de ...
SAS: Rogue Heroes (2022)
4.83K Views1 Comments
The show will explore the thinking that led to the creation of a new form of combat in the deserts of North Africa during World War II. It will celebrate the glory, action and camaraderie at the heart of this story, ...
Under the Queen’s Umbrella (2022)
2.15K Views0 Comments
A spirited queen tries to rein in her rowdy sons in order to make one of them the next king of Joseon, while her competitors vie to snatch the throne.
The Garcias (2022)
752 Views0 Comments
After 15 years, the Garcia kids are grown up and now have children of their own. The new extended Garcia family travels to the beautiful Riviera Maya in Mexico, a place full of self-discovery, where they will all lea...
Bad Prosecutor (2022)
1.11K Views1 Comments
A story about a prosecutor named Jin Jung who is armed with bad manners and delinquency. He breaks down the sanctuaries created by wealth and power, and he even takes down the greedy people living in those sanctuarie...
Military Prosecutor Doberman (2022)
2.19K Views1 Comments
Do Bae-man became military prosecutor only to make more money and be successful. On the other hand, Cha Woo-in, recently joining Bae-man’s team, became one for her revenge. As these two different purposes shows, the ...
Repatriated (2022)
797 Views0 Comments
Leonel Reina is a young Latino boxer with dreams of becoming a champion. But Leonel’s dreams are derailed when he’s deported to Mexico and discovers that he was never naturalized as an American citizen. In a country ...
Big Mouth (2022)
2.81K Views0 Comments
The drama is about the battle faced by a lower-class lawyer who must become angrier to protect himself and his family and punish the bad guys in a world full of conspiracies and greed. Park Chang Ho works as a law...
Bargain (2022)
1.85K Views0 Comments
Based on the short film of the same name, ‘Bargain’ is a disaster thriller that unfolds when a great earthquake hits the building where ‘Ransom’ was negotiated for different reasons. The merciless struggle of human b...
Not My Fault: Mexico (2021)
931 Views1 Comments
Two years after her sister Liliana disappeared without a trace, Mariana receives painful closure when her body is finally discovered. Mariana’s pain empowers her to embark on a tireless mission to learn the truth abo...
The Marked Heart (Pálpito) (2022)
2.10K Views0 Comments
Un bărbat hotărât să se răzbune pe traficanții de organe care i-au ucis soția începe o relație cu femeia care a primit inima ei.
The Mopes (On the Job) (2021)
606 Views0 Comments
Singer-songwriter Mat is facing a mental crash... actually he is fairly successful, in a steady relationship and is not unhappy with his life. Then he meets Monika: She's "efficient, organized" and about to get a pro...
Heartstopper (2022)
1.17K Views0 Comments
Un serial despre maturizare în care adolescenții Charlie și Nick descoperă că prietenia lor poate fi una neașteptată, în timp ce trec prin școală și idile nevinovate.
Harry Wild (2022)
1.15K Views1 Comments
Harriet "Harry" Wild is a retiring university literature professor who is finding herself at one of life's crossroads. Jolted from a mugging, she reluctantly agrees to recover in the home of her son, Charlie, a senio...
Why Didn’t They Ask Evans? (2022)
730 Views0 Comments
Why Didn't They Ask Evans? follows the story of Bobby Jones and his socialite friend Lady Frances Derwent, who discover a dying man while hunting for a golf ball. Their curiosity led them both into becoming amateur i...
The 7 Lives of Lea (2022)
822 Views0 Comments
După ce găsește rămășițele unui tânăr, Léa se trezește în anii ’90 și schimbă șapte trupuri încercând să dezlege misterul morții acestuia pentru a o împiedica.
Conversations with Friends (2022)
821 Views0 Comments
Conversations with Friends follows two female college students in Dublin who forge an unexpected, strange and sexually charged relationship with an older married couple, which results in a complicated pair of love tr...
Signora Volpe (2022)
925 Views0 Comments
To the casual observer, there's nothing remarkable about Sylvia. An intelligent, confident woman, Sylvia tends to keep quiet about her formidable linguistic abilities, impressive knowledge of weaponry, and skills as...
Vampire in the Garden (2022)
1.22K Views0 Comments
Împotriva sorților, o regină-vampir și o fată își unesc forțele în căutarea „paradisului”, un loc în care oamenii și vampirii coexistă în pace.
My Liberation Notes (2022)
940 Views0 Comments
Trei frați s-au săturat de monotonia vieții de adult și caută împlinire prin eliberarea de cotidianul lor banal.
¡García! (2022)
1.41K Views0 Comments
In a present-day Spain, divided and on the brink of political chaos, inquisitive millennial investigative reporter Antonia stumbles on a decades-old conspiracy: the existence of a cryogenically frozen super-agent, Ga...
Shards of Her (2022)
994 Views0 Comments
După ce se trezește din comă, o agentă de recrutare mulțumită de viață ajunge într-o realitate alternativă, unde trebuie să înfrunte o traumă oribilă din copilărie.
If Only – Si lo hubiera sabido (2022)
1.17K Views0 Comments
După zece ani de căsnicie dezamăgitoare, Emma rezistă cu greu, dar i se ivește ocazia incredibilă de a retrăi toți acești ani.
The House Across The Street (2022)
759 Views0 Comments
Claudia, a lonely single mother and school nurse, is longing for connection. Her opportunity to be a hero comes when a young child in her community – Emily Winter – goes missing. Claudia becomes embroiled in the case ...
May It Please The Court (2022)
939 Views0 Comments
It depicts the story of Noh Chak-hee, who has to defend a murderer, falling into the biggest dilemma of her life for 3 months.
Super Pumped (2022)
851 Views0 Comments
Each season of this anthology series explores a story that rocked the business world to its core and changed culture. The first season tells the story of Uber, one of Silicon Valley’s most successful and most destruc...
Rebel Cheer Squad: A Get Even Series (2022)
762 Views0 Comments
În acest thriller cu adolescenți, trei majorete de la o școală privată reactivează clubul antihărțuire al foștilor lor colegi și luptă împreună împotriva nedreptății.
That Dirty Black Bag (2022)
1.61K Views0 Comments
The story describes the 8-day clash between Arthur McCoy, an incorruptible sheriff with a troubled past, and Red Bill, an infamous, solitary bounty hunter known for decapitating his victims and stuffing their heads i...
Endless Night (2022)
993 Views0 Comments
Plictisită de monotonia vieții în suburbii, o adolescentă singuratică se împrietenește cu un grup de tineri care folosesc un drog pentru a visa cu ochii deschiși.