Mech Cadets (2023)

879 Views0 Comments

An underdog teen joins a group of young Cadets who've been chosen to bond with Robo Mechs from space and defend Earth against alien invaders.

My Happy Marriage (2023)

2.35K Views0 Comments

Miyo's abusive family deems her worthless – but together with her powerful husband-to-be, her true self and hidden powers slowly begin to shine. Born to a noble family, Miyo is raised by her abusive stepmother and ma...

Synduality: Noir (Shindyuariti: Noir) (2023)

2.15K Views1 Comments

The year is 2242. Kanata wants to be a Drifter and meets Noir, who is a dud Magus with no memories. However, because Noir excels in battle against the Enders, Kanata partners with her and discovers exactly what it ta...

Praise Petey (2023)

806 Views0 Comments

Petey is a New York City “it” girl who has it all until her life comes crashing down around her. As luck would have it, a mysterious gift from her father gives her a new lease on life: she’s going to “lean into” mode...

Futurama (1999)

2.04K Views0 Comments

The adventures of a late-20th-century New York City pizza delivery boy, Philip J. Fry, who, after being unwittingly cryogenically frozen for one thousand years, finds employment at Planet Express, an interplanetary d...

My Adventures with Superman (2023)

3.23K Views1 Comments

Twenty-somethings Clark Kent, the bright and driven Lois Lane, and their best friend Jimmy Olsen begin to discover who they are and everything they can accomplish together as an investigative reporting team at the Da...

Kizazi Moto: Generation Fire (2023)

879 Views0 Comments

This animated anthology brings together a new wave of animation stars to take you on a wildly entertaining ride into Africa's future. Inspired by the continent's diverse histories and cultures, these action-packed sc...

Supa Team 4 (2023)

558 Views0 Comments

Four teens are just trying to survive secondary school when an ex-spy recruits them for her superhero team. Their newest assignment? Saving the world.

Ōoku: The Inner Chambers (2023)

1.14K Views0 Comments

In an alternate history where the male population is nearly decimated, eligible men serve as concubines to the woman shogun inside the walls of the Ooku.

Skull Island (2023)

1.97K Views0 Comments

Shipwrecked in the South Pacific, a group of explorers encounter a menagerie of fearsome creatures — including the giant ape who rules the island: Kong.

This World Can’t Tear Me Down (2023)

961 Views0 Comments

When an old friend returns to the neighborhood, Zerocalcare wants to help him find his place back in the world. But what's the right thing to do?

Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai (2023)

879 Views0 Comments

Set in 1920s Shanghai, the series tells the story of how 10-year-old Sam Wing (future shop owner Mr. Wing in the 1984 movie) met the young Mogwai called Gizmo. Along with a teenage street thief named Elle, Sam and Gi...

Clone High (2023)

1.41K Views0 Comments

After a high school that was secretly being run as an elaborate military experiment to clone the greatest minds in history was put on ice, the clones have been thawed out 20 years later to resume the experiment with ...

Dead Mount Death Play (2023)

1.65K Views0 Comments

It's a showdown for the ages as the legendary hero takes on the corpse god necromancer, but when the dust settles, something isn't quite right... In the final moments of their epic confrontation, the corpse god's fin...

Kitti Katz (2023)

772 Views0 Comments

Three teenage girls transform into fierce feline superheroes to save the world from an evil Egyptian goddess — and still have time for soccer practice.

Yakitori: Soldiers of Misfortune (2023)

1.07K Views0 Comments

With Earth colonized by a superior alien civilization, Akira's only chance at a better future is to enlist as an expendable Yakitori foot soldier.

Mulligan (2023)

916 Views0 Comments

After Earth is destroyed by an alien attack, a rag-tag band of survivors has to start society over from scratch. It's an opportunity to learn from humanity's past mistakes and get things right this time. Or make the ...

Gardienii Padurii – Spirit Rangers (2022)

1.01K Views0 Comments

A fantasy-adventure preschool series following Native American sibling trio Kodiak, Summer and Eddy Skycedar, who have a shared secret—they’re “Spirit Rangers!” Spirit Rangers can transform into their own animal spir...

Unicorn: Warriors Eternal (2023)

1.24K Views0 Comments

An evil force is looming across the dark, thick-aired streets of industrial revolution London when a group of heroes dubbed Unicorn are accidentally reawakened in the bodies of teenagers instead of adult hosts they’v...

Larva Family (2023)

893 Views0 Comments

Familia larvelor crește! După ce în viața lor apare un pui de omidă, Roșu și Galben sunt nevoiți să învețe rapid să fie părinți și să se descurce în noile condiții.

Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures (2023)

1.20K Views0 Comments

Set during the High Republic era and the prime of the Jedi Order, follow Jedi younglings as they study the ways of the Force, explore the galaxy, help citizens and creatures in need, and learn valuable skills needed ...

Fired on Mars (2023)

1.34K Views0 Comments

After taking a one-way trip to the Red Planet, graphic designer Jeff Cooper finds himself adrift when his bosses unceremoniously eliminate his role.

Kaminaki Sekai no Kamisama Katsudou / KamiKatsu: Working for God in a Godless World

1.65K Views0 Comments

Tatăl lui Yukito este liderul unui cult. După ce este sacrificat, el se reîncarnează într-o altă lume în care religia nu există și cărțile porno se aseamănă cu mâzgâliturile unui copil. El găsește că este și o lume...

Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu / The Dangers in My Heart (2023)

2.26K Views2 Comments

Kyoutaro Ichikawa poate arată ca un elev normal de gimnaziu, dar în inima lui visează la crimă. Totuși, spre neașteptarea voastră, ținta asasinării sale este chiar colega sa, Anna Yamada.

Aiyou de Mishi / Aiyou’s Secret Room X&Y (2023)

998 Views0 Comments

Yan Yuechu returned to his hometown to work and made new friends at his workplace. One day, he went to XY Escape Room and found himself deeply attracted to the proprietor, Xu Aiyou. However, that was when he started ...


10.52K Views0 Comments

Tânărul și neajutoratul Mash Burnedead este considerat de către toți ceilalți din lumea sa dominată de magie o amenințare a geneticii ce trebuie eliminată. Trăind în secret în pădure, își petrece fiecare zi antrenând...

Opus.COLORs (2023)

1.05K Views0 Comments

Ce culoare are lumea în care trăiești? Arta percepției există în lumea artei de aproximativ 10 ani, iar acum face parte din viața oamenilor. Yamanashi Kazuya, fiul familiei Yamanashi, s-a înscris recent la prestigioa...

Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Bakuen wo! / KonoSuba: An Explosion on This Wonderful World!

860 Views0 Comments

Megumin și Yunyun sunt în fruntea clasei lor, dar mai au multe de învățat. Yunyun a început să învețe magie avansată, dar Megumin a mers pe o altă cale... calea magiei exploziilor! În ciuda faptului că a fost avertiz...

Isekai Shoukan wa Nidome desu / Summoned to Another World for a Second Time

1.79K Views0 Comments

A fost odată un om care a fost chemat într-o altă lume și a salvat-o. Bineînțeles, a devenit prea popular acolo și s-a transformat într-un personaj normal dintr-un isekai. Cu toate astea, acesta a căzut într-o „capca...

Otonari ni Ginga / A Galaxy Next Door

1.17K Views0 Comments

De când a murit tatăl lor, Ichirou Kuga s-a străduit să-și susțină cei doi frați mai mici doar cu o mică moștenire și pasiunea sa de a desena manga, devenind tot mai greu să țină pasul cu responsabilitățile crescânde...

Watashi no Yuri wa Oshigoto desu! / Yuri is My Job!

997 Views0 Comments

Viața pare promițătoare pentru Hime Shiraki, o fată cu note bune, o reputație impecabilă și o față drăguță pentru a completa totul. Atâta timp cât își poate menține fațada perfectă, ea își va putea îndeplini visul: s...

Isekai de Cheat Skill wo Te ni Shita Ore wa, Genjitsu Sekai wo mo Musou Suru: Level Up wa Jinsei wo Kaeta / I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in The Real World, Too (Iseleve))

3.36K Views0 Comments

O ușă misterioasă stă deschisă, invitându-l pe un băiat care a fost agresat toată viața lui să facă un pas curajos spre necunoscut. De cealaltă parte, el găsește un tezaur de artefacte neprețuite și o lume la fel de ...