Sezonul 2 Episodul 6
Ultimele Episoade Adaugate
Washington (2020)
3.91K Views0 Comments
The story of how a fatherless young soldier full of personal ambition becomes a leader of men willing to sacrifice all for the common cause. How a once-loyal British subject rises to battle an empire in a liberty-or-...
The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez (2020)
2.60K Views0 Comments
După ce un băiat este ucis, tutorii și asistenții sociali sunt judecați într-un proces care ridică întrebări cu privire la sistem și la protecția copiilor vulnerabili.
Babies (2020)
2.87K Views1 Comments
Înclinații înnăscute sau dobândite? Acest serial documentar explorează faptele științifice care stau la baza modului în care bebelușii descoperă viața în primul lor an.
Visible: Out On Television (2020)
2.78K Views0 Comments
Explore the history of the LGBTQ movement through the lens of TV in this five-part docuseries. Combining archival footage with new interviews, it looks at homophobia, invisibility, the evolution of LGBTQ characters, ...
Rooted (2018)
3.19K Views0 Comments
Rooted is the story of five iconic trees in found in a Southern Africa. Each tree is located in a completely unique habitat, and hosts, feeds and shelters an array of insects, birds and animals in the bows of its bra...
Who Killed Malcolm X? (2019)
2.86K Views0 Comments
În numele dreptății, un activist pornește într-o misiune complexă de căutare a adevărului, la zeci de ani de la asasinarea liderului afro-american Malcolm X.
The Pharmacist (2020)
3.19K Views0 Comments
După moartea tragică a fiului său, un farmacist din Louisiana recurge la măsuri extreme pentru a scoate la iveală corupția dezlănțuită din spatele crizei opioidelor.
McMillions (2020)
6.25K Views0 Comments
McMillions chronicling the stranger-than-fiction story of an ex-cop turned security auditor who rigged the McDonald's Monopoly game promotion for a decade, stealing millions of dollars and building a vast network of ...
Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation
4.69K Views0 Comments
Unidentified: Inside America's UFO Investigation revealing newly authenticated evidence and footage, interviews from eyewitnesses and former military personnel who have never spoken out before and extensive breakthr...
Justin Bieber: Seasons (2020)
3.15K Views1 Comments
An intimate behind-the-scenes look at Justin Bieber's private life, including never-before-seen footage of his wedding to Hailey Bieber and his day-to-day alongside those in his inner circle.
Born in Africa (2020)
2.57K Views0 Comments
We will be able to follow each stage of these cute little fluff balls growing up. We'll witness their first steps out in the wild, nursing moments, being educated whether collectively or among siblings.
The Pyramid Code (2009)
4.97K Views0 Comments
This is a documentary series of 5 episodes that explores the pyramid fields and ancient temples in Egypt as well as ancient megalithic sites around the world looking for clues to matriarchal consciousness, ancient k...
Mums Make Porn (2019)
48.89K Views0 Comments
Five women make a sex film addressing the issues that matter most to them.
Porn Laid Bare (2019)
34.69K Views0 Comments
Six people with differing attitudes to pornography spend two weeks inside Spain's adult film industry, exploring the impact of porn on their lives, on society and on the performers.
Ted Bundy: Falling for a Killer (2020)
3.86K Views0 Comments
After nearly 40 years of silence, Elizabeth Kloepfer and her daughter Molly share their experiences with unsettling new details about Ted Bundy.
Night on Earth (2020)
2.57K Views0 Comments
Noua tehnologie din acest serial despre natură ridică a nopții cortină și ne arată viața ascunsă a creaturilor lumii, de la lei care vânează până la lilieci în zbor.
Generation Porn (2019)
5.96K Views0 Comments
Generation Porn meets the people who make porn and people who watch it, to explore the impact of the free porn revolution.
The Goop Lab with Gwyneth Paltrow (2020)
4.25K Views0 Comments
Mânată de curiozitate, Gwyneth Paltrow și echipa goop discută despre psihedelice, energoterapie și alte subiecte incitante despre sănătate.
Rise of Empires: Ottoman (2020)
21.41K Views1 Comments
Netflix prezintă captivantul documentar dramatic intitulat Ascensiunea imperiilor: Otomanii. Netflix, liderul internațional în servicii de divertisment, dezvăluie primele detalii ale noului documentar dramatic intit...
Pandemic: How to Prevent an Outbreak (2020)
4.30K Views0 Comments
În acest serial documentar vei cunoaște eroii din prima linie a luptei împotriva gripei și vei afla despre eforturile lor de a împiedica o viitoare epidemie mondială.
Pe Platourile de filmare / Hollywood on Set
2.20K Views0 Comments
În fiecare săptămână, emisiunea „Pe platourile de filmare” prezintă trei filme importante, aflate în producție, prezentând imagini de pe platou, din spatele camerelor de filmat și interviuri cu actorii și creatorii l...
Lost Gold of World War II (2019)
3.72K Views0 Comments
It is the last great mystery of WWII. In the closing months of the war, legend has it that the Japanese buried something of immense value deep in the Philippine jungle. The official story is that it is treasure and g...
Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez (2020)
3.72K Views0 Comments
Tânăr fotbalist talentat din Bristol, Connecticut, Aaron Hernandez și-a valorificat rapid darul, jucând în cadrul programului unei universități de top, înainte de a fi recrutat în National Football League, la vârsta ...
Cheer (2020)
2.86K Views0 Comments
Acest serial documentar palpitant urmărește strădaniile echipei de majorete sportive de la Colegiul Navarro pentru a câștiga un titlu național foarte disputat.
Sex, Explained (2020)
5.06K Views0 Comments
From the biology of attraction to the history of birth control, explore the ins and outs of sex in this entertaining and enlightening series.
The Interrogator (2019)
5.75K Views0 Comments
The Interrogator recounts some of the most hypnotic cases from the files of Houston Homicide Detective Fil Waters who uses his charm, intellect, and down-home Texas style to get his prime suspect to lower his guard a...
Kevin Hart: Don’t F**k This Up (2019)
3.27K Views0 Comments
Și-a clădit cariera acceptând imperfecțiunile. Însă controversele impun eforturi pentru a readuce lucrurile la normal.
Jailbirds (2019)
3.95K Views0 Comments
În închisoarea districtuală din Sacramento, femeile se luptă între ele și cu conducerea, în timp ce încearcă să-și ducă viața cât se poate mai bine în spatele gratiilor.
Trending Fear (2019)
4.04K Views1 Comments
In 2017 Adam Ellis captured the image of a ghost child in his New York City apartment documenting his haunting on social media under the hashtag DearDavid. Now Adam and two of his friends are on a mission to help oth...
Don’t F**k With Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer
2.87K Views0 Comments
Videoclipurile înfiorătoare ale unui criminal dement determină un grup de detectivi amatori online să lanseze o urmărire riscantă care îi aruncă într-o lume întunecată.
Behind Bars: Women Inside (2019)
3.50K Views4 Comments
The life of women inmates in any prison is fraught with complications. It is indeed a fight for survival. For instance, have you wondered what happens when a woman becomes pregnant while serving her sentence? Well, l...
Taken At Birth (2019)
4.28K Views0 Comments
An investigative team looks into the mysteries behind the case of Dr. Thomas Hicks, who sold babies illegally from his clinic in the 1950s and 1960s, as the "Hicks Babies" begin to reunite to search for answers.