The Confession Killer (2019)

3.66K Views0 Comments

Henry Lee Lucas a devenit cunoscut când a mărturisit că este autorul a sute de crime nerezolvate. Acest serial documentar cercetează adevărul și urmările înfiorătoare.

The Movies That Made Us (2019)

2.51K Views0 Comments

Aceste blockbustere ne-au oferit clipe de neuitat împreună. Hai să-i cunoști pe actorii, regizorii și profesioniștii industriei cinematografice din spatele cortinei.

Broken (2019)

5.75K Views0 Comments

Semnat de creatorii serialelor apreciate de critici „Putreziciune” și „Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown”, noul serial documentar de investigație marca Netflix, intitulat Un sistem corupt: Societatea de consum scoate ...

Narcoworld: Dope Stories (2019)

4.61K Views0 Comments

Urmărește conflictul dintre polițiști și narcotraficanți, în încercarea acestora de a se întrece unii pe alții în diferite colțuri ale lumii.

Highway to Hell (2019)

4.08K Views0 Comments

They say most homicide victims know their killer. But on the open road, your killer might just be someone you've yet to meet. America's highways are its arteries all 160,000 miles of them. But take a look around. How...

Witches: A Century of Murder

8.24K Views0 Comments

Four hundred years ago, hundreds of innocent people were killed as an obsession to stamp out Satanism swept the British Isles. Dr Suzannah Lipscomb investigates the events of this dark period in our history.

The World According to Jeff Goldblum

2.44K Views0 Comments

The World According to Jeff Goldblum is a series told through the prism of Goldblum's inquisitive and entertaining mind, with each episode centered around something we all love - like sneakers or ice cream - as he pu...

The Imagineering Story (2019)

2.85K Views0 Comments

Creating happiness is hard work. This six-hour saga by Academy Award nominated director, Leslie Iwerks, chronicles the sixty-seven year history of Walt Disney Imagineering, a place best described as equal parts artis...

Maradona in Mexico (2019)

4.16K Views0 Comments

În acest serial documentar, magnificul Diego Maradona ajunge în Culiacán, căminul cartelului Sinaloa, pentru a salva echipa locală Dorados. Poate și pe el însuși.

Kings of pain (2019)

4.40K Views0 Comments

"Kings of Pain" follows wildlife biologist Adam Thorn and professional animal handler Rob "Caveman" Alleva as they get bit and stung by some of the most dangerous animals and vicious stinging insects in the world - f...

The Devil Next Door (2019)

6.35K Views0 Comments

A Cleveland grandfather is brought to trial in Israel, accused of being the infamous Nazi death camp guard known as Ivan the Terrible.

Killer Siblings (2019)

4.69K Views1 Comments

Killer Siblings tells the twisted stories of some of the most maniacal siblings in history. Through exclusive interviews and firsthand accounts, the series will delve into the evil minds of siblings who partnered tog...

Seven Worlds, One Planet (2019)

4.98K Views0 Comments

Narrated by Emmy®-winner Sir David Attenborough, One Planet, Seven Worlds (w/t) is a brand new ambitious seven-part landmark nature docu-series. Each one-hour episode will transport viewers to a single continent and ...

Leavenworth (2019)

2.38K Views0 Comments

"Leavenworth" is centered on Clint Lorance, who's serving a 19-year sentence for murder at The United States Penitentiary, Leavenworth. While deployed in Afghanistan in July 2012, the former lieutenant ordered fire o...

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner (2019)

2.20K Views0 Comments

Chef David Chang pornește la drum cu insațiabila sa curiozitate despre gastronomie, cultură și identitate, în compania convivială și amuzantă a celebrilor săi invitați.

Lost Gold

2.90K Views0 Comments

Brothers Josh and Jesse Feldman head into the rugged desert of southeast Arizona to track the history of a legendary Apache chief said to have buried two strongboxes of gold somewhere in the region's imposing mountai...

Unnatural Selection (2019)

3.74K Views0 Comments

DNA, the very essence of life, can now be altered. Not only by Harvard geneticists and multi-billion dollar corporations, but also by renegade biohackers working out of their garages.

Cartel Crew

3.73K Views0 Comments

The sons and daughters of cartel members give a glimpse into their personal lives as they navigate adulthood and the effects of their family legacies. This docuseries follows their journeys as they set out to live le...

Ghost Adventures: Serial Killer Spirits

8.09K Views0 Comments

Investigates the Haunts of America's Most Notorious Serial Killers.

Gold Rush

19.82K Views2 Comments

In the face of the economic meltdown, six men will risk everything to strike it rich mining for gold in the wilds of Alaska.

Ghost Nation (2019)

3.03K Views0 Comments

Each week on "Ghost Nation," the team will rally their troops and reconnoiter around the most intriguing cases that need the benefit of their expertise. Armed with state-of-the-art technology, Hawes, Gonsalves and Ta...

Murder in the Bayou (2019)

4.02K Views0 Comments

Investigators attempt to get to the bottom of eight unsolved murders of women whose bodies were discovered between 2005 and 2009 in drainage canals and on desolate back roads in and around the town of Jennings, Louis...

Untold Stories of Hip Hop (2019)

2.18K Views0 Comments

Featuring never-before-told tales from the biggest names in hip hop, hosted by the foremost radio personality in hip hop, Angie Martinez.

Witches of Salem (2019)

4.10K Views0 Comments

During the cold winter of 1692, a group of girls in Salem Village began exhibiting strange, disturbing behavior. Over the ensuing weeks, they accused three local women of witchcraft, setting in motion a massive witch...

The American West (2016)

5.25K Views0 Comments

The series featuring exclusive interviews with notable names from classic Western films, chronicles the personal, little-known stories of Western legends such as Jesse James, Billy the Kid, Wyatt Earp, Crazy Horse an...

Random Acts of Flyness (2018)

8.59K Views0 Comments

Noul serial al cineastului/artistului/muzicianului Terence Nance prezintă o privire subversivă asupra vieții americane contemporane sub forma unor scurte scene în care joacă actori tineri și consacrați.

Inside Bill’s Brain: Decoding Bill Gates

2.71K Views0 Comments

Faceți o călătorie în mintea miliardarului Bill Gates care ne povestește despre persoanele care l-au influențat și despre obiectivele îndrăznețe pe care le are în vizor.

Fastest Car (2018)

3.01K Views0 Comments

Șoferii supermașinilor exotice își demonstrează credibilitatea împotriva unor mașini obișnuite, tunate de adevărații mecanici.

Sunderland ‘Til I Die (2018)

2.89K Views0 Comments

Acest serial documentar urmărește parcursul clubului englezesc de fotbal Sunderland în sezonul 2017-18 și încercarea de a-și reveni după retrogradarea din Premier League.

Examination of Conscience (2019)

2.61K Views0 Comments

Acuzațiile de pedofilie din instituțiile catolice spaniole sunt analizate în interviuri cu victime, membri ai clerului, ziariști și alți experți.

7 Days Out (2018)

2.30K Views0 Comments

Trăiți dramatismul și entuziasmul din culise, în ultimele 7 zile de pregătire a unor mari evenimente live în lumea sportului, modei, explorării spațiului și gastronomiei.

Presidents at War (2019)

2.16K Views0 Comments

Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. This is the story of how their war experiences change them, how they emerge from...