The Mandalorian (2019)

292.42K Views69 Comments

Star Wars presents: The Mandalorian - The travails of a lone gunfighter in the outer reaches of the galaxy, far from the authority of the New Republic.

Green Eggs and Ham (2019)

3.31K Views0 Comments

Gala Zilei Snerț pregătește scena pentru un sfârșit surprinzător, plin de răsturnări de situație și cu o dovadă înduioșătoare de prietenie adevărată.


37.95K Views1 Comments

În octombrie 1989, o ploaie de meteoriţi loveşte Pământul şi distruge aproape în totalitate oraşul Smallville. Această întâmplare le aduce lui Johnathan şi Marthei ceea ce şi-au dorit dintotdeauna: un fiu (Clark). Bă...

His Dark Materials (2019)

31.61K Views0 Comments

Serialul o are drept protagonistă pe Lyra, o fată curajoasă, dintr-o altă lume. Aflată în căutarea unui prieten răpit, ea descoperă un complot sinistru și încearcă să înțeleagă un fenomen misterios numit Praf. ...

Ghostwriter (2019)

5.13K Views2 Comments

When a ghost haunts a neighborhood bookstore and starts releasing fictional characters into the real world, four kids must team up to solve an exciting mystery surrounding the ghost's unfinished business.

Avatar: The Last Airbender

19.99K Views0 Comments

Dupa ce Natiunile Apei, Pamantului si Aerului sunt amenintate de dominatia ostila a Natiunii Focului, un baietel nonconformist si iresponsabil trebuie sa-si ia in maini destinul de a fi Avatar, Alesul, cel care poate...

Gold Rush

19.80K Views2 Comments

In the face of the economic meltdown, six men will risk everything to strike it rich mining for gold in the wilds of Alaska.

Primal (2019)

8.07K Views1 Comments

Primal is about the unlikely friendship between a dinosaur on the brink his species' extinction, and a caveman at the dawn of his species' evolution, who become each other's only hope for survival in a primitive land...

Psi Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal

7.32K Views1 Comments

These stories are inspired by the actual case files of the Office of Scientific Investigation and Research.

El Dragón: Return of a Warrior (The Dragon)

63.64K Views5 Comments

Pentru a-și înlocui bunicul la cârma unui cartel, un finanțist din Tokyo revine acasă, în Mexic, și trebuie să se lupte cu doi rivali pentru a câștiga puterea.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)

69.67K Views12 Comments

Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi și ceilalți cavaleri Jedi ajută Republica în lupta cu inamicii separatiști care vor să controleze galaxia.

The Thorn Birds (1983)

5.03K Views0 Comments

Set primarily on Drogheda, a fictional sheep station in the Australian outback, the story focuses on three generations of the Cleary Family and spans the years 1920 to 1962.

Bard of Blood (2019)

6.88K Views0 Comments

Revenind pentru o misiune neautorizată de salvare de ostatici, la ani după o acțiune dezastruoasă în Balochistan, un fost spion indian se confruntă cu propriul trecut.

Dragons: Rescue Riders (2019)

4.05K Views0 Comments

Alături de prietenii lor dragoni, gemenii Dak și Leyla trăiesc viața din plin, salvându-i pe ceilalți, apărându-și satul Huttsgalor și distrându-se cu fiecare peripeție.

Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress The Battle of Unato

5.46K Views2 Comments

Ikoma și Fortăreața de Fier își duc lupta pe pământurile din Unato, alăturându-se alianței pentru a-și recupera ținutul din mâna hoardei kabane.

Survivor (2000)

27.70K Views17 Comments

The rules of this game are simple: eighteen average Americans are abandoned in the middle of some of the most unforgiving places on earth. Divided into teams, they participate in challenges and every three days, the ...

The I-Land (2019)

16.66K Views1 Comments

Un grup de străini a căror memorie a fost ștearsă este blocat pe o insulă unde trebuie să lupte pentru a face față realității dure.

Birds of Prey (2002)

11.28K Views1 Comments

Legend tells of a caped crusader, Batman, guardian of New Gotham, and his one true love, Catwoman, the queen of the criminal underworld. Their passion left behind something extraordinary, a daughter, Huntress. Half m...

Ms Fisher’s Modern Murder Mysteries (2019)

3.49K Views0 Comments

Set in Melbourne in the 1960s, Ms Fisher's MODern Murder Mysteries revolves around the personal and professional life of Peregrine Fisher, who inherits a fortune when the famous aunt she never knew goes missing over ...

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (2019)

6.48K Views0 Comments

În timp ce stăpâni dornici de putere vor să lase fără viață planeta Thra, mai mulți gelflingi curajoși se unesc pentru a-și salva lumea de întuneric. The 10-episode fantasy adventure series is a prequel to the ground...

Cannon Busters (2019)

4.95K Views0 Comments

Renegatul nemuritor Philly Puștanul și Cadillacul său mutant se alătură unui robot-prieten cu un optimism incurabil și pornesc în căutarea unui prinț dispărut.

7 Seeds (2019)

7.00K Views0 Comments

When a giant meteorite strikes Earth, the 7 Seeds program activates. Five groups of seven people are now the last survivors of humanity.

Blood & Treasure (2019)

15.90K Views0 Comments

Blood & Treasure centers on a brilliant antiquities expert and a cunning art thief who team up to catch a ruthless terrorist who funds his attacks through stolen treasure. As they crisscross the globe hunting their t...

Grisse (2018)

14.81K Views0 Comments

 Set in the mid 1800's within the colonial period of the Dutch East Indies, the series chronicles the story of a group of unlikely individuals who lead a rebellion against a brutal governor and suddenly find themsel...

8 Days (8 Tage) (2019)

6.13K Views5 Comments

 Eight Days left. A 60 kilometer wide meteor is on collision course with Earth. The anticipated strike zone is right in the middle of Europe. Estimated survival rate: Zero. The United States try to knock the met...

Carmen Sandiego (2019)

6.14K Views0 Comments

 Carmen Sandiego returns in this series that follows her new international capers as well as past escapades that led to her becoming a super thief.

Young Justice (2010)

34.57K Views14 Comments

 Based on the comic series of the same name, Young Justice will follow the adventures of the teenage superhero sidekicks Aqualad (the team leader, approximately age 15 or 16), Robin (age 13), Kid Flash (age 15), Sup...

Bloom (2019)

7.06K Views2 Comments

 Bloom is a mystery drama about the scarcity of time and the choices we make. Beyond the impulses of youth and the regrets of age lies a secret. One year after a devastating flood kills five locals in an idyllic ...

3Below: Tales of Arcadia (2018)

5.61K Views0 Comments

A pair of teenage royals and their bodyguard escape from their home planet and try to blend in on Earth.

Nowhere Boys (2013)

9.51K Views2 Comments

This fantasy action-adventure series follows four teenage boys who get lost in the forest and discover, when they return home, that they are in an alternate world identical to theirs except for one startling differenc...

Nightflyers (2018)

19.37K Views0 Comments

Nightflyers tells the story of the crew of The Nightflyer, the most highly advanced ship in the galaxy, that must track down and intercept an alien spacecraft before Earth and humanity as we know it is annihilated. T...

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018)

10.39K Views4 Comments

She-Ra and the Princesses of Power is the story of an orphan named Adora, who leaves behind her former life in the evil Horde when she discovers a magic sword that transforms her into the mythical warrior princess She...