Sezonul 2 Episodul 8
Ultimele Episoade Adaugate
El comandante Fort (Commander Fort) (2023)
1.01K Views0 Comments
An Argentinian millionaire who wanted to buy love - And succeeded. While looking for fame and popularity, he became an LGBTQ+ activist, the first local influencer, and a pioneer of gay parenthood. All in five years....
Class (2023)
1.28K Views0 Comments
Trei elevi dintr-un cartier sărac se înscriu la un liceu de elită din Delhi, unde niște secrete și zvonuri sumbre duc până la urmă la crimă.
Nolly (2023)
759 Views0 Comments
The series explores the all-powerful reign, and fall from grace, of the inimitable Noele Gordon, TV legend and Queen of the Midlands, the darling of the establishment until it turned on her and betrayed her.
I Will Be Your Bloom (2022)
1.92K Views0 Comments
O fostă profesoară de liceu este acum impresar muzical și ajunge să locuiască împreună cu o trupă de băieți ratată, care visează alături de ea să devină artiști de top.
Dear Edward (2023)
1.02K Views0 Comments
Edward Adler, a 12-year-old boy, survives a devastating commercial plane crash that kills every other passenger on the flight, including his family. As Edward and a diverse ensemble of others affected by the tragedy ...
Fate/Apocrypha (2017)
1.40K Views0 Comments
Furtul Marelui Graal din Fuyuki City duce la fracturarea liniei temporale și Marele Război capătă o amploare fără precedent.
MAKE MY DAY (2023)
2.74K Views0 Comments
Pe o planetă de gheață îndepărtată, care promite un viitor strălucit, prizonierii extrag o sursă de energie rară, fapt ce duce la o descoperire letală și nedorită.
The Ark (2023)
7.00K Views3 Comments
The Ark takes place 100 years in the future when planetary colonization missions have begun as a necessity to help secure the survival of the human race. The first of these missions on a spacecraft known as Ark One e...
Hell on Wheels (2011)
5.65K Views0 Comments
Serialul îl are ca protagonist pe Cullen Bohannan, un fost soldat federal, a cărui misiune este de răzbuna moartea soţiei lui. Dorinţa lui de răzbunare îl duce către vestul Americii, unde va lucra la construcţia prim...
Into the West (2005)
1.96K Views0 Comments
Mini-seria tv produsa de Steven Spielberg cuprinde povesti din Vestul salbatic vazute atat din perspectiva unei familii de negustori albi aflate in cautarea „visului american”, cat si din cea a unei familii de amerin...
The Last Enemy (2008)
1.93K Views0 Comments
Un om de știință, doctorul Stephen Ezard, se întoarce acasă din Marea Britanie imediat după ce află că fratele său a murit. Pentru a uita despre moartea soțului său, Yasmin începe o aventură cu Stephen. Totuși, la un...
Magnificent Century – Suleyman Magnificul (2011)
15.57K Views0 Comments
Vă recomandăm să urmăriți următorul serial în limba turcă: Suleyman Magnificul. Are o traducere in română și nu are reclame la fel de enervante ca alte site-uri web. Îl puteți viziona pe smart TV, desktop și dispozit...
The Watchful Eye (2023)
1.82K Views0 Comments
Elena Santos, a young woman with a complicated past, maneuvers her way into working as a live-in nanny for an affluent family in Manhattan. She quickly learns that everyone in the mysterious building has deadly secre...
Grind (2023)
915 Views0 Comments
Tarela, a young lady who works at a local bar where she is constantly owed salary, struggles to make ends meet as the survival of her mother, Ebiere and her younger sister, Kome, rests squarely on her shoulders.
The Spencer Sisters (2023)
1.38K Views0 Comments
Police officer Darby Spencer and her mystery novelist mother Victoria Spencer have opposite personalities but still embark on the unlikeliest of ventures: becoming partners in a private detective agency.
Arknights: Reimei Zensou (2022)
3.17K Views0 Comments
În tărâmul Terra, au loc în mod neregulat dezastre naturale din cauze necunoscute. De aceea majoritatea oamenilor, pentru a scăpa de ele, au ajuns să locuiască în orașe mobile dezvoltate de-a lungul timpului. Origini...
Yali Çapkini (Golden Boy) (2022)
22.94K Views0 Comments
Destinul a doua surori le aduce pe acestea in calea mostenitorului unui imperiu de bijuterii, detinut de familia Korhan, in care minciuna, tradarea si secretele isi spun cuvantul. Halis este proprietarul imperiului d...
The Catch (2023)
1.27K Views0 Comments
Set against the hauntingly beautiful coastline of the west of England, The Catch introduces us to Ed Collier, a proud husband, father and local fisherman determined to do whatever it takes to keep his family together...
Kokdu: Season of Deity (2023)
1.81K Views0 Comments
A fantasy medical drama about a high-ranking grim reaper named Kkok Du, who is the only being to exist in the underworld. Every 99 years, the cold and cruel Kkok Du must take a break from his job in the underworld an...
Decoy (2023)
2.20K Views0 Comments
A 17-year-old case, known as the scam of the century, reemerges as a serial murder case in the present year 2023. It's a nationwide crime case thriller revolving around three people.
Sex & Violence (2013)
1.69K Views0 Comments
Looks at the lives of professionals who work in the aftermath of domestic violence: a social worker, a victim advocate, a prosecutor, a police officer, and a therapist and chronicles their struggles to maintain healt...
Totems (2022)
2.57K Views0 Comments
Set in 1965 in the midst of the Cold War, Totems follows a French scientist, Francis Mareuil, as he begins working as a spy. While working for the French Secret Service and the CIA, Mareuil meets Lyudmila Goloubeva, ...
Defiance (2013)
4.56K Views0 Comments
Actiunea serialului este plasata in viitorul apropiat, unde o rasa de extraterestri numiti Votani, a venit pe Pamant in cautarea unei noi case, dupa ce sistemul lor solar a fost distrus. In ciuda lungilor negocieri c...
The Forgotten Valley (Vale dos Esquecidos) (2022)
1.26K Views0 Comments
A group of youngsters get lost while hiking in the woods and are suddenly attacked. Wounded and with one of them have being captured, they find shelter in an eerie village shrouded in an eternal mist, a place from wh...
Lockwood & Co. (2023)
3.22K Views0 Comments
Într-o lume bântuită de fantome, trei adolescenți fac echipă ca anchetatori de paranormal, riscând puținul pe care-l au pentru a demasca o conspirație diabolică.
The Snow Girl (2023)
1.66K Views0 Comments
Amaya dispare în timpul unei parade din Málaga, iar o tânără jurnalistă nu se dă în lături de la nimic ca să-i ajute pe părinții fetei să o găsească.
Lost Man Found (2022)
688 Views0 Comments
Satoru Matsudo moves to Tokyo in hopes of becoming an actor. He has trouble breaking into the industry, but his luck begins to change when he finds an airplane ticket belonging to a talent agency CEO. Time passes, an...
Against the Ropes (2023)
763 Views0 Comments
Odată eliberată din închisoare, Ángela vrea să recâștige respectul fiicei sale, care practică lucha libre, așa că intră în ring sub masca unui personaj misterios.
Wolf Pack (2023)
10.19K Views3 Comments
Based on the book series by Edo van Belkom, Wolf Pack follows a teenage boy and girl whose lives are changed forever when a California wildfire awakens a terrifying supernatural creature and drives it to attack a hig...
Paul T. Goldman (2023)
824 Views0 Comments
Paul T. Goldman's world is turned upside down when he finds out that his wife has been living a secret double life. His efforts to uncover the truth thrust him into a labyrinth of fraud, deception and criminality tha...
Yakuza Lover (Koi to dangan) (2022)
1.72K Views0 Comments
When feisty college student Yuri is attacked at a party, she's saved by Oya Toshiomi, the underboss of a yakuza syndicate. Despite her obvious attraction to him, she convinces herself that she's not in the market for...
Crime Puzzle (2021)
1.54K Views0 Comments
"Crime Puzzle" is a story where a criminal psychologist is sent to prison for murdering a political candidate, and the criminal profiler who loses her father to the murder is conducting interviews with the murderer f...