The Mind, Explained (2019)

4.45K Views0 Comments

Te-ai întrebat vreodată ce se întâmplă în capul tău? De la vise la anxietate, descoperă cum funcționează creierul uman în acest serial revelator.

The Last Czars (2019)

4.49K Views0 Comments

a începutul secolului XX, Rusia este cuprinsă de tulburări sociale, iar Nicolae al II-lea se opune schimbării, provocând o revoluție și sfârșitul unei dinastii.When social upheaval sweeps Russia in the early 20th cen...

I Love You, Now Die: The Commonwealth vs. Michelle Carter

2.46K Views0 Comments

Acest documentar despre o infamă sinucidere provocată de o serie de SMS-uri pune întrebări dificile despre tehnologie, sănătate mintală și despre responsabilitatea pe care cineva o poate avea în suicidul altcuiva.

El Pionero (2019)

2.22K Views0 Comments

Documentarul urmărește viața lui Jesús Gil, un politician spaniol, mogul al fotbalului și magnat imobiliar. Controversat, excentric și profund ireverent, Gil este unul dintre cei mai fascinanți oameni publici din ult...

Hip Hop Evolution (2016)

3.80K Views0 Comments

HIP-HOP EVOLUTION travels back to 1970s Bronx and Harlem, unveiling how hip-hop evolved from its beginnings as a New York house-party experiment, to the global phenomenon it is today, and more importantly, how it cre...

Hellier (2019)

4.51K Views0 Comments

Driven by a plea for help from a man under supernatural assault, a small crew of paranormal researchers find themselves in a dying coal town, where a series of strange coincidences leads them to a decades-old mystery...

Rust Valley Restorers (2019)

2.83K Views0 Comments

Mike Hall, colecționar auto de modă veche, amicul său, Avery Shoaf, și fiul, Connor Hall, fac tot posibilul să restaureze mașini retro… sperând să scoată și ceva profit. A crew of car lovers at a garage in the Rocky ...

Diagnosis (2019)

3.22K Views0 Comments

Într-un serial documentar bazat pe articolele ei din ziarul New York Times, dr. Lisa Sanders caută diagnostice pentru boli rare și misterioase.

Who Killed Garrett Phillips? (2019)

2.92K Views0 Comments

On Oct. 24, 2011, 12-year-old Garrett Phillips was murdered in his home in Potsdam, a small town in upstate New York. Police quickly zeroed in on a suspect in this unthinkable crime: Oral "Nick" Hillary, a black man ...

Basketball or Nothing (2019)

2.64K Views0 Comments

A high school boys basketball team on one of the largest indigenous reservations in America strives for glory.

The Family (2019)

4.27K Views0 Comments

An enigmatic conservative Christian group known as the Family wields enormous influence in Washington, D.C., in pursuit of its global ambitions.

Exhibit A (2019)

3.94K Views0 Comments

Acest serial bazat pe fapte reale arată cum oameni nevinovați au fost închiși prin tehnici criminaliste suspecte și metode ca testele ADN și câinii căutători de cadavre.

Girls Incarcerated (2018)

3.40K Views0 Comments

Girls Incarcerated is an eight-part documentary series that goes behind the scenes at Madison Juvenile Correctional Facility in Indiana, where teenage girls struggle to overcome their troubled pasts and find hope for...

The Alcàsser Murders (2019)

2.99K Views0 Comments

Interviuri noi și dovezi aduse la zi pun în lumină uciderea a trei fete în 1992 și impactul profund asupra poporului spaniol.

Killer Ratings (2019)

3.08K Views0 Comments

Wallace Souza, politician și personalitate TV din Brazilia, e acuzat că s-ar afla în spatele crimelor violente din reportajele sale, contra cărora s-a revoltat public.

The Hot Zone (2019)

11.03K Views0 Comments

Based on the eponymous international bestseller by Richard Preston, The Hot Zone recounts the terrifying true story of the origins of the Ebola virus, a highly infectious, deadly virus from the central African rain f...

What’s My Name: Muhammad Ali (2019)

2.56K Views0 Comments

 What's My Name | Muhammad Ali explores Ali's challenges, confrontations, comebacks and triumphs through recordings of his own voice. The two-part documentary paints an intimate portrait of a man who was a beacon of...

Disney Gallery / Star Wars: The Mandalorian

5.29K Views0 Comments

Executive producer Jon Favreau invites the cast and crew of The Mandalorian to share an unprecedented look at the making of the series. Each chapter explores a different facet of the first live-action Star Wars telev...

Street Food (2019)

3.19K Views0 Comments

 Embark on a global cultural journey into street food and discover the stories of the people who create the flavorful dishes.

Our Planet (2019)

5.25K Views0 Comments

 The ambitious four-year project has been filmed in 50 countries across all the continents of the world, with over 600 members of crew capturing more than three and a half thousand filming days, and will focus on th...

Vai Anitta (2019)

2.86K Views0 Comments

 Go behind the scenes with Brazilian superstar Anitta as the singer reveals how she's consolidating her international career.

The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann (2019)

4.72K Views0 Comments

 The documentary takes a detailed look at the disappearance of 3-year-old Madeleine McCann, who vanished while on holiday with her family.

The Case Against Adnan Syed (2019)

3.17K Views0 Comments

 Popularized by the podcast, "Serial," the ongoing story of Adnan Syed who was convicted of murdering a high school student.

Losers (2019)

4.20K Views0 Comments

 In a "winning is everything" society, how do we handle failure? Using sports as its guide, this documentary series examines the psychology of losing.

Leaving Neverland (2019)

7.57K Views0 Comments

 At the height of his stardom Michael Jackson began long-running relationships with two boys, aged 7 and 10, and their families. Now in their 30s, they tell the story of how they were sexually abused by Jackson, and...

The Story of Us with Morgan Freeman (2017)

3.30K Views0 Comments

 Why do some people rise to power and others do not? Why do we fall in love - not just with romantic partners but with friends and strangers? How has our need to share beliefs built human culture? National Geographi...

Larry Charles’ Dangerous World of Comedy (2019)

3.07K Views0 Comments

 Scenaristul și regizorul de comedii Larry Charles bate lumea, căutând umorul în cele mai neobișnuite, neașteptate și periculoase locuri.

Conversations With A Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes (2019)

4.87K Views0 Comments

 Conversations with a Killer, from Emmy winner Joe Berlinger (Paradise Lost), will feature previously unheard audio of interviews with Bundy while he was on death row in Florida. The four-episode series will also de...

Valley of the Boom (2019)

4.76K Views0 Comments

 The insanely true story of the epic browser wars told by the really smart people who were there. This mostly scripted series weaves in documentary elements that help tell the true inside story of the Internet's for...

Surviving R. Kelly (2019)

3.81K Views3 Comments

 Celebrated as one of the greatest R&B singers of all time, R. Kelly's genre defining career and playboy lifestyle has been riddled with rumors of abuse, predatory behavior, and pedophilia. Despite damning evidence ...

Hot Girls Wanted: Turned On (2018)

5.90K Views0 Comments

Porn has gone mainstream; the question is, can we handle it? This exploration of the intersection of sex and technology is told through the stories of the people whose lives are defined by the current explosion of in...

Dynasties (2019)

4.42K Views0 Comments

Each episode of Dynasty follows individual animals - lions, hunting dogs, chimpanzees, tigers, and emperor penguins - at the most critical period in their lives. Each is a ruler - a leader of their family, their troop...