Poldark - Sezonul 4 Episodul 2



The Poldarks determine to get their relationship back on track and the Enyses announce they’re with child.Hugh’s worsening health threatens his chance to stand in the election however, and the prospect of him remaining in Cornwall adds pressure to the Poldark’s fragile marriage. At the Sawle Feast, Tom Harry challenges Sam to a wrestling match. When Emma offers herself as the prize, Sam accepts.To everyone’s horror Hugh continues to worsen and remains unfit to stand in the election. Falmouth offers the candidacy to Ross but will he accept?

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  • Giubernea Gheorghe 6 ani ago

    Cred ca ar fi benefic pentru noi -ca beneficiari si Dtra. ca administratori-sa prezentati subtitrarile intr-un tim rezonabil nu ca in cazul episodului 2/sz.4 s.a.Este cazul sa ne aratati putin respect cel putin egal cu cel pe care vi-l aratam noi .Sa aveti o zi cat mai buna .

    • Admin 6 ani ago

      Cu tot respectul, nu noi facem subtitrarile. Daca aveti nemultumiri de cat de repede decurg lucrurile, va invit pe site-urile de specialitate (subs.ro etc) si sa va plangeti la ei despre acest aspect.